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EAA Sport Aviation INDEX - 1980's

    JANUARY 1980                


2      Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny
5      Letters To The Editor  
6      Hot Line From Headquarters  
10     Oshkosh Countdown 
14     New Additions To EAA Air Museum Foundation Collection by Gene R. Chase 
17     What About Volkswagen Conversions? Part Two,.. by Rex E.Taylor
22     Craftsman's Corner. . . by Ron Scott 
24     The Ritz Standard., . by Jack Cox  
28     Sylkie One. . . by Wayne F. Barton  
36     What Our Members Are Building
38     Calendar Of Events 
39     EAA Tullahoma'79.. . by Jack Cox
56     The Sportplane Builder. ., by Antoni Bingelis
60     Chapters In Action . . . by Ron Scott 
91     Washington Report... by David Scott

   FEBRUARY 1980              


2      Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny
5      Letters To The Editor  
6      Hot Line From Headquarters  
10     Oshkosh Countdown
12     Introducing... Airguide I And Airguide II - A Modular Electro 
        Autopilot System For Homebuilt Airplanes... by Don Hewes
17     Acro Sport Plans Change  
17     Calendar Of Events 
18     Craftsman's Corner. . . by Ron Scoll  
20     Chapters In Action... by Ron Scoll 
22     The Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis
26     Introducing... The U. S. Aerobatic Team
27     World Aerobatics'80
28     Czechmate! ... by Jack Cox 
34     Tale Of The Three EZ's... by Burl Rutan 
40     Pardon My Accent... by Jan Chrislie        
43     Al Backstrom's Flying Plank .. . by Al Backstrom   
51     Involvement'80
52     What Our Members Are Building
54     Wee Bee Rein carnated . . . by Jack Cox   
58     What About Volkswagen Conversions    by'Rex'E.Taylor   
91     Washington Report.. . by David Scott

   MARCH 1980                 


2      Homebuilder's Corner. .. by Paul Poberezny  
5      Letters To The Editor 
6      Hot Line From Headquarters  
10     World Aerobatics'80
12     Oshkosh Countdown... by Tom Poberezny  
13     Involvement'80
14     What About Volkswagen Conversions?... by Rex E. TayLor
18     Dave Blanton's Dynamometer,., by Jack Cox 
20     Thereby Hangs The Tail .,. by Molt Taylor
23     Calendar Of Events 
24     Merganser. , . by Peter D. VanDine 
28     Travel Air 12Q . . . by Al Kelch 
36     What Our Members Are Building
38     RV-3 ... x4  . . by Ralph Seeley  
40     The Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis
45     Zenith Float Plane. .. by Red Morris
48     Craftsman's Corner. .. by Jerry D. Russell
50     Chapters In Action . . . by Bruce H. Carmichael
52     Performance Testing A 30 Cubic Inch Bourke Engine by J. David Kirk 
61     "Der Krickets" Are Here... by CyriL B. Smith 
91     Washington Report... by David Scott               

    APRIL 1980                    

2     Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny 
5     Letters To The Editor  
6     Hot Line From Headquarters  
10    Oshkosh Countdown. .. by Tom Poberezny  
11    Involvement'80
12    Pardon My Accent... by Jan Christie
14    Chapters In Action ... by Chuck Larsen 
16    Solo Record Broken... Again... by Jack Cox
18    Museum News . . . by George Hardie, Jr.  
20    Craftsman's Corner... by Ed Yung
22    What About Volksvvagen Conversions?... by Rex E. Taylor
27    Will Pieper's Sidewinder... by W. R. Pieper
30    New Developments'Quickie... by Tom Jewett 
33    Testing, Testing, Testing... by B. J. Schramm 
36    Kawasaki Engine Update. . . by M. B.( Molt) Taylor
40    A New Shoestring . . . by Landis Ketner 
43    Semper Paratus. . . by Bill Turner
46    Jerry Boggs Super KR-I ... by Jack Cox
50    The Electra Flyer Eagle. . . by Larry Newman  
55    The Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis
58    Scenario - World Aerobatics Championships... by Don BerLiner
62    What Our Members Are Building
64    Calendar Of Events             
91    Washington Report... by David Scott  

   MAY 1980                


2     Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny  
4     Letters To The Editor  
5     Hot Line From Headquarters  
10    Oshkosh Countdown
12    What Our Members Are Building
14    The Lowers-Baker-Falck 500 Competition Regulations 
15    Jason Petroelje's Emeraude RG. . . by Jack Cox 
18    World Aerobatics'80 . . . by Don Berliner 
22    Tullahoma'80 
24    Al Bird's Fly Baby . . . by Al Bird               
28    The RV-4 Story. . . by Dick VanGrunsven  
35    How About a Paper Firewall?... by George Mead               
36    Gary Green's Cassutt IIIM . . . by Gary E. Green     
40    Ultralights and Single Surface Wings.. . by George G Spratt
45    Calendar of Events 
47    What About Volkswagen Conversions ? Part'VI  "  " by'Rex'Taylor
51    And You Think You've Got Troubles?? Consider Singapore's
        First Homebuilt. . . by Alan Lowe  
60    Sportplane Builder.. . by Antoni Bingelis  
65    Involvement'80..........    
91    Washington Report..  by David Scott  

ON THE COVER - - - Dick VanGrunsven's new RV-4             

   JUNE 1980                 

2     Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny 
4     Letters To The Editor 
5     Hot Line From Headquarters 
10    Oshkosh Countdown
12    What About Volkswagen Conversions? Part VII... by Rex E. Taylor
16    World Aerobatics '80. . . by Don Berliner
20    The Sportplane Builder. .. by Antoni Bingelis
24    Homebuilt Accident Report
25    Craftsman's Corner... by Chuck Larsen  
26    Gas Spring Canopy Retainers... bv George Mead  
27    Warbird News... bv Pete Parish
28    Warbirds At Lakeland . . . by Gene Chase  
33    EAA Election  
34    What Our Members Are Building
36    Chapters In Action ., . by Jim Campbell
39    Sun'N Fun 1980 . . . by Jack Cox 
54    Mistral .. . by Horst Becker  
58    Pardon My Accent... by Jan Christie  
60    Calendar of Events
64    Initial Approach To Patents . . . by Thomas F. Kirby
91    Washington Report... by David Scott' 

    JULY 1980                   


2      Homebuilder's Corner. .. by PauL Poberezny 
4      Letters To The Editor  
5      Hot Line From Headquarters 
10     Oshkosh Countdown
11     EAA Forums 
13     Craftsman's Corner. .. by Chuck Larsen 
15     World Aerobatics Countdown Begins 
16     Sportplane Builder.. . by Antoni Bingelis 
20     Focke-Wulf 44J... A Stearman It Ain't... by Patrceca T. Groues
27     Jim Younkin's Mystery Ship ... by Jack Cox
36     Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen 
38     Dan Diehl, Nonpareil KR-2 Pilot... by Jack Cox 
40     Monerai . . . by'Gregg Erckson 
46     Wittman Big X Restored . .. by Jack Cox  
52     The Mitchell Wing B-10... by Larry Collier 
57     What About Volkswagen Conversions? Part VIII... by Rex Taylor
64     Involvement '80
91     Washington Report... by David Scott 

      AUGUST 1980


2    Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny
5    Letters To The Editor  
6    Hot Line From Headquarters  
9    World'80 Aerobatics Countdown  
10   Tullahoma'80 
12   Chapters In Action - Compiled by Chuck Larsen 
14   Cloud Dancer.. . by Jack Cox 
16   Fine Tuning The Electro-Fluidic Autopilot.. . by Doug Garner
25   Reflections On Winter Flying . . . by Joe Westen  
27   Randy Hebron's KR-1 ?.. . by Jack Cox  
31   The Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis 
35   What About Volkswagen Conversions? Part IX.
40   Bob Harbord's Fairchild 45... by Jack Cox 
43   The Flying Daffodil ... by Jan Cliristie 
44   Glasair. .. by Tom Hamilton  
52   Chino'80 . . . by Mel Jones  
59   Geschwender Pinto.. . by Jack Cox 
60   Hand-Held 720 Channel Transceiver Debuts at Oshkosh
       by David Gustafson  
61   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen  
62   Homebuilt Accident Report 
64   Calendar of Events
91   Washington Report . . . by David Scott

ON THE COVER . . . The spectacular new Glasair.

 SEPTEMBER 1980               


2    Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny 
4    Letters To The Editor 
5    Hot Line From Headquarters  
10   Tullahoma'80 
12   The Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis 
16   The Micro-Imp, A Design With Logic . . . by Jerry L. Holcomb  
20   What Our Members Are Building
22   Chapters In Action .. . by Chuck Larsen  
24   What About Volkswagen Conversions?, Part X.. . by Rex E. Taylor
27   Low Wing Sonerai . . . by Jack Cox  
32   Introducing the Viking Dragonfly . . . by Bob Walters 
35   Al Hesselgrave's Thunderbird A-I . . . by J. Welden Dupre
36   Craftsman's Corner.. . by Chuck Larsen
37   Super Coot-200. . . by Dave Woodcock  
40   Performance Testing of the Vari-Prop . . . by Tom Jewett 
44   Ryan SCW.. . . by Jack Cox 
49   Pardon My Accent. . . by Jan Christie
51   From Baroness to Duchess . . . by Gail Turner 
56   Low Cost Coverage. . . by Richard F. Geide
59   Exclusive Family Fashion From EAA 
64   Book Review. . . Aerobatics Today  
66   "Razorback" Is Tough . . . But Using It Isn't! 
67   Gossamer Penguin Flies . . . by Jack Cox  
91   Washington Report . . . by David Scott 

John Monnett's low wing Sonerai 2.

     OCTOBER 1980             

2     Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny 
4     Letters To The Editor  
5     Hot Line From Headquarters  
10    Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
12    The Sportplane Builder. .. by Antoni Bingelis
17    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen
18    Shoulder Harnesses Revisited . . . by Dr. Dean M. Hall  
19    Oshkosh'80 
20    Oshkosh  '80 . . . Wild & Wet . . . by Jack Cox  
30    Fred Keller - Grand Champion Builder... by Jack Cox 
38    First Plans-Built Minilmp . . . by Jack Cox 
39    Ultralights At Oshkosh'80 . . . by Jack Cox 
49    Homemade Ammeters and Voltmeters . . . by Jim Weir
52    Frank Marchetti's Grand Champion Avenger. .  by Jack Cox
58    Outstanding New Design - The Dragonfly. . . by Jack Cox  
60    Solving The BD-5 Dilemma . . . by Jack Cox  
68    Oshkosh'80 Awards 
76    Hatz Biplane CB-I . . . by John E. Berend  
79    The 1980 Oshkosh 500 . . . by Aaron L. King, Jr.  
96    Calendar Of Events 
115   Washington Report . . . by David Scott 

 ON THE COVER . . . Fred Keller's Grand Champion VariEze.

   NOVEMBER 1980             


2     Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny
4     Letters To The Editor 
5     Hot Line From Headquarters  
9     Big Number Repartee 
12    The Two Place Quickie Q2.., by Tom Jewett 
16    The Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis
22    Chapters In Action.. . by Chuck Larsen  
24    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen 
27    Oshkosh '80 - Antiques and Classics
28    Aeronca Sedan . .. by Gene Chase  
33    Buhl "Bull Pup" ... by Gene Chase  
38    Ford Fiesta Powered Pietenpol . .. by Jack Cox  
42    Flight Testing Auto Gas At The EAA Flight Test Center
        by Harry Zeisloft 
44    EAA Downunder Celebration Tour,., by Tony Stinson  
47    Tuned Exhaust Systems For Aircraft Engines... by Brien A. Seeley
56    Maynard and Patty Ingalls'Starduster Too... by Jack Cox
61    Gene Sherry's Skybolt... by Jack Cox  
91    Washington Report... by David Scott                  

   DECEMBER 1980            


2     Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny  
4     Letters To The Editor  
5     Hot Line From Headquarters 
9     Business Meeting 
10    Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis 
14    Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen 
16    Pardon My Accent.. . by Jan Christie 
18    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen  
19    Aircraft Skis. .. by Donald G. Husek 
23    Boat Tailed Eze. . . by Steiven H. Wood
27    Oshkosh'80 
40    Corsair FG-ID Grand Champion Warbird... by Gene Chase
43    Oshkosh Warbirds. .. by Jeff Ethell  
44    The Way It Was . . . by Jeff Ethell 
48    Lest We Forget... December 1940... by Jeff Ethell 
51    Kerrville'8O.. . by Jack Cox 
60    Kerrville Best of Show. .. by Jack Cox 
64    EAA Auto Gas Flight Test  
84    Calendar of Events
91    Washington Report... by David Scott

      JANUARY 1981             


2     Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny  
5     Letters To The Editor 
6     Hot Line From Headquarters 
10    New Benefits For The EAA Member 
11    Oshkosh Countdown
15    Fond du Lac'80. . . by Mike Heuer 
20    World Aerobatics'80
29    Introducing The Falco Kits .. . by Alfred P. Scott
34    The Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis 
38    Chapters In Action .. . by'Chuck Larsen
40    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen  
41    EAA Goes To The Paris Air Show 
42    The Pre-Molded G.B.I . .. by Gary Boyd
44    Back From Oblivion, The BD-8... by Jack Cox 
50    The Family Jewel . . . by Rod Steele  
52    Where's The CG ?. . . by M. B. "Molt" Taylor  
54    EAA Project Schoolflight - Wings on Dreams... by Mel R. Jones
56    Sportplanes of the World . . . by Jan Christie 
58    Antennalets. . . by Jim Weir
75    Calendar of Events
91    Washington Report... by David Scott 

       FEBRUARY 1981    


2    Homebuilder's Corner.. . by Paul Poberezny  
4    Letters To The Editor  
5    Hot Line From Headquarters  
9    Oshkosh Countdown 
10   On The Cover . . . by Jack Cox 
11   Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen  
12   The H.M.81 Tomcat. . . by Robin Haynes  
14   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen 
16   Goldwing Kits in Production
18   Jim Maupin's Woodstock
23   The Cuyuna 430D. . . by Jack McCornack  
24   TuIlahoma'80. . . by Les Seago 
25   Tullahoma'80... A View From The North .. . by Ray Scholler
32   Oshkosh Album
35   Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis  
42   Aviation Publications
43   0-200 Powered Mini-IMP . . . by Pat Hart  
49   Lowell Borchers'Delta Sting Ray . . . by Jack Cox
53   Women of EAA. . . by Beth BLagaich  
56   Polliwagen Update . . . by Don Dwiggins  
62   Cal endar Of Events  
66   What Our Members Are Building
91   Washington Report. . . by David Scott  

ON THE COVER . . . Dave Blanton's prototype Wichawk.
    (photo Courtesy Javelin Aircraft)


   MARCH 1981                


2      Homebuilder's Corner.., by Paul Poberezny  
4      Letters To The Editor
5      Hot Line From Headquarters  
9      Oshkosh Countdown
10     Involvement'81 
11     Craftsman's Corner... by Chuek Larsen  
12     Pardon My Accent. , . by Jan Christie
14     American Eaglet Update... by Larry Haig
19     Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis  
25     Formula Vee Air Racing Update... by James A. Vliet 
32     Oshkosh Album
34     Southern Belle Flies. .. by Don Davis
42     Chapters In Action... by Chuek Larsen 
44     The Pietenpol Aerial... by Chad Wille
47     The CAFE 250. , . by Brien A. Seeley  
48     Flying Through Mid-Life. . . by Miehelle Novotny 
50     The Boredom Fighter W-II ... by DonaLd S. Wolf
54     What Our Members Are Building  
56     Motor Glider to Paraguay. .. by Jaek Lambie
84     Calendar of Events  
91     Washington Report. . . by David Scott 

      APRIL 1981                         


2     Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny 
4     Letters To The Editor 
5     Hot Line From Headquarters 
9     Oshkosh Countdown  
10    Involvement'81 
11    Merfi'80. . . by Jolrn V. Dye
14    Chapters In Action .. . by Chuck Larsen  
16    Muscle For Your Homebuilt Autopilot... by Don Hewes 
24    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen 
25    Don Taylor Down Under... by Don Taylor
28    A Couple of Mini-Fighters. ., by Jack Cox 
33    Transcontinental F.E.8. .. by Jack Gardirier 
38    EAA Wright Brothers Invitational Awards and the
        1980 Dayton Air Fair.,. by Jim Campbell  
42    More Power. . , by Molt Taylor
43    Marquart MA-3. ,. by Bill Turner 
46    Harold Parker's Glass Winged VP-I ... by Harold Parker
47    The Sportplane Builder.. . by Anloni Bingelis 
50    Calendar of Events 
52    Lift and Thrust, Part I of 4. .. by George B. Collinge 
64    Project Schoolflight Workshop... by Ben Owen  
91    Washington Report. .. by David Scott

          MAY 1981


2     Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny 
4     Letters To The Editor 
5     Involvement'8l  
6     Hot Line From Headquarters 
10    Oshkosh Countdown  
12    The Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis  
16    What Our Members Are Building  
18    Lift and Thrust, Part 2 . . . by George B. Collinge 
21    The Oshkosh 500 
22    Chutzpah! .. . by Fred B. Kacena 
24    Summer Madness in Canada... by Ted Morris 
26    Further Details on the Q2 . . . by Tom Jewett 
35    TM-5 Aircraft . . . by Terry Miller  
39    Son-EE Flop at Fond du Lac... by Melvin D. Lamb
43    Don Taylor Down Under . . . by Don Taylor 
47    Minibat . . . by Larry Haig 
52    The BD-4 Wing Modification . . . by Ron Smith  
54    Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
56    Calendar Of Events 
58    Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen 
91    Washington Report . . . by David Scott 
 ON THE COVER... Terry Miller's TM-5.
       (Photo by Terry Miller)

      JUNE 1981                


2    Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny
4    Letters To The Editor  
5    Hot Line From Headquarters  
9    Oshkosh Countdown
10   Pardon  My Accent . . . by Jan Christie 
12   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
14   Sportplanes Of The World . . . by Jan Christie  
16   Lift and Thrust, Part 3. . . by George B. Collinge 
19   1981 EAA Elections 
20   Don Taylor Down Under
22   Flight Testing The TM5 . . . by Terry Miller
26   Sun'N Fun'81 ... by Jack Cox  
38   The Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis 
43   Customizing A Zenith  . . . by Bill Miller 
46   Bob Alleva's Starduster Too . . . by Jack Cox  
48   Winging With A Wichawk . . . by Mary Ryan  
50   Refining The Laco . . . by Joe Laven  
56   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen 
57   Calendar Of Events  
58   Viewpoint . . . by Mel Jones  
91   Washington Report . . . by David Scott 

  ON THE COVER... Grand Champion Antique
  at Sun'N Fun'81 - a Fairchild 24C8A owned
  by Harv Rand of Douglasville, GA.
         (Photo by Jack Cox)

       JULY 1981                      

2       Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny 
5       Letters To The Editor 
6       Hot Line From Headquarters 
10      Oshkosh Countdown 
11      Craftsman Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen  
12      The Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis  
16      Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
18      Oshkosh'81 Forums
21      EAA Oshkosh Evening Program 
22      New Aircraft Designs Predominate On Oshkosh Express by Tony Stinson  
28      Mike & Sally Melvill's Long-EZ. . . by Mike Meluill
31      Clair Meyers 2/3 P51 B.. . by Jack Cox
34      EAA Air Force Museum Tour... by Richard P. Alkire 
38      Glasair Update. . . by Tom Hamilton  
42      Flight Safety At Oshkosh . . . by Gus Limbach 
43      Warbirds Special Edition
44      From The CO's Cockpit . . . by Bill Harrison
46      Warbirds At Sun'N Fun'81 
48      The Way It Was . . . By Jeff Ethell 
51      The Champlin Fighter Museum . . . by Jeff Ethell
55      Lest We Forget. . . by Jeff Ethell
56      Calendar Of Events 
58      Involvement 81
91      Washington Report 

         AUGUST 1981               


2       Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny 
4       Letters To The Editor
5       Hot Line From Headquarters 
9       Involvement'81
10      Craftsman's Corner.. . by Lary Schubert  
11      The Sportplane Builder... by Antoni Bingelis  
14      EAA Foundation Fuel Test Reaches Milestone
15      EAA - The Future Unfolds. .. by Mel Jones
19      Lift And Thrust - Part 4... by George B. Collinge
26      Dragonfly. . . by Bob Walter 
30      What Our Members Are Building
32      John Rodencal's PL-4... by John Rodencal  
35      Modern Aircraft Restoration. . . by Jim Forney 
38      AIAA/EAA Sport Aviation Exhibition - Andenberg Air Force Base
         by Herb Fouller
40     Chapters In Action .. . by Chuck Lareen  
42     Prolect - Laird's Super Solution... by Gevrge Hardie, Jr.
44     Laird's Super Solution. .. by Ed Eecallon
52     Air Racing With The International Formula Midgets... by Bill Rogers
58     Calendar Of Events 
91     Washington Report. .. by David Scott

     SEPTEMBER 1981         


2      Homebuilder's Corner.. . by Paul Poberezny 
4      Letters To The Editor 
5      Hot Line From Headquarters 
11     Involvement'81  
12     Craftsmen's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen
14     Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
16     A Silicone'Transplant'. . . by Michael C. Myal  
18     A Canadian Report. . . by Bill Tee 
19     John Monnett Flies His Moni
23     Pardon My Accent. . . by Jan Christie 
26     EAA Aviation Center 
28     The EAA Air Museum's Messerschmitt.,. by Jack Cox 
32     Cafe 250 . , . by Lary Ford, D.D.S.  
38     Discussion of Results. . . by Brien Seeley 
41     The Dyna-Cam Engine. . . by Dennis Palmer 
44     Learning Is The Pitts . . . by F. H. "Moon" Wheeler
47     A very Personal Experience......by Stephen P.Kasbar
50     Mirage Fly-In 
55     Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis
84     Calendar of Events  
91     Washington Report. . . by David Scott              

      OCTOBER 1981               


2    Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny                 
4    Letters To The Editor                                                                                           .  .
5    Hot Line From Headquarters           
11   Oshkosh'81 . .. by Jack Cox            
22   Larry Kinder's Mustang 11 Grand Champion     
33   EAA Aviation Center Site Dedicated... by Tom Poberezny                
36   Ed Alderfer's Scorpion 11 Grand Champion... by  Jack Cox           
39   The Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis                     
42   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen                             
44   The 1981 Oshkosh 500.., by Aaron L. King, Jr                    
50   A. J. Smith on the AJ-2, . . by Jack Cox                                    "
55   The Whatley Special N87VW. . . by Vascoe Whatley                
60   Taylor Bird Flight Report... by Tom Henebry                     
63   Quickie-Type Aircraft Design Origins..by Burt Rutan           
68   Calendar of Events                                     
69   Aviation Art Contest 1981 . .. by Norm Petersen                
71   Awards and Recognition .....                                   
76   The AeroPlane Premier Ultralight. .. by Gene Chase            
78   So I Built a P-12/F4B3     by Jim Dewey                                
83   Rockford's Gyroplane Fly-In . . . by David Gustafson             
86   Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen                                          
87   1981 Christmas Shopper  ..                                                 
123  Washington Report. .. by David Scott                                   

       NOVEMBER 1981  


2    Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny 
4    Letters To The Editor 
5    Hot Line From Headquarters 
8    EAA Aviation Center Flying High . . . by Tom Poberezny  
11   Oshkosh'81 
14   OCW - Oldest Cessna Wins At Oshkosh'81 . . . by Gene Chase  
19   A Magnetic Heading Reference For The Electro Fluidic Autopilot,Part I 
       by Doug Garner  
27   Piper Vagabond Grand Champion Classic. . . by Norm Petersen
30   Adventure In Pursuit Of Performance. . . by Dennis Brown  
35   The Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis  
40   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
51   Fond du Lac'81 International Aerobatic Club Championships and
       Convention . . . by Mike Heuer  
56   Craftsmen's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen 
59   22nd Annual National Waco Reunion Fly-In . . . by Ray Brandly
61   Point Counter Point  
84   Calendar Of Events 
91   Washington Report. . . by David Scott

  ON THE COVER . . . Gar Williams' Grand Champion Cessna AW 
                         (Photo by Ted Koston)


      DECEMBER 1981                 


2      Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny
5      Letters To The Editor 
6      Hot Line From Headquarters
9      Oshkosh'82
11     Craftsman's Corner.. . by Chuck Larsen   
12     Senator Goldwater To Head National Steering Committee  
       by Tom Poberezny                     
14     War - Lest We Forget - 1215 Hrs. December 1941  by'Jeff Ethell'
24     The Way It Was. . . by Jeff Ethell                   
26     Grumman Hellcat - Warbird Grand Champion - Oshkosh'81 
28     Magnetic Heading Performance For The Electro Fluidic Autopilot  
       Part 11 . . , by Doug Garner  
33     Oshkosh'81 
38     The Sportplane Builder     by Žntoni Bingelis  
52     Chapters In Action . , . by'Chuck Larsen       
56     Trial By Whiskey Compass.    by Jack Cox  
83     Minutes Of Annual Business Meeting       
84     Calendar of Events  .  .             
91     Washington Report. . . by David Scott

         JANUARY 1982

2    Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny
4    Letters To The Editor 
5    Hot Line From Headquarters 
9    Oshkosh Countdown'82 
10   EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign National Steering
      Committee. . . by Tom Poberezny 
12   The Whatley Torque Stand . . . by Vascoe Whatley, Jr.  
19   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen  
20   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
22   What Our Members Are Building  
24   Pre-Heat-ing . . . by Donald G. Husek  
26   Carbon-Fibre Cloth and Plastic-Plane Antennas. . . by Jim Weir
27   Bob Zilinsky's S.E.5. . . by Bob Zilinsky  
32   Wicker's Marquart Charger . . . by Jack Cox  
35   3/4 Scale Reggiane 2000 . . . by Robert Tesori 
36   '81 Arlington. . . by Gene Chase  
42   The Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis                 
48   '81 Dayton Air Fair
54   Kits . . . by Jack Cox 
69   '81 East Coast Fly-In . . . by James O. Eggleston  
84   Calendar Of Events 
91   Washington Report . . . by David Scott

On The Cover
  Bob Zilinsky's S.E.5

         FEBRUARY 1982


2      Homebuilder's Corner/ by Paul Poberezny 
4      Letters To The Editor 
5      Hot Line From Headquarters 
9      EAA Oshkosh'82 Countdown 
10     EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign
12     Kerrville'81 / by Dick Cavin 
18     Sport Ballooning / by Lowell L. Malo     
23     Finishing Composite Aircraft/ by Bob Walters   
32     What Our Members Are Building                                           
34     P-64 - Aircraft of the EAA Air Museum Collection/by Norm Petersen   
39     Craftsman's Corner/ by Chuck Larsen                
40     Chapters In Action/ by Chuck Larsen  
42     Ken Brock's KB-2 Gyroplane/ by David Gustafson   
48     The Retro G B-2 / by Gion Bezzola                  
52     The Sportplane Builder/ by Antoni Bingelis
56     EAA Auto Gas Flight Test/by Harry Zeisloft
60     Forest Conover's Skybolt/by Forest Conover
63     Calender of Events
91     Washington Report/by David Scott

        MARCH 1982

2    Homebuilder's Corner... by Paul Poberezny
4    Letters To The Editor 
5    Hot Line From Headquarters 
9    EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign 
13   Kits-One - The Christensen Method . . . by Jack Cox 
26   The Sportplane Builder. . . by.Antoni Bingelis  
29   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen 
30   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
32   EAA 19182 Oshkosh Countdown  
34   Comment  
35   Calendar of Events  
36   A Solution To The Long Shaft Problem... by Molt Taylor
38   Master of Aerobatics 19181  . . . by Jack Cox  
40   A Spin Test... by James M. Wickham
44   Building and Flying N23QT - First Plans Built Q2 Flies
       by Melvin Ellis  
50   The Amsoil Rutan Racer. . . by Zane Rebenstorff  
54   Even More Grizzly. . . by Jack Cox 
56   What Our Members Are Building  
59   Adjusting The Posa Carb... by Rex Taylor
91   Washington Report. . . by David Scott

 ON THE COVER.... Frank Christensen and his Eagle.
                     (Photo by Baron Wolman)

        APRIL 1982             

2     Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny  
4     Letters To The Editor 
5     Editorial - Recreational Pilot Licenses. . . by Jack Cox
6     Hot Line From Headquarters 
9     EAA 1982 Oshkosh Countdown  
10    EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign 
11    EAA Technical Safety Committee . . . by Charlie Schuck 
13    The Denight Special . . . by Ron Denight 
16    Two-Place Pixie . . . by Ed Escallon and Jim Mahoney 
18    Contact. . . by Molt Taylor 
22    Oshkosh Album  
24    The S-2 . . . by Alex Strojnik
32    Calendar of Events  
33    The Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis
38    Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
40    Whatley Torque Stand Addenda . . . by Don Black 
42    Bill Guernsey's Mustang II . . . by G. R. Guernsey  
48    Aircraft Of The EAA Air Museum Collection... by Norm Petersen
51    New Recreational Pilot License Proposal
60    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen
91    Washington Report. . . by David Scott

ON THE COVER . . . Ron Denight's Denight Special. 
                     (See Story on Page 12)

        MAY 1982                  

2    Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny
4    Letters To The Editor 
5    Hot Line From Headquarters 
11   Rag Rose . . . by Jack Cox
14   Model D-201  "Sportwing" Biplane . . . by Nick D'Apuzzo 
20   MERFI'81  Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-In . . . by John Dye  
26   EAA Foundation Capital Campaign . . . How It Works. . . by Andy Bro
28   Oshkosh'82 Countdown 
31   Danger. . . Backside Of The Power Curve! . . . by Dr. Igor Bensen
34   Chapters In Action. .. by Chuck Larsen  
36   What Our Members Are Building  
38   Sun'N Fun EAA Preview.. . by Jack Cox 
41   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen 
42   1982 EAA Oshkosh 500  
44   1981 Oshkosh Seaplane Fly-In  
48   Birth Of An Acro 11 . . . by Jim Schenfeld.
50   Bede Micro Update . . . by Keith Hinshaw  
53   Code Red . . . Portable Fire Extinguisher And Sport Aviation Aircraft
     . . . by Ronald W. Johnson  
54   The Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis  
56   The Ultimate Glue - Revisited . . . by Larry Stuber
58   Calendar Of Events 
91   Washington Report. . . by David Scott

ON THE COVER ... Corben Jr Ace by Ted and Sharron Travis        
                        (photo by Jack Cox)

        JUNE 1982


2      Homebuilder's Corner/ by Paul Poberezny  
4      Letters To The Editor
5      Hot Line From Headquarters 
8      1982 EAA Elections
10     EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign
12     Helmets / By Bud Judy  
14     The Sportplane Builder/ By Antoni Bingelis 
18     CGS Hawk / By Jack Cox 
23     EAA'82 Sun'N Fun Fly-In/ By Jack Cox 
35     EAA'82 Oshkosh Forums                                                   
38     Chapters In Action / By Chuck Larsen
40     Calendar Of Events
43     Warbirds Special Edition 
44     From The CO's Cockpit / By Bill Harrison
45     Warbirds Over Florida / By Jeff Ethell
48     The Way It Was
50     Lest We Forget
53     Craftsman's Corner/ By Chuck Larsen 
54     Spruce Goose Goes To Roost/ By Al Kelch 
91     Washington Report / By David Scott 

         JULY 1982               

2    Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny
4    Oshkosh Countdown  
5    Letters To The Editor 
6    Hot Line From Headquarters 
12   Guest Editorial . . . by David Sclair 
13   EAA Ultralight'82  
14   Sportplane Builder. . . by Antoni Bingelis
18   CHUBy CUBy. .. by Jack Cox 
22   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
24   'Homebuilt'Mooney . . . by Brien A. Seeley 
30   Installing Explosafe in a VariEze . . . by Harlo McKinty  
33   Kits IIl Wag Aero, Inc. .. . by Jack Cox  
41   Crickets Are Coming Update . . . by Red Morris  
42   How Relative Speed Affects See, Be Seen And Avoid 
        by .Stephen duPont 
43   EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign . . . by Tom Poberezny
44   Uniplane - A Flying Parachute. . . by Richard Burton Johnson  
50   Matty Laird/FSAA & CA Honored  
51   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen              
52   Women at Oshkosh . . . by Jayne Schiek  
54   Chet Welman at Offenburg/Wasserkuppe  
55   Antique Classic Forum Schedule 1982 EAA Convention
56   Calendar of Events  
58   EAA Technical Safety Committee. . . by Charlie Schuck  
91   Washington Report. .. by David Scott 

ON THE COVER..... Wag Aero-s new CHUBy CUBy.
                     (Photo by Jack Cox)

           AUGUST 1982            

                    TABLE OF CONTENTS
2    Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny
5    Letters To The Editor
6    Hot Line From Headquarters 
11   EAA Ultralight'82  
12   South Pacific'83
13   The Johnson Uniplane Flies!.. . by Richard Burton Johnson
17   Using "Kevlar" For Homebuilding Aircraft. . . by Barbara A  Wolf
19   Ghost Writers In The Sky 
22   Messerschmitt Projects 
23   Fuel Tanks . . . Where and Why  Part I  
26   Brian Henneman's KR-2. . . by Jack Cox   
30   Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
32   Airplanes On The Mall . . . by Mary A. Ryan 
35   Ford Tri motor Update. . . by George Hardie, Jr. 
43   Project II  .  .  . by C. L. "Bud" McHolland 
44   Selecting The Homebuilt Best For You . . . by Bob Walters     
47   Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen 
48   Acey Deucy . . . by John Powell         
51   T-Fer's Travels . . . by Bob Folsom  
55   Aviation Photography Tips. . . by Ted Koston
56   Certified Propellers For Homebuilders    by Gary Lampman
58   What Our Members Are Building  
60   Headquarters Response Recreational Pilot License Petition   
62   Calendar Of Events                                         
99   Washington Report . . . by David Scott    

ON THE COVER . . . Skybolts, by David Ebershoff, foreground and Dean Hall.
                                (Photo by Dr. Dean Hall)

           SEPTEMBER 1982            

2     Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny  
4     Letters To The Editor 
5     Hot Line From Headquarters 
12    Ole. . . by Maru Zaek  
18    Herb Sanders Long-Ez. . . by Herb Sanders 
21    The Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis  
26    Cafe 400 . . . by Larry Ford
35    Helpful Hints For Handling Fiberglass Cloth. .. by Don Hewes
36    Chapters In Action . . . by Chuck Larsen  
38    Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larsen 
41    Why The Cracks ? . . . by George Collinge 
45    Watsonville and Merced in Pictures... by Jack and Golda Cox
53    EAA Oshkosh Forum on Airspeed Control . . . by Fred Weiek
58    Imagineering a Pietenpol for the 80's?. . . by Al Baekstrom 
60    Calendar Of Events 
91    Washington Report. . . by David Scott 

ON THE COVER . . . The Cana 150 now approved for auto gas!
                          (Photo by Marian Cavadias)

          OCTOBER  1982           

2    Homebuilder's Corner . . . by Paul Poberezny
4    Letters To The Editor  
5    Hot Line From Headquarters 
8    EAA Aviation Center Progress in Pictures 
11   '82 International Experimental Aircraft Association Fly-In Convention
12   Homebuilts At Oshkosh . . . by Jack Cox
23   Oshkosh'82 Awards  
30   Ole - Part Two . . . by Maru Zack
36   Jim Smith's Grand Champion Marquart Charger... by.Jack Cox
42   Craftsman's Corner. . . by Chuck Larson
44   The Lowers-Baker-Falck Competition . . . by Aaron L. King
55   Eleventh World Aerobatic Championships. . . by Mike Heuer
63   Auto Fuel STC Approved 
66   Chapters I n Action . . . by Chuck Larson
68   Calendar of Events
69   South Pacific'83  
70   The Micro-prop 
73   Safe Homebuilt Design and FAA Certification Requirements/David Thurston
78   How To Become A Certified Aviation Hero!... by Don Berliner
81   Salute To NASA Aeronautics  
84   Steve's Scorpion .. . by Stephen A. Mayor
86   Homer Bell's Grand Champion Exec 
91   The Sportplane Builder . . . by Antoni Bingelis 
94   New Engine Developments 
123  Washington Report . . . by David Scott 

ON THE COVER... Jim Smith's 1982 Grand Champion Marquart Charger.
                              (Photo by.Jack Cox)

           NOVEMBER 1982              

2     Homebuilder's Corner . . . By Paul Poberezny 
4     Letters To The Editor  
5     Hot Line From Headquarters  
10    Opportunities For Memorial Giving  
11   Introducing The Chapter Campaign Executive Committee.. By Chuck Larsen
12   Craftsman's Corner. . . By Chuck Larsen 
14   Stinson SR-8C, Four Time Grand Champ... By Gene Chase
22   Classic Grand Champion Luscombe 8A. .. By Norm Petersen
26   Ole . . . By Marv Zack  
32   1983 EAA Oshkosh 500 Rules & Regulations
34   Ultralights At Oshkosh, Twice . . . By Jack Cox 
45   Clancy Skybaby. . . By Betty Mattson  
48   EAA Ultralight'82 Grand Champ Vampire. . . By Gene Chase 
51   Mitchell B-10 Grand Champ at Oshkosh'82... By Gene Chase
54   Fly For Hope. . . By a Life Member  
56   Chapters In Action . . . By Chuck Larsen
58   Flying the Dragonfly . . . By Rex Taylor
61   The Sportplane Builder . . . By Antoni Bingelis 
65   Alaska to Oshkosh by Floatplane . . . By Jack Cox 
84   Calendar of Events
91   Washington Report . . . By David Scott 
Insert   EAA Aviation Foundation Florida Sweepstakes

ON THE COVER . . . Roy Redman's Grand Champion Stinson SR-8C.
                            (Photo by Ted Koston)

         DECEMBER 1982        

             TABLE OF CONTENTS
2      Homebuilder's Corner. . . by Paul Poberezny
4      Letters To The Editor 
5      Hot line From Headquarters 
9      Calendar Of Events 
10     EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign- Tulsa Airplane Review/
         by Gene Chase
12     EAA Oshkosh'83 Countdown  
16     What Our Members Are Building  
18     Craftsman's Corner . . . by Chuck Larsen
19     Oshkosh'82
20     From The CO's Cockpit . . . by Bill Harrison
22     The Way It Was
24     1982 Grand Champion Thunderbolt... by Gene Chase 
30     Lest We Forget . . . by Jeff Ethell
34     Warbirds of America Then . . . by Jeff Ethell
38     The Sportplane Builder. .. by Antoni Bingelis
40     Chapters In Action . . . by Chicck Larsen
42     Arlington'82.. . by Chicck Larsen
47     The Kelly D. . . by Jack Cox 
50     The Hummel Bird . . . by J. Morry Hummel
53     Chapter 439 at Oshkosh'82 . . . by Chuck Larsen
59     Sopwith 7F-1  Snipe . . . by R. L. "Dick" Day 
62     Another Kind of Warbird . . . by W. M. "Bill" Davenport
91     Washington Report. . . by David Scott

ON THE COVER....Ray Stutsman's Grand Champion P-47 Thunderbolt.
                         (Photo by Ted Koston)

         JANUARY 1983

19    Lucky You Fly The Long-EZ
23    The 13th Annual East Coast Fly-In/James 0. Eggleston
28    Rosebud's Oshkosh Adventure - 1982/Sylvia Thomas
30    Cockpit Lighting/David Hoffman
33    We Like It "Cozy"/Nat Puffer
41    An Acro Is Born/Bud Gores
43    Sea Hawk
44    Mounds Of Joy/Jack Cox
46    Candy Apple Red/Jack Cox
51    RV-3 The Designer's Viewpoint/Richard VanGrunsven
58    Merfi'82/John V. Dye
61    Hummel Bird Update

 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
37    The Sportplane Builder/Antoni Bingelis
56    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
62    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91    Washington Report/David Scott

 4    Letters
 5    Hotline from Headquarters
 8    EAA Aviation Foundation/Ralph Bufano
10    EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign/Tom Poberezny
11    EAA's Seattle Rally Is A Huge Success/Dave Sclair
13    Oshkosh Countdown
14    Proposed Revision Of Amateur-Built Advisory Circular
18    Calendar Of Events
68    What Our Members Are Building

 1    Bob Creitz's RV-3 "Candy Apple Red"/Photo by Jack Cox

           FEBRUARY 1983


 6    Retractable Glasair/Tom Hamilton
19    Kerrville'82/Dick Cavin
25    Using a Supercarb on Something Bigger Than a Volkswagen/
      Dennis Earnst
42    A $30 Engine Heater You Can Build/Robert J. Miller
44    Larry Wohlers'Falco/Jack Cox
53    Oshkosh, A Family Attair/Beth Blagaich
56    Flyways In The Sky/M. B. "Molt" Taylor
58    Formula Racing Propellers/Ralph Wise
64    A Ford Tri-Motor Limited Edition


 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
30    Sportplane Builder/Antoni Bingelis
39    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
40    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91    Washington Report/David Scott


  5     Letters To The Editor
 12     Hotline from Headquarters
 18     Oshkosh Countdown
 28     EAA Aviation Foundation/Ralph Bufano
 29     2nd Annual EAA Ultralight Convention
 34     EAA Aviation Foundation Jackrabbit Addenda/Jack Cox
 50     What Our Members Are Building
 62     Project Schoolflight In Wisconsin
 68     Calendar Of Events

  1      Tom Hamilton's Retractable Gear Glasair/Photo by Jim Larsen

             MARCH 1983 

 5     Fokker Triplane Flight Characteristics/Ed Lansing
16     EAA's Douglas Rolfe Collection
20     Dulles 400/Jim Redway
27     Tri-Gear Sonerai/Jack Cox
30     The Pee Wee/Dennis Harbin
40     Where Are You?/Molt Taylor
42     HAM Radio 1982/Elmer Erickson
46     A Tin Bender Builds A Pitts/Jack Cox
50     A Laminar Ultralight/Alex Strojnik
57     Effects Of Rain Or Surface Contamination On Pitch Stability And
       Control/Burt Rutan


 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
23     The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
36     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
38     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91     Washington Report/David Scott


 4     Letters
 8     Capital Campaign
10     Hot Line From Headquarters                  
14     Oshkosh Countdown                         
15     EAA Ultralight'83 Countdown
18     What Our Members Are Building
43     EAA Aviation Foundation/Gene Chase and Ralph Bufano
44     Oshkosh Album
62     Project Schoolflight/Ben Owen
68     Calendar Of Events

   Fokker Triplane by Ed Lansing and Gary Shepherd

               APRIL 1983

 5    Ultralight Perspective and the New Quicksilver MXL/Lyle Byrum
15    Spruce Goose Sneak Preview/Jack Cox
19    New Home for Polliwagon/Joe Alvarez
24    Aircraft Engine Spark Plugs/A. R. Crosby
28    The Bravo/Jack Cox
32    The Classic Crossing/Michael L. Stockhill
43    A Dream Come Home/Bruce D. Thompson
50    EAA Continuum
52    The BX-2 Cherry
58    Burt Rutan on Scaled Composites, Inc./Jack Cox
68    If You Think You Might Enjoy Aerobatics/Mike Heuer


 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
22    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larser/
39    The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
56    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91    Washington Report/David Scott


 4     Letters To The Editor
 9     Hotline From Headquarters
13     Oshkosh Countdown
14     EAA Ultralight'83
21     Capital Campaign Chapter Honor Roll/Chuck Larsen
46     What Our Members Are Building
48     EAA Aviation Foundation Capital Campaign
62     EAA Aviation Foundation/Gene Chase
63     Calendar Of Events


   Eipper's new MXL/Photo by David Gustafson

                 MAY 1983  

 8     Al Smith's Acro Two/Jack Cox
16     Sport Aviation Visits. .. Task Research, Inc/Jack Cox
19     Of New Gangs... And Bullets/Molt Taylor
28     From Blue Max To Reality/Richard E. Funkhouser
31     Turbocharging . . . Why, How and the Revmaster System/
         Herbert L. Gillespie
36     Effect of Rain and Bugs on Flight Behavior of Tail-First Airplanes/
         Don Hewes
43     Wright Brothers Invitational 1982/Douglas Weiler
47     Tsunami/Jack Cox
52     Human Factors: Part 1, Physical Dimensions in Cockpit Design/
         Fred G. DeLacerda


 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
24     The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
54     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
56     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
91     Washington Report/David Scott


 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
13     EAA Ultralight'83
14     Oshkosh Countdown                       ., '   .,,
22     An Open Letter To All E/ Members Froin Paul Poberezny
23     Arnold Palmer . . . A Look At The Man
34     What Our Members Are Building
42     EAA Aviation Foundation Flying Museum/Ralph Bufano
59     Calendar Of Events

   Al Smith's Acro II

               JUNE 1983


13    The EAA Aviation Center Getting Closer
14    Sun'N Fun'83/Jack Cox
26    Sun'N Fun'83 Awards
31    Warbirds Special Edition/Jeff Ethell
37    Story of the North American Nomad/Frank C. Compton
46    Dreamers and Doers. . . Blueprints and Bricks
48    Effects of Rain and Bugs on flight Behavior of Tail-first Airplane
      Don Hewes
58    Fond du Lac'83 - "It's The Greatest"/Mike Heuer
61    Autogas For Your Airplane/Harry Zeisloft
62    Human Factors: Part II, Functional Dimensions/fred G. DeLacen'


 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
27    The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
59     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
60    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
64    What Our Members Are Building
66    Calendar Of Events


 4    Letters
 5    Oshkosh Countdown
 6    Ultralight Countdown
 7    EAA Aviation foundation/Ralph Bufano
 8    Hot Line from Headquarters
12    EAA Elections


1     Frank Compton's "new" T-28C - right out of the Davis Monthan AFB's
      boneyard/Photo by Hal Loomis                     

               JULY 1983  

 8     My Affair With The Barracuda/Bill Buethe
12     A Visit To The Jewels Of The South Pacific/Peter Strombom
18     Zed Kay Mike Lima Mike/Parker Mudge
21     Oshkosh'83 Forums
26     The Zenair Zipper/Jack Cox
30     Human Factors: Part IIl Control Location/Fred G. DeLacerda
33     Teledyne Continental Motors Readies Their . . . Aircraft
        Kit Engine Program/J. C. Treager
34     Engines At Sun'N Fun'83/Jack Cox
44     Reminiscing With Bob Hoover/Jack Cox
50     Quickie - A Quickie World Record/Stephen Echrich
60     AT-6 On Auto Fuel/Gene Chase
61     Effects of Rain and Bugs on Flight Behavior of Tail-First
        Airplanes/Don Hewes


 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
41     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
56     The Sportplane Builder/Antoni Bingelis
66     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91     Washington Report/David Scott


 4    Letters To The Editor
 5    Hot Line From Headquarters
28    Calendar Of Events
36    The Dream Becomes A Reality/Henry Ogrodzinski
42    Oshkosh Countdown/Tom Poberezny
43    Fond du Lac'83                             


   Bill Buethe's Barracuda

              AUGUST 1983 

 5     Membership Services/Jenean Pritzkow
11     On To Australia - South Pacific'83 Tour/Peter Strombom
25     How To Tickle Twice A Dragon's Tail/M. D. "Jim" Baugh
26     The Swearingen SX300/Jack Cox
32     Eagle! The Ultimate Airfoil For Sport Aircraft/Michael C. Myal
36     Homebuilders Odyssey/Red Morris
40     A Cessna In The Auto Body Shop/Dale Mitch
44     Reminiscing With Bob Hoover Part II/Jack Cox
52     Evolution Of The Dulles 400/Bud Carson

 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
10    Welcome To The New EAA Aviatian Center
42    Taking It To The Members
43    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
48    The Sportplane Builder/Antoni Bingelis
53    What Our Members Are Building
56    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
60    AT-6 On Auto Fuel/Gene Chase
63    Calendar Of Events
91    Washington Report/David Scott


 6    Hotline From Headquarters
58    Capital Campaign Chapter Honor Roll
62    Letters

    New EAA Aviation Center

          SEPTEMBER 1983


10   Ultralight'83 Convention/Jack Cox
24   A Moni In Partnership/David Gustafson
29   1983 Cafe 400/Larry M. Ford
38  Squawk Talk/Kas Thomas
40   The Mustang Story/John P. Reeder
45   Eagles!
49   Letters From Mobil
52   NAC'Dream'/Jack Cox
55   Dragonfly From Beginning To Pre-Fab/Rex Taylor
60   The HiperLight/Jack Cox
64   Turner T-40A/Leighton J. Mangels

2   Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
4   Membership Services/Jenean Pritzkow
19  Calendar of Events
20  The Sportplane BuilderlTony Bingelis
36  Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
63  Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
64  Washington Report/David Scott

5   Hotline From Headquarters
8   Capital Campaign Progress $315,389.90/Greg Anderson


1  The Christen Eagles/Photo by Baron

               OCTOBER 1983  


 9   A New Beginning/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
13   Dedication Of The Wittman Concourse
14   "That" Midget Mustang/Jack Cox
22   The EAA Project Schoolflight Aviation Academy/Chuck Larsen
23   John Stump's Grand Champion Scorpion 133/Jack Cox
26   Homebuilt High Points/Jack Cox
35   Awards
40   Starlite/Jack Cox
45   EAA Sky Shoppe
49   Ultralight Activity At Oshkosh'83/Norm Petersen
60   Beachner V-8 Special/Jack Cox


 2   Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
 4   Membership Services
52   The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
54   Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
57   Letters To The Editor
58   Chapters in Action/Chuck Larsen
66   Calendar of Events
91   Washington Report


5   Hot Line From Headquarters                     


Bruce Whittig's Oshkosh'83 Grand Champion Custom Built

             NOVEMBER 1983


 9    Another Look At The EAA Aviation Center
27    Alaska By Classic/Stan Doyle and Jim Ogden
31    Model B Airspace/Paul Poberezny
32    Antiques and Classics at Oshkosh'83
38    1983 EAA Grand Champion Antique Fairchild 24W/Gene Cha
46    EAA Testifies Before Congressional Subcommittee on Alternate
      Fuels/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
50    More on Loran for Homebuilts/M. B. "Molt" Taylor
51    Fred Keller's Defianti/Jack Cox
58    The Lowers-Baker-Falck Competition/Aaron L. King, Jr.
67    The Denight Special Update/Ron Denight


 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
24    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
26    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
42    The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
91    Washington Report/David Scott


 4     Letters
 5    Hotline From Headquarters
15    Capital Campaign Report to the Members/Gregory J. Andersoi


 1     Charles Bell's Grand Champion Antique  Oshkosh'83/
       Photo by Gene Chase

              DECEMBER 1983 

14    Douglas R4D Grand Champion Warbird/Gene Chase
26    Confessions Of A Cricket Cruncher/Red Morris
28    Warbirds Invasion - Grasshoppers To Jets/Jeff Ethell
33    Warbirds At Oshkosh'83
37    Mustang Fever/Paul A. Coggan
42    Warbirds Then
44    The Way It Was/Jeff Ethell
46    Bob Matter's Avenger/Jack Cox
49    The Robin Story/Paul H. Poberezny
52    Questor/Jack Cox
55    NOTAMS/W. Timothy McSwain
58    Vancraft Gyroplane/Chad Wille
60    Hill Country Homecoming . . . Kerrville'83/Chuck Larsen
63    The Primary Category Aircraft/Peter Strombom
64    AOPA 38th Annual Convention And Industry Exhibit/Bill Fraser

 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
 4    Letters To The Editor
20    What Our Members Are Building
22    The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
27    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
30    From The CO's Cockpit/Tom Austin
50    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
62    Calendar Of Events
91    Washington Report/David H. Scott


 5     Hotline From Headquarters
 9     Oshkosh'84 Countdown
13     Experimental Aircraft Association Annual Meeting/S. H. Schmid

    The Mid Atlantic Air Museum's Grand Champion Warbird, a Douglas

   JANUARY 1984

 8     Election Notice
11     The Origin Of The Curtiss-Wright Junior/Karl H. White
18     Tri-Gear Cavalier/David Melby
20     Looking To The Future EAA Air Academy'84/Chuck Larsen
22     1984 EAA Oshkosh-Fond du Lac 500 The Lowers-Baker-Falck
26     9/10 Scale Davis/Frank E. Luft
28     The Subject Of Shoulder Harnesses/Charles Schuck
30     A Guest Editorial/Peter B. Strombom
32     Down At 50ø Below/M. D. "Jim" Baugh
35     Mike Kimbrel's Butterfly/Mike Kimbrel
38     Polar Finale/Jack Cox
43     Kermit Weeks A Champion Pilot And His Aircraft/David A. Gustafson
49     National Aerobatics - The Final Test/Mike Heuer
62     Design Your Own Airfoil - The Oshkosh Airfoil Program/
        Robert T. Jones and Rick McWilliams
66     Auto Fuel And The 172

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
24     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
25     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley R. Mohler, M.D.
29     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
29     Calendar Of Events
31     Letters
57     The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
91     Washington Report/David H. Scott

 5     Hotline From Headquarters
 9     1984 Olympic Games
10     EAA Oshkosh'84/Tom Poberezny
10     EAA Ultralight'84/Peter B. Strombom

    New U.S. Aerobatics Champion Kermit Weeks

  FEBRUARY 1984 

22     Loran Installation In N235LB/William Butters
23     Perspective/Landing Places
27     Dayton'83 The Wright Brothers Invitational/Douglas Weiler
32     Building and Flying The Koala/Gene Head
38     Over Weight/M. B. "Molt" Taylor
41     Personal Computer Programs For Aircraft Designers/Brian G.
43     Cliff Bond's Beryl/Cliff Bond
46     Lyle Powell's Glasair/Jack Cox
52     World Record Dream Fulfilled/Dick Rowley
57     Custom Built Aircraft Judging Changes
58     Taylor Airphone
60     Oshkosh Album
62     To Be Green or Not To Be Green/Bill Kilborn
65     Portable 720

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
 4     Letters
12     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
14     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M. D.
15     The Sportplane BuilderlTony Bingelis
20     What Our Members Are Building
24     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
36     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
64     Calendar of Events
91     Washington Report David H. Scott

 5     Hotline From Headquarters
 7     Ultralight'84 Countdown                            
 8     Oshkosh'84 Countdown                           
 9     A Special Report . . . Challenge, Risk, Accomplishment
        Thomas P. Poberezny

 1     Lyle Powell's Trigear Glasair/Photo Courtesy Lyle Powell

        MARCH 1984  


12     Magnum - Amateur Built, Beaver Type/Terrence O'Neill
20     AeroMotion Twin/Jack Cox
21     Q200/Gene Sheehan
32     Safety of Slow Flying Aircraft/Robert T. Jones
40     Wingtip Design/Reg Finch
42     No, It's Not A Posa/Ben Ellison
46     Wilson Werhan's 0-300 Tailwind/H. Wilson Werhan
58     The J-10/Lewis A. Jackson
59     Loran Antennas For Plastic Airplanes/Jim Weir


 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
16     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
18     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
27     The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
38     What Our Members Are Building
64     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
66     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
91     Washington Report/David H. Scott


 5     Hotline From Headquarters
 9     Oshkosh Countdown
10     Ultralight Countdown

 1    Q200/Photo Courtesy Quickie Aircraft

      APRIL 1984 


II     Al Gettings'Half Scale Thunderbolt/Jack Cox
27     Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary?/George B. Collinge
31     The Rivers R-1/C. Rivers Stone
38     A Big Need/Molt Taylor
42     Bending Metal... By Computer/Chris Murray
44     History of PA-7-S Pitcaim Sport Mailwing/Stephen Pitcaim
52     MERFI'83/John V. Dye
57     When The Cat's Away


 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
15    The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
24    What Our Members Are Building
26    Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M. D.
30    Perspective
35    Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
41    Craftsman Corner/Chuck Larsen
50    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
58    NOTAMS: Coverage Is Denied/ Timothy McSwain
91    Washington Report/David H. Scott


4     Letters
5     Hotline From Headquarters
9     Oshkosh Countdown
10    Ultralight Countdown
20    Capital Campaign Winds Down, New Services Planned And
      Endowment Challenge Begins/Gregory J. Anderson
60    Calendar Of Events

 1   Steve Pitcaim's Pitcaim PA-7-5/Photo by Ted Koston

       MAY 1984  


   14  Sea Hawk Update/Garry LeGare
   23  Botoms Up/Bill Turner
   31  The Aero Buick/Olds/Pontiac/Pat & Susan Goodmen
   32  Building A Christavia Mk-1/D. H. D. Lowery
   34  The Concentration and Distribution of Loads In Aircraft Design/
       John S. Harris
   37  Saunders S-4/Don Saunders
   38  Modernized Old Timer/Merle Neyman
   46  Ross Ferguson's Tri-Diamant/Jack Cox
   49  Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary? - Part 2/George B. Collinge
   52  Laco-145/Joe Laven
   59  Limbach Aircraft Engines - An Update/J. C. Treager


     2  Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
    18  The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
    28  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
    42  What Our Members Are Building
    44  Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
    56  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
    57  Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
    58  Book Review/Joan S. Seybold

     4  Letters
     5  Hotline From Headquarters
     9  Oshkosh Countdown
    12  Ultralight Countdown
    40  Progress Report - The EAA Aviation Foundation's Ford Tri Motor
    63  Calendar of Events

    Garry LeGare's Sea Hawk (see page 14 )/Photo by Debby LeGare

       JUNE 1984  


14    Sun'N Fun'84/Jack Cox
24    Sonny Rudowick's Grand Champion Pitts Special/Jack Cox
32    The FP-303/Gary Meuer
38    Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary? - Part 3/George B. Collinge
41    Warbirds/Jeff Ethell
43    Warbird Spring
52    Warbirds Then
54    The Way It was
56    Guest Editorial - If You're You're Thinking of Buying An Ultralight
      This Summer/Dale Byrum

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
13     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D
27     The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
57     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
58     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
60     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
61     Am I Covered?/Robert W. Urbine
91     Washington Report/David H. Scott

 4    Letters To The Editor
 5    Hotline From Headquarters
10    EAA Election 1984
11    Oshkosh Countdown
62    Calendar of Events

      SNJ-5 N9801 C, owned by Carl Schwenker, Daytona Beach,FL./
        Photo by W.B. Slate, Warren, MI

      JULY 1984  

13  CAM Special/Chuck Carothers
18  Dean Tilton's Ant Eater Eagle/Jack Cox
23  VOYAGER... The Adventure Begins/Jack Cox
36  Billy Johnson's Trojan/Jack Cox
39  Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary? - Part 4/George B. Collinge
48  A Clean Airplane Is More Than A Matter of Just Good Looks/
     Dennis Smith
50  Aircraft Engine Sweepstakes
60  A Tribute To Aviation Publishing/ Dennis Parks


 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
42  The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
52  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
54  Frank Kingston Smith
56  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
58  Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
61  Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
91  Washington Report/David Scott


 4  EAA Organization
 5  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
10  Fond du Lac'84
12  Oshkosh Countdown
32  Oshkosh'84 Forums
51  Auto Gasoline and the Airplane/Harry Zeisloft
57  Announcing: The EAA Aviation Foundation's Friendship
    Program/Greg Anderson
62  Calendar of Events

 1  Chuck Carothers'CAM Special (see page 13).        
     (Photo by John Hayby)                                

     AUGUST 1984

10     Strawberry Tabs/Vic Syracuse
15     Aerobatics With Beggs/Gene Beggs
24     Hart's Dart/Pat Hart
31     Something New In Aerobatic Flight/Gene Chase
32     DuRand Mark V/John P, Foy
38     Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary? - Part 5/George Collinge
44     Propeller Performance - A Computer Program/Don Hewes
47     Volunteers/Joan Seybold
48     EAA Library Taking Shape/Dennis Parks
49     The Dulles Wing of NASM/Walter Boyne
54     EAA Air Academy'84
55     The Thermite/Sander Veenstra
57     Book Review
58     New... From Steve Wittman/Jack Cox


 2     Homebuilders'Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
20     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
27     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
36     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
42     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
51     NOTAMS: Hangar Rash and Worse/W. Timothy McSwain
53     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
63     Am I Covered?/Robert Urbine
91     Washington ReporVDavid H. Scott


 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line
62     Calendar of Events


 1     Pat Hart's Mini-IMP (see page 24)
        Photo Courtesy Pat Hart

       SEPTEMBER 1984

11     Ultralight'84."Jack Cox
16     The Pong Dragon/Jack Cox
18     The Solo - High Tech In Sheep's Clothing/Jack Cox
24     Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary? - Part 6/George Collinge
31     Star-Lite Kits In Production/Mark Brown
34     1984 CAFE 400... Discussion of Results.'Brien Seeley
46     Acro Sport 11 - Love Affair with Biplanes/David L. Blanton
50     The Stretched Sonerai IILS/Jack Cox
54     A KR-2 Built For Ease of Maintenance/Donald E. Moore
57     A Closer Look At Some Alternatives To Sitka Spruce
       In Aircraft Construction/Eugene L. Parker
62     Carnauba Expedition

 2     Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
22     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
27     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
32     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
44     Sportplane Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
45     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91     Washington Report/David Scott

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line
66     Calendar of Events


 1     The Rutan Voyager, sensation of Oshkosh'84
         Photo by Pat Storch

       OCTOBER 1984

13    Oshkosh'84 -
      Homebuilts at Oshkosh . . . A Census of Sorts/Jack Cox
25    Oshkosh'84 Awards
28    Book Review./Norm Petersen
30    1984 EAA Oshkosh-Fond du Lac 500/Aaron King, Jr.
44    George Pereira's Grand Champion/Outstanding New
      Design - GP 4/Jack Cox
51    Oshkosh'84 Panorama/Photos by Allardice Associates
54    Larry Denning's Kit Built Grand Champion Eagle II/
      Jack Cox
71    Winners of First EAA-Spartan Scholarships Announced/
      Henry Ogrodzinski


2     Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
27    Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
29    Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
42    Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
50    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
72    Oshkosh Adventure/Frank Kingston Smith
76    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
103   Washington Report/David Scott

  4    Letters To The Editor
  5    Hotline
 77    Calendar of Events

  1    George Pereira's Grand Champion Custom Built/
      Outstanding New Design - the GP 4. (See page 44)
      Photo by Ted Koston

Back Cover

104   Larry Denning's Grand Champion Kit Built Eagle II
      (See page 54) Photo by Ted Koston

    NOVEMBER 1984  
 12    Stinson Reliant/Jack Cox
 18    A Classic Beauty/Norm Petersen
 22    A Simple Anti-Collision Device for Aircraft Without Electrical Systems
 24    Richard Brown Wins EAA-AVCO Lycoming Safety Award/Henry Ogrodzinski
 26    Ron Waid's Grand Champion Rotorcraft/Jack Cox
 34    Bob Hoover's Marysville Mishap
 41    Oshkosh Album - Antiques and Classics
 46    Is A Horizontal Tail Necessary - Conclusion/George Collinge
 52    Jack Nagel's SuperSwift/Jack Cox
 58    Avoiding Fuel Contamination/Harry Zeisloft and Henry Ogrodz
 60    Collector Series Number One/Greg Anderson
 66    Basic Aircraft Welding By Viedeo

 2    Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
17    Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
30    Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
36    Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
51    Sportplane Medicine/Dr. Stanley Mohler
61    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
62    NOTAMS: Airport Advisories/Timothy McSwain
64    Am I Covered ?/Leonard Heckmann
91    Washington Report/David Scott

 5    Hot Line
11    Letters
69    Calendar of Events

 1    Tom Laurie's Stinson Reliant, Oshkosh'84 Grand Champion
      Antique (see page 12)./Photo by Ted Koston

Back Cover
 92   Oshkosh'84 Grand Champion Classic, a Cessna 140 owned
      by Kathie and Rick Paige (see page 18)./Photo by Ted Koston

       DECEMBER 1984

17     "Dear EAA..."/Wally MacQuarrie
19      Sharing the Skills and Lore of Aviation at the EAA Aviation Center/
        Chuck Larsen and Bob Dalton
23      Brienne 1984/Jim Eich
28      Falcon A/Ivan Munninghoff
34      World Aerobatic Championships/Don Berliner
39      Warbirds at Oshkosh'84
40      From the CO's Cockpit/John Baugh
40      Mystery Warbird
41      "... All That A Mustang Pilot Can Do Is Fly Fast And
        Turn Left/Mustang 6320T
45      Mission to Oshkosh/Jeff Ethell
50      The Way It Was/Jeff Ethell
52      Proud Panther/Jeff Ethell
56      Warbirds - Then/Jeff Ethell
58      The World's Fastest Flying Club/Paul Lupton

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
12     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
18     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M. D.
25     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
26     What Our Members Are Building
30     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
33     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
69     Am I Covered?/Robert Urbine
91     Washington Report/David H. Scott

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
10     Primary Aircratt Update
82     Calendar of Events

  1     The EAA Aviation Museum's Grumman Duck.
           Photo by Kastytis Izokaitis
            Consolidated Papers

        JANUARY 1985

10     What Our Members Are Building
12     Leo Loudenslager, Archetype of Aerobatic Pilots/
       D. A. Gustafson
18     Fond du Lac'84/Paul Lupton
26     MERFI '84/Grant Staley
28     Brazil.., The Eze Way/Mabel Coha
35     Restraint System Basics/Richard F. Chandler
40     Gene Parker's Jungmeister 1/Gene Parker
46     Tribute To Aviation Publishing./Jack Cox
55     David Rasor's Coot/David Rasor

 2    Homebuilder's Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
24    Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
44    Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley R. Mohler, M.D.
45    Am I Covered?/Bob Urbine
48    Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
49    The Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
58    Cutoff At The Impasse/Frank Kingston Smith
60    Crattsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
91    Washington Report/David H. Scott

 4    Letters To The Editor
 5    Hot Line From Headquarters
 8    Nominations For EAA Directors
 8    EAA Organization
61    New EAA Museum Aircraft
64    Oshkosh Countdown
73    Calendar of Events

 1    Leo Loudenslager and His Laser
      Photo by Budd Davisson

      FEBRUARY 1985  

 1     Star-Lite/Mark Brown
16     Reflections On Reno'84/Paul H  Poberezny
23     A Special Report... A Look At EAA/Tom Poberezny
32     Martin Lowe's Travel Air B-4000/Jack Cox
37     See And Be Seen/Harry Zeisloft
40     Weight And Balance . . . By Computer/Chris Murray
42     Sky Gypsy/Frank S. Pavliga
51     . . . And Then There Were Four
52     Tony's Mooney "Mite"/Norm Petersen
55     Globe (Girdling) Swift
56     What Our Members Are Building
60     Leo Loudenslager, Archetype of Aerobatic Pilots/
       David A. Gustafson

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
26     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler, M.D.
39     Book Review/David H. Scott
46     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
47     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
48     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
91     Washington Report/David H. Scott

 4    Letters To The Editor
 5    Hot Line From Headquarters
58    Oshkosh Countdown
65    Calendar Of Events
66    At The Center/Henry Ogrodzinski

      Mark Brown's Star-Lite
      Photo by Ted Koston

      MARCH 1985 

10     The EAA Aviation Foundation... A Year In Review/
        Tom Poberezny
13     The Sole Remaining Example..Waco HRE/Norm Petersen
24     Dick DeGraw's Hummingbird/Jack Cox
29     Pioneer Airport - A Link With the Past... Building
        Toward the Future/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
32     Dave Aronson's Falco/Jack Cox
40     The Silhouette/Jack Cox
43-50  Computer Programs For Homebuilders -
43     Your Own Computer Weather Station For Under $750/Ted Cannaday
46     Computer Drawn Airfoils/Robert H. Aymar
48     Weight and Balance... By Computer (Part 11)/Chris Murray
51     The Dragonfly Fever/Brad Chamberlain
57     Wright Brothers Invitational - 1984/Douglas Weiler

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
18     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
36     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
37     Craftsman's Corner/Ch uck Larsen
38     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
55     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
60     Frank Kingston Smith
62     Aeromodeling and Homebuilding/Bob Wischer
91     Washington Report/David Scott
 4     Leters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
39     Minutes of Annual Business Meeting
66     Calendar of Events

     John Rice's Waco HRE (see page 13)
      Photo by James Partian

      APRIL 1985

11     Lancer 200/Lance A. Neibauer
16     Dr. Frank H. Austin, Our New Federal Air Surgeon/
       Jack Cox
20     Harry Thompson's Dormoy Bathtub/Jack Cox
29     Bob's Cloud Nine/Doug Evans
36     Talking-Taking Pictures/Dick Matt
40     With Rode'Round The World/Jack Cox
46     Mong Super Sport/John Dormer
50     Kerrville'84/Gene Chase
54     Gordon Slattery's Kustom Kolb/Norm Petersen
57     The Flutterbug Still Lives/Glen Ballard
60     15th Annual EAA East Coast Fly-In/James 0. Eggleston
62     Instrument Panel Light For Homebuilts/Glynn L. Harris

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
10     Book Review/Dennis Parks
23     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
32     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
35     Sport Pilot MedicinefStanley Mohler
49     NOTAMs/W. Timothy McSwai n
53     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
59     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
91     Washington Report/David Scott

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
19     Oshkosh Countdown
63     Calendar Of Events

 1     Lance Neibauer's new design, the Lancer 200
      (see page 11 ) Photo by Steve Rahm

       MAY 1985

10     Navion/Dick Matt
20     Sun'n Fun'85 Preview/Jack Cox
22     Flying In/Camping Out/'Sally Ryan
25     Poltergeist Sportster/Bruce Hollander
27     Making The Most of A Year of Opportunity/Greg Anderson
35     Basic Aircraft Woodworking/Dick Matt
38     A Look At EAA's World of Flight... Let The Adventure
42     What Our Members Are Building/Restoring
44     One More Look At Oshkosh'84/Jack Cox
51     Is There A Motorglider In Your Future?/Alex Strojnik
58     1985 EAA Oshkosh 500/James A. Vliet
66     $30,000 of EAA Scholarships To Be Awarded At
       Oshkosh'85/Chuck Larsen

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
16     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
30     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
41     Chapters In Action/Chuck Larsen
50     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
60     Craftsman's Corner/Chuck Larsen
63     Frank Kingston Smith
91     Washington Report/David Scott

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
15     The Concord Cometh
33     Oshkosh Countdown
57     Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Election
65     Calendar of Events

 1     EAA Aviation Center. Photo by Jim Koepnick.

        JUNE 1985

12     Chicken House Chargers/Remo Galeazzi
19     Flying In/Camping OuVSally E. Ryan
26     Video Variety/Jay T. Meidl
32     Think About... The Value of Your EAA
       Membership/Tom Poberezny
33     Perennial Propmaker/Dick Cavin
40     Sun'n Fun'85/Jack Cox
45     Ultra... er, Lightplanes
49     Awards
50     Sun 50 Air Race
51     The Sparrow Hawk MK II
53     Tri Gear Conversion
56     Jerry Gruber's Grand Champion Glasair/Jack Cox
59     Lycoming Safety Award
60     A Time of Memories/Morton W. Lester

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul Poberezny
22     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
29     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
31     Book Review/Greg Anderson
35     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
38     Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
91     Washington Report/David Scott

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
10     1985 EAA Elections
28     Concorde Touchdown
36     At the Center/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
62     Calendar of Events

  1     Remo Galeazzi's Marquart Charger (see page 12)
         Photo by Jack Cox

        JULY 1985

10     Kolb's Firestar Debuts At Sun'n Fun'85/Dick Cavin
20     Bob Geren and His Howard DGA's/Dick Cavin
28     Air Traffic Control... For The Love of It!/
       John D. Lewkowicz
31     John Roncz, The Aristotle of Airfoils/Jack Cox
40     More On Wingtip Antennas/F. H. Wheeler
42     A Low Cost High Tension Lead Tester/
       Thomas K. Eismin
44     Investing In Aviation's Future - The EAA Aviation
       Foundation's Endowment Fund
45     Alaska Photo Album/Roy G. Cagle
52     Warbirds South For Sun'n Fun'85/Jeff Ethell
56     Better... The Second Time Around/Mark Danielson
58     Memorial Dedication Opportunities At The EAA
         Aviation Center

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
16     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
26     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
37     Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
38     Frank Kingston Smith
49     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
59     Am I Covered?/Bob Urbine
59     Book Review/Joan Seybold

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
62     Calendar of Events
63     Auto Fuel Availability

 1      Homer Kolb's new FireStar (see page 10)
        Photo Courtesy Kolb Co., Inc.

        AUGUST 1985  

10     Liability/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
12     Glasair Fixed Tricycle Gear/Robert Gavinsky
16     Horses That Eat... But Don't Pull/Ben Ellison
21     Building and Flying a Human-Powered Airship White Dwarf/Bryan Allen
27     Garth Meinke's Acroduster II/Jack Cox
32     The Other Oshkosh
37     The Freedom Master FM-2/Arthur M. Lueck
41     American Warplanes - The Way They Really Were/Jeff Ethell
44     Butch Joyce's Working Classic/Jack Cox
53     At The Center/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
55     Yankees Invade Oklahoma/Dick Cavin
58     EAA Museum Docents/Chuck Larsen

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
24     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
30     What Our Members Are Building/Restoring
34     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
50     Following The Leaders/Frank Kingston Smith
52     Am I Covered?/Bob Urbine
57     Craftsman's Corner Ben Owen
61     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
91     Washington Report/David Scott

 4    Letters To The Editor
 5    Hot Line From Headquarters
15    Auto Fuel Availability
52    Book Review/Joan Seybold
63    Calendar Of Events

    Glasair FT (see page 12)
    Photo Courtesy Stoddard Hamilton

        SEPTEMBER 1985               

 9     NPRM Update
12     Tom and Viv Tedrow's Porterfield/Jack Cox
15     Memories of Porterfield/Dick Cavin
17     The Forbes Simpson "Lowlander"/Dick Cavin
18     What's Your Coverage??/Harry Hanisch
20     1985 CAFE 400 Overview/Bill Badstubner
24     Discussion of Results/Brien A. Seeley
28     Ontario'85/Myron Marsh
36     The 27th Annual Tulsa Fly-In/Gene Chase
39     Preparing For Our Convention/John Burton
43     Mercea'85/Dick Cavin
46     Mach 2 To Oshkosh
50     The Banty/Mike Kimbrel
56     Orion - A New Star In The Sky/Dick Cavm

 2     Homebuilder's Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
30     Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
52     NOTAMS/W. Timothy McSwain
54     What Our Members Are Building/Restoring
61     Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
63     Tubside Notes/Frank Kingston Smith
65     Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
67     Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
91     Washington Report/David Scott

 4     Letters To The Editor
 5     Hot Line From Headquarters
19     Auto Fuel Availability
66     Calendar of Events

       The Concorde... Oshkosh'85.
       Photo by Jim Koepnick


       OCTOBER 1985  

9    Rec Pilots Proposal/Henry M. Ogrodzinski
11   The Miracle That Is Oshkosh/Jack Cox
27   Grand Champion Deja Vu!/Jack Cox
32   Concorde/Berl Brechner
39   Grand Champion Classic... Cessna 195/Dick Cavin
44   Grand Champion Savoia Marchetti S.56/Gene Chase
49   Warbirds - Airborne and Climbing/Jeff Ethel
52   A Visit To Arlington/Ann Enman
56   The Awards - Oshkosh'85
59   The LF-1, A Flying Outboard/Dick Cavin
62   Engines At Oshkosh/Jack Cox

2    Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
21   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
23   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
36   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
41   Warbird Man/Frank Kingston Smith
68   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
91   Washington Report/David Scott
4    Letters To The Editor
5    Hot Line From Headquarters
70   Calendar of Events

Larry Haas'Grand Champion Custom Built-
 Midget Mustang (see page 27)
 Photo by Carl Schuppel

        NOVEMBER 1985

11   Consumers-Insurance-Liability:
     A Progress Report/Henry Ogrodzinski
12   Fond du Lac'85/David Gustafson
17   Designed For Speed... Celerity/Ann Enman
18   Oshkosh Potpourri
24   The Minimax - Wayne Ison's Latest Design/
     Norm Petersen
27   EAA Air Academy'85 - Where Learning
     Takes Off/Paul Lupton
31   The 1985 EAA Oshkosh Fond du Lac 500/
     James A. Vliet
37   Oshkosh Impressions/Frank Kingston Smith
43   Oshkosh'85 Workshops and Forums/
     Berl Brechner
4b   Chuck Thornton's Grand Champion T-38/
     Jack Cox
51   How Can They Sue Me? I Don't Even Own That
     Airplane Anymore!/James E. Schacht
56   EAA Membership Honor Roll

 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
54   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
57   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
59   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
61   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
63   Reclamation Project/Frank Kingston Smith
91   Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
42  EAA'World of Flight'Photo Contest
58  Auto Fuel Availability
62  Calendar of Events

   Monoplanes at Fond du Lac'85, bottom to
   top, Henry Haigh, Clint McHenry, Bob Davis
   and Lee Manelski (see page 12).
    Photo by David Gustafson

       DECEMBER 1985

11   Samson/Steve Wolf
17   Oshkosh Potpourri
19   1985 National Model Airplane
     Championships - the NATS/Bob Wischer
23   The Friends of Aviation - A Reason For Giving
24   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring
26   EAA Light Plane World/Mary Jones
28   Akron Funk Model B/Gene Chase                       
31   Matgate'85/Norm Petersen
34   Oshkosh'85 Intetnational Visitors/Berl Btechnet
37   Waltet Nitz's Grand Champion Exec/Jack Cox                         
41   Rotor Roundup - Rotorcraft At Oshkosh'85/         
     Jack Cox
44   Evening Activities/Berl Brechnet
46   Reno'85 - A View From The Pits/Golda Cox
50   The World of Sport Aviation... As I See It/
     Tom Poberezny
53   Shafts In Light Aitcraft/M.B. "MOlf'Taylot
56   The INAV/Lotus Engines/David Gustafson                    

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
57  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
60  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohlet
61  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
64  Christmas Present/Frank Kingston Smith
66  Crattsman's Cornet/Ben Owen
91  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
74  EAA Membership Honor Roll                           
74   Calendar of Events

    Steve Wolfs Samson (see page 11).
    Photo by Dave Schwartz

          JANUARY 1986

11   Liability Vs Personal Aviation - Balancing Freedom
     And Responsibility/Henry Ogrodzinski
14   J. V. Withrows Starduster Too/Jack Cox
19   Is Your Family Aware of Your Insurance Coverage?/Harry Hanisch
20   Structural Testing of the Lancair 200/Martin Hollmann
24   Galesburg National Stearman Fly-In/Keith Lester
28   Tom Zedakefs Stinson 108-2/Dick Cavin
32   Oshkosh Album/Jack Cox
39   Introducing Your Headquarters Staff
40   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring
42   Homebuilt Texas Taildragger/Donald Owens
44   Nationals'85/Jean Sorg
49   The Bendix Trophy Races/David Scott
91   The Washington File/John Burton

2    Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
51   Sportplane Builder - Tonys Falco Flies/Tony Bingelis
56   Big Cat Show/Frank Kingston Smith
58   Cockpit Classroom - The Overbanking Tendency/Harold Holmes
61   Sport Pilot Medicine - High Altitude Flight/Stanley Mohler
63   Craftsman's Corner - Airspeed: What It Is And How
      To Measure it/Dick Roemer
4    Letters To The Editor
5    Hot Line From Headquarters
13   Nominations For EAA Directors
13   EAA Organization
37   Oshkosh Countdown
39   Auto Fuel Availability
62   EAA Membership Honor Roll
65   Calendar of Events

J, V. Withrows Starduster Too (see page 14)
Photo by Carl Schuppel

          FEBUARY 1986

11    Liability Crisis... What You Can Do/Henry Ogrodzinski
14    Rotary Vee Engine/Dick Cavin
19    Boredom Fighters!/Jack Cox
23    The Long Road Back... The Pioneers/George Hardie
27    Wright Brothers Invitational 1985/Douglas Weller
31    Washington File/John Burton
34    EAA's New Technology; Audiovisual Communications/John Burton
40    EAA and You/Tom Poberezny
42    EAA Chapter 434 Mogas Project/James Nelson and Doug Davis
43    EAA Scholarships/Chuck Larsen
44    What Our Members Are Building/Restoring
46    First Plans Built Cozy/Ulrich Wolter
51    EAA Volunteers... The Greatest/Berl Brechner
6O    Phoenix Flight Story/Jerry D. Mullens
68    Introducing Your Headquarters Staff
9O    More What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
37   Cockpit Classroom - Wing Tip Vortices/Harold Holm
54   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
59   Sport Pilot Medicine - The Mission Adaptable Pilot/Stanley Mohler
64   Small Talk/Frank Kingston Smith
66   Craftsman's Corner/Charles Salt
91   Washington Report/David Scott

 4    Letters To The Editor
 5    Hot Line From Headquarters
26    Auto Fuel Availability
33    Calendar of Events
39    EAA Membership Honor Roll
46-A  1986 EAA Aviation Foundation Sweepstakes
58    Book Review/Joan Seybold

    Ulrlch and Linda Woltefs Cozy (see page 46)
    Photo by Carl Schuppel

            MARCH 1986

10  Tom Prescotts Pusher/Dick Cavin
17  The Show of Shows/Berl Brechner
21  EAA Salutes Viet Nam Veterans/Jim Koepnick
23  A Conversation With Burt Rutan/Jack Cox
26  The Long Road Back... The North American
    Light Plane Club/George Hardie, Jr.
37  Aviation Products Liability Arbitration Board/Henry Ogrodzinski
39  Homebuilder/Emeritus - "Al" Schauss/Norm Petersen
44  The New Hilton Welcome Theater
45  EAA Oshkosh'86 - An Air of Adventure/Tom Poberezny
46  The Whisper/Jack Cox
52  Bill Johnson's Bellanca Cruisair/Jack Cox
54  Englne Installation In A Sportplane/Nell D. Bingham
64  Introduclng Your Headquarters Staff

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
24  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
33  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
60  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
61  Time For A Sneak Preview/Frank Kingston Smith
91  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
34  EAA Oshkosh'86... Countdown
63  Calendar of Events
63  EAA New Videos Releases
72  EAA Membership Honor Roll

    Tom Prescotts Pusher (see page 10)
   Photo Courtesy Prescott Aeronautical
   Corp., Inc.

           APRIL 1986

11   A Grand Champion Warbird... T-34/Christopher L. Blackwell
14   Stinson Reliant - A Family Affair!/Gene Chase
18   Tri-Gear Star-Lite/Mark D. Brown
33   EAA Oshkosh'86 - An Air of Adventure/Tom Poberezny
34   Wings On Dreams - The Final Leg            '
36   The Long Road Back... The Lightplane Association
      of America/George Hardie, Jr.
39   Memories of Summer Past:
      MERFI - Grant Staley
      Kerrville - Dick Cavin
      Copperstate - Fred Feemster
43   Stewart S-51D/Jim D. Stewart
46   Velocity/Billy Henderson
51   Project Schoolflight - Putting Hands and Minds
      Together For A Better America/Chuck Larson
53   Introducing Your Headquarters Staff
54   Motorizing A Pure Sailplane/Harry Miltner
57   Atlantic Crossing... In A Pitts??/Jean Sorg
63   Suggestions And Guidelines For The Selection And Use
      Of Advanced Composites/Peter D. Van Dine
88   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
23   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
27   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
30   History on the Wing/Frank Kingston Smith
32   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
61   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
91   Washington Report/David Scott

 4   Letters To Me Editor
 5   Hot Line From Headquarters
31   EAA Membership Honor Roll
66   Book Review/Dennis Parks
67   Calendar of Events
67   EAA New Videos Releases

   Dr. Dan Blackwell's Grand Champion T-34
    (see page 11) Photo by Eden Harris

                MAY 1986

11   Wings On Dreams - The Final Leg
12   Waco QCF-2/Gene Chase
14   A QCF Perspective/Jack Cox
16   Old Bar-B-Que/Norm Petersen
19   The E-Racer/Robert R. Black
28   How To Move The C.G.?/Stan Hall
31   The Long Road Back... Some Early Homebuilts/
      George Hardie, Jr.
39   Fiberglass Fairings/Dean Hall
41   Sun'n Fun'86
45   EAA's World of Flight Photo Contest
49   From the Saddle to the Left Seat.., Jeana Yeager/Ann Enman
50   Mel And His Moni/Dick Cavin
53   Liability Crisis... A Consumer Update/Henry Ogrodzinski
55   Introducing Your Headquarters Staff
6O   EAA Oshkosh'86/Tom Poberezny

 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
23   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
34   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
37   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
56   NOTAMS/W.Timothy McSwain
58   Proof Positive/Frank Kingston Smith
6l   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Moh/er
91   Washington Report/David Scott

 4   Letters To The Editor
 5   Hot Line From Headquarters
59   EAA Membership Honor Roll
62   Calendar of Events
62   EAA New Video Releases
88   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

   Jim and Georaia Warren's award winning
   Waco QCF-2 (see page 12), Photo by Jim Koepnick

           JUNE 1986

11   The White Lightning/Jack Cox
16   Nlck Jones, A South Carolina Boy/Jack Cox
17   Sun'n Fun/Jack Cox
22   EAA Oshkosh'86/Tom Poberemy  
24   Talking Taking Pictures/Dlck Matt
25   Wings On Dreams, Me Final Leg
33   Switches AC Vs DC/Art Bianconi
35   The Long Road Back... The American Airmen's Association/
       George Hardie, Jr.
39   Sun'n Fun Grand Champion Homebuilt/Jack Cox

  Sun'n Fun Showplanes/Jack Cox
41   Marvelous Miniplane
43   Ed Kirbys Monocoupe 90A
45   Joe Hindall's Amphib Super Cub
47   The KB-3, An Ultalight Gyroplane
49   3/4 Scale Champ
51   The Saudi Buckaroo
53   Sun 60 Air Race/Jack Cox
62   Introducing Your Headquarters Staff

2    Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberemy
28   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
34   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
38   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
55   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
58   Going the Wright Way/Frank Kingston Smith
91   Washington Report/David Scott

4   Letters To The Editor
5   Hot Line From Headquarters
26  EAA Election'86
27  1986 EAA Art Competition Winners Announced
33  EAA Membership Honor Roll
61  Calendar of Events
63  EAA Video Releases
88  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

   Phil Lockood at the controls of a Maxair XP-503.
    Photo by Jan Svriger

               JULY  1986  


  12   John Shivelys D.H.5/Jack Cox
  15   Tornado Alley To Lakeland/Jeff Ethell
  19   EAA Oshkosh'8blTom Poberezny
  20   First Flight Impressions In The Voyager/Mike MeMll
  23   Judging the Homebuilts/John Winter
  26   Young Faces In Aviation
  31   A Comparative Study/E. Eugene Larrabee
  37   Foundation Report
  40   Wings on Dreams, The Final Leg
  41   EAA Youth Membership/Chuck Larsen
  43   The Q2 and Me Too/Jim Maris
  48   Ford Tri-Motor - NC8407/Norm Petersen
  57   The Long Road Back... Founding the Experimental
        Aircraft Association/George Hardie, Jr.
  6O   Experimental Aircraft Certificates/Bob Burbick
  63   Who Says - Bad Gas?/Harry Zeisloft
  65   Introducing your Headquarters Staff


  2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
 23   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
 27   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
 36   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
 38   Sentimental Journey/Frank Kingston Smith
 42   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
 98   Washington Report/David Scott


 4   Letters To The Editor
 6   Hot Line From Headquarters
66   Calendar of Events
66   EAA Video Releases
94   EAA Membership Honor Roll
96   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

   The EAA Air Museum's Ford Tri-Motor,
      Photo Courtesy Consolidated Papers, Inc.

              AUGUST 1986

12   Dawson Ransome's Bcker Jungmann/Woody Menear
16   The Christen Husky/Jack Cox
26   Restoration of a Twin Tailed Tiger/John C. Cost
33   The Freedom to Fly: Myth vs. Reality/Richard J. Ferris
34   Foundation Report/Norm Petersen
39   Wings on Dreams - The Final Leg
43   The Meadow Lark/E. H. McCarter
46   A Critique of the BD-5 Concept, Part 1/
       Seth B. Andersan
50   Gee Bee Model Y Senior Sportster/Gene Chase
54   Low and Slow To Oshkosh We Go, Part I/Willie Turner
61   AVEMCO Offers Strong Comprehensive Insurance/
       Hatry Hanlsch
62   Be A Protected Pilot/David E. Jensen
63   Constructing Better Leading Edges and Wings Tips/
       Neil D. Bingham
66   In Tune/Scott Kemper


 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
28   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
35   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
36   EAA Chapter News/Lisa Chapman
40   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
41   Dream Time Again/Frank Kingston Smith
98   Washington Report/David Scott


 4   Letters To The Editor
 6   Hot Line From Headquarters
38   Book Review
45   EAA Memberhip Honor Roll
68   Calendat of Events
68   EAA Video Releases
96   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring


   Dawson Ransame's Bucker Jungmann (see page 12).
     Photo by Jan Firestone

             SEPTEMBER 1986

11   Oshkosh'86 Preview
15   Dae Blanton's Ford V-6/Dick Cavin
19   T-18 History/Dick Cain
25   Lose Weight and Maintain Your Good Looks?/Elwood M, Bond
42   Wings On Dreams - After the "Final Leg"
43   A Critique of the BD-5 Concept, Part 2/Seth Anderson
48   Low and Slow To Oshkosh We Go, Part 2/Gail Turner
51   Foundation Report/Norm Petersen, Jack Cox
55   1986 CAFE 400/Jim Horn
58   Discussion of Results (CAFE 400)/Brien Seeley
64   Llbrary Update/Dennis Parks

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
29  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
34  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
35  EAA Chapter News/Lisa Chapman
36  Thoughts About the P Factor/Frank Kingston Smith
38  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
41  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
68  EAA Financial Report
68  EAA Membership Honor Roll
69  EAA Video Releases
69  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

    Frecce Tricolori - Oshkosh'86
     Photo by Berl Brechner

                OCTOBER 1986

11   Oshkosh'86... An Air of Adventure/Jack Cox
16   A Trip Back in Time/John Burton
26   The Essence of Oshkosh'86/Henry Ogrodzinski
32   The Tizzy Lish/Jack Cox
37   Paul Cloyd's Grand Champion Glasair/Dick Cavin
42   Grumman Tigercat/Gene Chase
48   An Italian Sky Over Oshkosh/Berl Brechner
54   Al Reays Cadillac Twinstar/Mary Jones
59   Warbirds: From Pistons to Afterburners/Robert S. DeGroat
62   A Monument To Us All/Greg Anderson
67   Oshkosh'86 Awards

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
41  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
45  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
47  EAA Chapter News/Lisa Chapman
57  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
64  Craftsman's Carner/Ben Owen
65  Never Too Old/Frank Kingston Smith
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
7I  EAA New Video Releases
94  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   Rick Hansen's Grand Champion Plans Built
   Hatz Biplane (see page 32)
     Photo by Carl Schuppel

Back Cover
   Paul Cloyd's Grand Champion Kit Built Glasair
   (see page 37)
    Photo by Carl Schuppel

            NOVEMBER 1986

13   Oshkosh'86... An Air of Adventure, Part II/Jack Cox
18   1986 Rotor Round-Up/Jack Cox
21   People At Oshkosh/Henry Ogrodzinski
24   Pitcairn Autogiro... Miss Champion/Gene Chase
31   Dick Packets Grand Champion Stearman/Jack Cox
40   Stinson Voyager/Norm Petersen
44   Medical Tent Forums/Stanley Mohler
45   Communications Key To Convention's Success/John Burton
46   Micros In The Cockpit/Doug Garner
49   Reincarnation of A Racer/Bill Turner
55   Fondy 86/Jean Sorg
57   13th World Aerobatics Championships/Don Berliner
63   Northwest EAA Fly-In - Arlington'86/Ann Enman

 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
35   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
61   Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
66   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
67   EAA Chapter News/Lisa Chapman
69   Oshkosh... Out and Back/Frank Kingston Smith
71   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
98   Washington Report/David Scott

 4   Letters To The Editor
 6   Hot Line From Headquarters
30   Book Reviews
68   EAA Membership Honor Roll
71   Calendar of Events
96   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Fond du Lac'86 Sportsman winner Giles
    Henderson and his Clipped Wing Cub (see
    page 55).
      Photo by David Gustafson

   Dick Packers Grand Champion Stearman
    (see page 31).
     Photo by Jack Cox

             DECEMBER 1986

12   Tsunami/Jack Cox
23   Now Comes The RV-6/Dick Cavin
27   American Moth/Harvey Doyle
39   Light Is Better/Neil Bingham
43   Harrier/Berl Brechner
47   The Ligeti Stratos/Dick Cavin
51   National Acro Champs/Jean Sorg
53   The Red Baron Goes Italian/Giancarlo Zanardo
56   Mixing Winter Flying With Oil, Fuel and Water!/by Niel Petersen
91   Byron Originals "Fun-Fly'/Roger D. Smith

2    Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
33   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
38   EAA Chapter News/Lisa Chapman
40   From The Archives/Dennis Parks
42   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
61   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
62   Shrine Time/Frank Kingston Smith
66   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
98   Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
39  Calendar of Events
65  EAA Annual Business Meeting Minutes
83  EAA Videos
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   Tsunami, first homebuilt Unlimited racer
    since 1939 (see page 12)
      Photo by Ron Burda

              JANUARY 1987

 4  Letters - EAAers Respond To Ann Landers
12  Glasair Ill/Jack Cox
21  The Goodyear BlimplBerl Brechner
25  Yellow 21Projected Revisited/C. L. "Bud" McHolland
30  Special Report To The Membership
43  Kerrville'86/Dick Cavin
47  Joe Gagliardi's Grand Champion J3
48  Improving The Breed
49  Texas Duo... a Bcker and a T-Craft
51  The Foxworthy Eagle/Betty Ann Foxworthy
58  Models For Test and Designing Homebuilt Aircraft/
     Molt Taylor and Jerry Holcomb
86  An EAA Adventure Special For Aviation
87  More Than One Way To Skin A Cat/Martin Cadin

2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
35  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
39  Flying Safety Update
40  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
41  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
6O  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
61  Happy Old Year/Frank Kingston Smith
63  Q&A - Questions & Answers
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
29  EAA Membership Honor Roll
40  Calendar of Events
81  EAA Video Releases
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   Stoddard-Hamilton's new Glasair III
    (see page 12)
     Photo by Carl Schuppel

           FEBUARY 1987

12   The Flight of Voyager/Jack Cox
18   Profile... Len Snellman
24   Behind the Scenes at Mojave
89   Voyager - Mission Possible
94   And the Fuel Remaining Was...
94   Dick, Jeana and Burt at Oshkosh'87
39   Edna Gardner Whyte/Dick Cavin
44   "More Than One Way To Skin A Cat"(Part 11)/Martin Caidin
53   A Forty-Year Old Hot Rod..The Johnson Rocket/Norm Petersen
57   Fixing Crankshaft Seal Leaks/Jack Norris

 2  Homebuildefs Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
32  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
34  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
37  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
59  Craftsman Corner/Ben Owen     
60  About Aeronautical Ignorance/Frank Kingston Smith
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
6   Hot Line From Headquarters
11  EAA Oshkosh'87.., An Aviation Showcase
36  Calendar of Events
38  EAA Air Academy'86
85  EAA Membership Honor Roll
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   Dick Rutan, Jeana Yeager and the Voyager
    (see page 12)
      Photos by Mark Greenberg-Visions

              MARCH 1987

12   Gordon Price & Ultimate Aircrafts New 10 Dash 200/David A Gustafson
17   Lucky Lady/Jack Cox
23   Converting To A Wetwing/Edward R. Boothe
26   A New Date With An Old Love/Harvey Doyle
43   Milts Little Bird/Bernard L. Rice
48   England's First Pietenpol Air Camper/F. A Hawke
54   Handling the Invasion/Berl Brechner
83   More Than One Way To Skin A Cat -ConCluslon/Martin Caidin

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
30  Air Museum Highlights - A "Link"To The Past/Norm Petersen
33  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
37  Spring Is In The Air/Frank Kingston Smith
39  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
41  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
42  Questions and Answers
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
32  Freedom, Flight, Friendship - Some Thoughts On Our Future/Greg Anderson
36  EAA Oshkosh'87... An Aviation Showcase
59  EAA Membership Honor Roll
59  Calendar of Events
82  Book Review
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Gordon Price's new 10 Dash 200
    (see page 12)
    David A Gustafson

             APRIL 1987

12   Neptune/James B. Zazas
20   Bill Tee's Zenith CH300/Bill Tee
23   History of the Formula One Racer/Don Berliner
29   Fuel Systems For Homebuilt Airplanes/Lyle S. Powell, Jr.
40   Improving Performance By Modifying Prop Tips/Dick Hess
43   Huf-Limbach/Alexander E. Walordy
48   Its A Ten... Or... John and the Waco Stalk/Bill Kilborn and John Stilley
53   Flight Testing the Swish II Motor Glider/Thomas M. Irwln
90   A Long Way From Anywhere - Part 1/Patrick Colin

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
34  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
39  Questions and Answers
59  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
6O  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
62  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
63  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
65  Learning About Mere Women/Frank Kingston Smlth
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
32  Calendar of Events
33  EAA Oshkosh'87... An Aviation Showcase
42  EAA Membership Honor Roll
58  EAA New Video Releases
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Neptune... the Indiana Museum of
    Military Historys Lockheed P2V-7.
      Mark Meyer,Photo

            MAY 1987

12   Prowler/Jack Cox
16   Sun'n Fun - Preview in Pictures
20   Tora, Tora, Tora Over Indiana/Chuck Larsen and Norm Petersen
24   Turbo-Prop Jungmeister!
37   Testing Your Homebuilt: Pitot-Statics/Eric Hansen
43   Irish KR-2/Gerry O'Hara
47   Tailwind Revisited/Wilson Werhan
53   The Wright Brothers Awards/Walt Hoy
55   Voyager'Chutes/Manley C. Butler, Jr.
88   A Long Way From Anywhere (Conclusion)/Patrick Colin

 2  Homebuildefs Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
27  Flying Safety Update
28  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
32  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
33  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
34  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
59  Questions & Answers
60  Clean-Up Man/Frank Kingston Smith
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
36  EAA Oshkosh'87... An Aviation Showcase
54  EAA Membership Honor Roll
63  EAA New Video Releases
64  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    George Morse's Prowler (see page 12)
     Carl Schuppel

            JUNE 1987

13   Two Easy/Dick Cavin
17   Tale of the Flea/Norm Regnier
21   Jongbloed Reducer/Bill Jongbloed
24   Swimming Chicken... An Ultralight Flying Boat/George W, Patterson
26   A New Approach To Collision Avoidance/H, Paul Shuch
43   Sun'n Fun/Jack Cox
51   Sun 6O Air Race/Jack Cox
54   Hurricane!/Jack Cox
56   Straightwing!/Jack Cox
89   The Kinner'Coupe Still Lives/Jack Cox
92   ... Another Beautiful Hatz Biplane/Jack Cox

 2  Homebuildefs Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
29  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
34  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
37  From The Archives/Dennis Parks
39  Hero Stuff/Frank Kingston Smith
41  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Ovren
42  Questions & Answers
60  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
98  Washington Report/David Scott

4   Letters To The Editor
4   EAA Organization
6   Hot Line From Headquarters
32  EAA New Video Releases
33  EAA Oshkosh'87... An Aviation Showcase
36  EAA Elections'87
61  EAA Membership Honor Roll
63  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   Bob Beard's new design - the Two Easy
    (see page 13),
                      Carl Schuppel

                JULY 1987

13   Petie 2nd/Gene Chase
20   First Kit-Built Velocity/Jack Cox
22   A Dream Come True/Roger Smith
27   Nuptial Eagle/Robert Peterson
30   Dynamic Modeling/Stan Hall
47   Return of the "Spirit of Flight"/Tom Poberezny
53   The Skycycle/Fred Barker
55   The Elusive Lark/Ron Darcey
59   Revival At Macwhyte/Norm Petersen
99   British Aviation Museums/Gerry Bruder

 2    Homebuilders'Corner/Paul Poberezny
37    A Glory Upside Down/Frank Kingston Smith
39    Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
44    Questions & Answers
45    Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
63    Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
lO6   Washington Report/David Scott

  4   Letters To The Editor
  6   Hot Line From Headquarters
 26   EAA/AVEMCO Insurance Update/Harry Hanisch
 29   BRAVO
 36   EAA Membership Honor Roll
 46   EAA Oshkosh'87... An Aviation Showcase
54-A  Oshkosh'87 VFR Arrival Procedures
54-E  EAA Oshkosh'87 Forums
 64   Flying Safety UPDATE
 65   Calendar of Events
103   EAA New Video Releases
103   Young Faces In Aviation
104   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
 Tony Buechler and "Petie 2nd"
 (see page 13)
   Jim Koepnick

              AUGUST 1987

 13  "DC-3 Haven"/Norm Petersen
 16  Chief Inspector/Bob Clark
 18  Flying the Freight - DC-3 Style
 20  Perigee/Jerry Holcomb
 24  Levels of Aerobatic Competition/
     David GUStafson
 26  Destination: North Pole/Mary Jones
 30  Building An Adventure Plane
 43  The Education OfAn Innocent/Hunter Heath, IIl
 47  Flying The Bushby Mustang II/D.0. Norris
 51  SUPER Super Cruiser/Jack Cox
 58  Memphis Belle/Roger A. Gribble
 59  Dynamic Modeling, Conclusion/Stan Hall
 97  Charger To The Bahamas/Dave Davidson

  2  Homebuildefs Corner/Paul Poberezny
 32  From The Archives/Dennis Parks
 34  Oh Chutes!/Frank Kingston Smith
 36  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
 40  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
 46  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
 64  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
lO6  Washington Report/David Scott

  4  Letters To The Editor
  6  Hot Line From Headquarters
 25  EAA New Video Releases
 63  EAA Membership Honor Roll
 65  Book Review
 66  Calendar of Events
 95  Young Faces In Aviation
104  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Clyde Smith, Jr's  SUPER Cruiser (see page 51).
Aircraft being flown by Clyde Smith, Sr.
                                    Clyde Smith, Jr.

             SEPTEMBER 1987

12   First National Biplane Fly-In/Gene Chase
15   Oshkosh'87 Photo Review
19   Voyager... The Final Journey/Jack Cox
23   A Meeting With Our New FAA Administrator/David A. Gustafson
36   The Casa Tigre: Looking For The Real Story/Budd Davisson
43   The 1987 CAFE 400/Brien A. Seeley
48   The "Ugly Quickling"/Norm Howell
57   The EPB-IC Story/Al Cleave
90   Another W.A.R. Bird/Jack Cox
92   300 H.P. BD-4!/Jack Cox
94   Modified Defiant/Jack Cox

  2  Homebuilders'Corner/Paul Poberezny
 27  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
 29  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
 33  News... To and From EAA Chapters/Henry Ogrodzinski
 35  Craftsman Corner/Ben Owen
 38  The Old Man And The Boy/Frank Kingston Smith
 40  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
 59  Questions and Answers
 98  Washington Report/David Scott

  4  Letters To The Editor
  6  Hot Line From Headquarters
 41  Calendar of Events
 42  Flying Safety Update
 6l  EAA Membership Honor Roll
 6l  We Shall Remember Them
 86  EAA New Video Releases
 96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Oshkosh'87 air show time... Gene Littlefield and
    his Stearman with Cheryl Rae atop the wing.

             OCTOBER 1987

 13   Oshkosh'87 - The Aeronautic Convergence/Jack Cox
 20   Hoot Gibson Presentation/Henry Ogrodzinski
 22   Government Tours Oshkosh/Henry Ogrodzinski
 25   EAAers Set Records/Chuck Larsen
 28   Oshkosh'87Awards
 41   Introducing Stuart Millar... Pipets New Owner/Berl Brechner
 47   Remo's Champion Charger/Jack Cox
 51   Questair Venture/Jack Cox
 58   A Year To Remember/Paul McReynolds
 62   FAA At Oshkosh/David Gustafson
 62   Back to Basics
 64   Views On Mode C/S
 98   A Grand Champion Bird/Mary Jones

  2  Homebulldets Corner/Paul Poberezny
 31  Sportplane Bullder/Tony Bingelis
 36  From the Archlves/Dennis Parks
 45  News... To and From EAA Chapters
 66  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
 67  Puddle Jumpers/Frank Kingston Smith
 69  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
lO6  Washington Report/David Scott

 4   Letters To The Editor
 6   Hot Line From Headquarters
 35  EAA Membership Honor Roll
 38  Foundation Highlights
 43  EAA Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting
 44  EAA Financlal Statement
 94  Calendar of Events
102  Young Faces In Aviation
104  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Paul  McReynolds's  RV-4.  1987 EAA Kit Build Grand
Champion Homebuilt.                 

Back Cover
Remo Galeazzl's Marquart Charger, 1987 EAA Plans
Built Custom Grand Champion

            NOVEMBER 1987


13   The Wheeler Express/Dick Cavin
18   Oshkosh'87 - The Aeronautic Convergence - Part Two/Jack Cox
19   Chief Counsel Ted Ellett On Compliance and Enforcement Policy/
      David Gustafson
38   Aviation Writers: Reflections on Oshkosh/David Gustafson
43   The Ultimate Challenge - Dale Krog's Grand Champion Exec Helicopter/
     Jack Cox
47   Rotor Roundup
48   From Jets To Jennies - Ken Hyde's Grand Champion Curtiss JN4D/
     Gene Chase
54   Angelo's Cessna 140A - 1087 Reserve Grand Champion Classic/Norm Petersen
58   Flight Paths To The Future - NASA At Oshkosh'87/John Burton
91   Fly-Ins'87
91   11th Annual New England Regional Fly-In/Jlm Holston
93   Arlington'87 in Photos/Ann Enman

 2   Homebuilders'Corner/Paul Poberezny
27   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
33   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
35   Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
37   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
59   The Twenty Dollar Bet/Frank Kingston Smith
98   Washington Report/David Scott


 4   Letters To The Editor
 6   Hot Line From Headquarters
34   EAA Membership Honor Roll
42   Book/Video Review/Joan Philippi Seybold
90   Calendar of Events
96   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Ken Hyde's 1087 Grand Champion Antique -
    Curtiss Jenny (see page 48).

Back Cover

    Dale Krog's Exec Helicopter - 1987 Grand Champion Rotorcraft 
    (see page 43).

            DECEMBER 1987

13  Weeks Air Museum Grand Champion Mustang/Gene Chase
20  Warbirds at Oshkosh'87
24  Aircraft Manufacturers At Oshkosh'87/Berl Brechner
30  Five Years of Legal Flying With Auto Gas/Harry Zeisloft
40  Sand Casting/John B. Dugger II
43  Ross Gradys Kittyhawk Mk, Ill/Jack Cox
50  Midget Mustang,,. 1944 Style/Kit Sodergren
57  Splash-In - Oshkosh'87/Norm Petersen
60  Turmoil In The Sky/Captain Thomas G. Foxworth
90  Building and Flying the Whitehead No. 21/George Hardie

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
32  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
34  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
35  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
37  News... To and From EAA Chapters
38  Economy Cruise/Frank Kingston Smith
65  Questions and Answers
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Llne From Headquarters
36  EAA Membership Honor Roll
36  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
1987 Warbird Grand Champion - the Weeks
Air Museum Mustang (see page 13)

            JANUARY 1988

13  E-Racer/Jack Cox
21  Showdown At Checkpoint Charlie/D. 0. Nonis
24  Fat Wings, FaCt and Fiction/Dick VanGrunsven
25  Collision Avoidance - Engineering Consideration For Aircraft/
    H. Paul Shuch
38  Design Analysis - A Critical Analysis of the KR-2/Neil D. Bingham
43  Rotor Round-Up - Meet Jerrie Barnett/Jack Cox
47  The PT-2 "Sassy'/Dick Cavin
52  Pete Bowers'Fly Baby - The Silver Anniversary/David Gustafson
57  Cliff Robertson/Berl Brechner
91  "Cool" Pilots Fly Skis!/Norm Petersen

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
30  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
31  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
35  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
37  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
59  News... To and From EAA Chapters
6O  Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
62  Questions and Answers
63  A Pheasant Plight and An Old Gaffefs Gaffe/Frank Kingston Smith
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
29  The Magic Is People... Airplane People At the EAA Air Academy/Chuck Larsen
34  EAA Membershlp Honor Roll
40  Calendar of Events
9O  Young Faces In Aviation
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Shirl Dickeys Buick V-8 powered E-Racer
(see page 13).
  (Carl Schuppel)

            FEBUARY 1988

13  Captivating Cadet/Jack Cox
21  Harmon Rocket/Dick Cavin
25  A Learning Experience/M. L. Bangham
33  Aviation Medical Certifcation/Hunter Heath/III
35  Composite Schoolflight At ISU
36  Much Ado About Nothing/George Hardie, Jr.
43  Viggenite/Joe Rayne
47  Aerobatic Championships/Jean Sorg
51  Voyager Enshrined/Jack Cox
59  RX For A Small Instrument Panel/David B. Robertson
90  '87 Wright Brothers Invitational/Douglas Weiler
94  Increase Your Field ofView/Don Wall

 2  Homebuildefs Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
38  Attitude Reversal/Frank Kingston Smith
40  From The Archlves/Dennis Parks
42  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
6l  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Ovien
62  Questions and Ansviers
98  Washington Report/David Sott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Llne From Headquarters
26  EAA Oshkosh'88 - The World of Sport Aviation/Tom Poberezny
58  Seen At Oshkosh
6O  EAA Membership Honor Roll
86  Calendar of Events
89  Young Faces In Aiviation
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Susan Dusenburys Culver Cadet
     (see page 13)

             MARCH 1988


13  Graflite/Jack Cox
21  Mercury Astronauts At Oshkosh B7/Berl Brechner
23  A Yak Built In The USA/Ann Enman
27  No Moving Parts!/Doug Garner
43  Pioneer Designers: Perspectives On The Homebuilt Movement/
    David A. Gustafson
48  First Trip East/Norm Petersen
53  1929 Travel Air 4-D Speedwing/Norm Petersen
57  11 Year Old T-I8/W, Edwin Poe
89  Mustang Mania/James H. Jones


 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
32  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
37  Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr. Stanley Mohler
38  On Lighting A Candle/Frank Kingston Smith
40  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
42  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
59  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
31  EAA New Video Releases
36  EAA Oshkosh'BB
6O  EAA Membership Honor Roll
94  Calendar Of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
The new Graflite (see page 13)

              APRIL 1988

13  Kitfox.., A Funplane For All Seasons/David Gustafson
20  Museum Reflections/Berl Brechner
23  The Valentine's Day Massacre, Round Two/Jack Cox
40  Cool It!/Molt Taylor
43  Lancair/Jack Cox
48  Mice: The Enemy Within/John F. Hanson
50  Prescott Pusher II/Dick Cavin
54  BT-13 Rebuild... Three Generations of Involvement/David Gustafson
58  Guest Editorial/Duane Cole
90  AVP-2 With The Works,.. To Go/Neil Stevenson
92  A School Project in Argentina/Ladislao Pazmany

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
26  Hints For Homebuilders
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31  About Automatic Rough/Frank Kingston Smith
34  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
36  Canadian Council News
37  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
38  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
6O  Q&A
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
33  EAA Oshkosh'88/Tom Poberezny
30  EAA Honor Roll
62  Calendar of Events
89  Young Faces In Aviation
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Denney Aerocrafts Kitfox (see page 13).

            MAY 1988


13  Cirrus VK30/Jack Cox
19  Mr. Rotax Ron Shettler/Dick Cavin
23  The Valentine's Day Massacree, Decision Time/Jack Cox
32  Boeing School ofAeronautics and the Thorp Trainers/Jay E. Wright
43  A Six Day High... On Floats/Norm Petersen
48  Herb Gehiken's Retractable Gear Smyth Sidewinder/Herb Gehlken
51   Baby Twin-Boomer/Mark Phe/ps
58  Improved Airfoils For Low Reynolds Number Application/Harry C. Riblett
90  Seven Years and Seven Thousand Miles/Pam Tackabury


 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
37  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holms
38  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
40  Sport Pllot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
41  Canadian Council News
42  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
98  Washington Report/David Scott


 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
25  EAA Oshkosh'88
56  EAA Eagle Hangar Update
62  EAA Membership Honor Roll
63  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover

     The Cirrus VK30 (see page 13).     

           JUNE 1988


13  Wendell's Hawaiian Odyssey/Dick Cavin
18  Voyager/Mark Phelps
22  The Dedication/John Burton
39  Autogas For Your 8O Octane Airplane/Harry Zeisloft
43  Sun'n Fun/Jack Cox
54  Sun 60 Air Race
56  Building Four Bladed Propellers/Dallas Y Alldredge
58  Book Review/Dennis Parks
91  EAA's Response to NPRM 88-2


 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberemy
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
33  Canadian Council News
34  Craftman's Corner/Ben Owen
36  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
37  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
42  Q&A
59  Launch Date/Frank Kingston Smith
98  Washington Report/David Scott


 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Llne From Headquarters
25  EAA Oshkosh'88
32  EAA Membership Honor Roll
61  EAA Electlons'88
89  Calendar of Events
90  Young Faces In Aviation
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover

Wendell Davenports Hawaiian Odyssey
(see page 13).

            JULY 1988


 13 Its A Boat! Its A Plane!Its The Sunshine Clipper!/JackCox
 18 The Pulsar/Mark Brown
 25 U. S.Aerobatic Champion Flies Sukhoi 26M
 37 I Can Fly.../Paul Harvey
 43 Avery Special Journey/James S. Zazas
 63 Preventing Water Damage In Aircraft/Vernon Yeich
 64 Mmmmmmm! Its A... Navion/Norm Petersen


  2 Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
 27 Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
 31  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler
 34 Crartsman's Corner/Ben Owen
 35 Cockplt Classroom/Harold Holmes
 38 Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
 41 Canadian Council News
 42 Q&A
110 Washington Report/David Scott


  4 Letters To The Editor
  6 Hot Line From Headquarters
 32 EAA Aeromedical Advisory Panel Meets/Hunter Heath IIl
 33 EAA Membership Honor Roll
 40 Calendar of Events
 51 Oshkosh'88 Aircraft Arrival Procedures
 57 EAA Oshkosh'88 Forums
lO6 What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover

Steve and Scott McLain's sparkling Navion
(see page 64)

           AUGUST 1988            

 13  Kermit Weeks Mosquito!/Jack Cox
 23  The Denight Special Today/Dick Cavin
 26  The Wanderer/Lawrence Y.Lam
 33  EAA Air Academy Goes On The Road/Chuck Larsen
 43  The ROG Model ..."MoonMaid"/Richard H. Doyle III
 49  Creating A Balance/Mary Jones                          
 52  Tale Of A Barefoot Pilot/MarkPhelps
 57  Another Boyhood Dream fulfilled/Sharon Green and Dwight Skelton
 89  A Very Special Journey- Homeward Bound/James Zaias                                   ,

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Pobereiny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31  Q&A                                      
32  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley Mohler                                  
36  Canadian Council News
37  From The Archives/Dennis Parks
39  The Spirit of EAA/Frank Kingston Smith
41  Snap-on's Hints for Homebuilders
42  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line from Headquarters                             
59  EAA Membership Honor Roll
6O  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Kermit Weeks'Mosquito... the only flying Mos-
quito in the U.S.

            SEPTEMBER 1988

13  John Levys Double Grand Champion Glasair RG/Jack Cox
20  Oshkosh'88 Photo Preview
23  T-6/SNJ Reunion/Mark Phelps
33  High Aspect Ratio Wings For Formula One Racers/Stan Hall
43  In Quest Of The Argonaut/Bill Thaden with Ed Howard
51  1988 CAFE 400, Discussion of Results/Brien A. Seeley
91  Vsiting The Imperial War Museum At Duxford/Philip Handleman

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
39  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
41  Snap-on's Hints for Homebuilders
42  Q&A
59  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
60  Canadian Council News
61  Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr, Hunter Heath III
98  Washington Report/David Scott

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
40  EAA Membership Honor Roll
62  Calendar of Events
90  Young Faces In Aviation
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
John Levys two-time Grand Champion
Glasair (see page 13).

            OCTOBER 1988                


13    EAA World/Jack Cox
13    Shifting the CG
15    The Many Worlds of EAA
16    Homebuilt World
20    Burt Rutan's Catbird
25    The Talking Propeller
26    The Norton Rotary Engines
27    G'Day Mates
28    BEC Rotary
28    "A" Is For...?
28    NASA Exhibits
31    EAA OShkosh'88 Awards
32    David H. Scott/Deborah Ann Miles
43    Build A Disposable Paint Booth/Don Wall
47    Roy LoPresti... On Comanches, Swifts and Such/Jack Cox
53    Herb Gehlken's Grand Champion Sidewinder/Jack Cox
58    Riecipe For A Winner!/Mary Jones
62    EAA Oshkosh'88 Participation. . FAA and The Media/John Burton
64    The Solid State Magneto/Molt Taylor
99    Pancho Barnes/Jack Cox

  2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
 33   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
 37   Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
 40   Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr. Hunter Heath III
 41   From The Archives/Dennis Parks
 45   Canadian Council News
 66   About Being Airborne Again/Frank Kingston 5mith
 68   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
lO6   Washington Report/David Scott


  4    Letters To The Editor
  6    Hot Line From Headquarters
 46    EAA Minutes of Annual Business Meeting
 71    EAA Membership Honor Roll
 71    Calendar of Events
104    What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Herb Gehlken's EAA Oshkosh'88 Grand
Champion (Plans Built) Sidewinder
(see Page 53).

            NOVEMBER 1988

13   EAA World (Part 2)/Jack Cox
13   New Venture
10   The Tri-6
18   Flying Ford
20   Freedom of Flight Award/John Burton
22   Freedom Machine/Mark Phelps
26   A Trip Down Memory Lane With Steve And Dorothy Wittman
39   What Are Wortmann Airfoils/Harry Riblett
43   Grand Champion Rotorcraft - Dan's Dream Machine/Dick Cavin
46   A Classic Clipper/Norm Petersen
54   Antiques & Classics At Oshkosh'88
90   Aerobatics -
       Fond du Lac'88/Jean Sorg
       Victory At Red Deer/Norm Petersen
       U.S. National Aerobatic Championships

 2   Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
29   Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
34   Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley R. Mohler
35   Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
37   Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
41   Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
42   Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
59   Q&A
60   Canadian Council News

 4   Letters To The Editor
 6   Hot Line From Headquarters
52   Aviation Foundation Activities/Greg Anderson
61   Video Review
63   EAA Membership Honor Roll
75   Book Review
89   Calendar of Events
89   Young Faces In Aviation
96   What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Barbara Fidlers EAA Oshkosh'88 Grand Cham-
pion Antique (see page 22).

Back Cover
The EAA Oshkosh'88 Grand Champion Classic
Clipper owned by James R. Stanton and his son,
Jim, Jr. (see page 46).

          DECEMBER 1988

13  EAA World (Part 3)/Jack Cox
13  Danny Maher/Velocity
17  Buddy Baby Lakes
20  BD-10J, The Supersonic Homebuilt
24  Evening Programs... Thats Entertainment/John Burton
25  Cozy Mark IV
33  Searching For Answers/Budd Davisson
38  The V Tail For Aircraft/Molt Taylor
43  The New Lancair 320/Lance A Neibauer
49  Second Time Around/Mark Phelps
54  Combat Jets Flying Museum/Mark Phelps
57  Warbirds At Oshkosh'88
61  Anatomy 112/Don Black
91  The "Spirif'Comes Home/John Burton
95  Lindbergh... From a Closer Perspective/Jack Cox

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
36  Canadian Council News
40  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
42  Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr. Alex G. Webb
59  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
60  Snap On's Hints For Homebuilders
61  Q&A

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
89  EAA Membership Honor Roll
89  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
John  Harrison's T-28,  EAA Oshkosh '88 Grand
Champion Warbird (see page 49).

          JANUARY 1989

13  1988 Reserve Grand Champions/Jack Cox
    13 The First Firebolt
    17 Father and Son Star-Lite
21  Seabee/Norm Petersen
37  Selecting A Homebuilt Design/Budd Davisson
43  EAA World (Part 4)/Jack Cox
    44 Glasair III Turboprop
    45 Balzer-Manly Engine Replica
48  A Souped Up P-51 Replica/Dick Cavin
54  Taking A Travel Air Home/Brian Cleary
91  Threading The Needle/Mary Jones

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder. Flight Testing Homebuilts/Tony Bingelis
31  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
35  Sport Pilot Medicine: Effects of High G Loading/Richard J. Rihn
36  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
40  Q&A
41  Canadian Council News
42  Crattsman's Corner/Ben Owen
60  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders

 4  Letters To The Editor
 6  Hot Line From Headquarters
51  Nominations For EAA Directors
52  EAA Eagle Hangar/Greg Anderson
62  EAA Membership Honor Roll
90  Young Faces In Aviation
90  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   Bob and Kimberly Redners award winning
    Seabee (see page 21).

            FEBUARY 1989

12  The Nugget... Twenty Years Later/Herrill Davenport
16  Howard Henderson's Model A Ford Powered Pietenpol/Grant E. MacLaren
21  Turbo Prop Bcker Jungmeister - Part 1:Construction/Sam Burgess
31  Selecting A Homebuilt Design - Part 2:The Building Situation/
    Budd Dayisson
43  Reno.  . The View From The Pits/Jack Cox
45  Biplanes
47  Formula One
52  T-6
52  Unlimiteds
64  Rearwin Cloudster Project At Blackhawk Tech/Mark Phelps
93  Adel Aviation/Winston Wilcox II

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder. Flight Testing Homebuilts -Stage Two/Tony Bingelis
36  Canadian Council News
37  From The ArchiYes/Dennis Parks
39  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
40  Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr. Hunter Heath III
59  Q&A
6O  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
66  EAA Membership Honor Roll

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
30  Book Reviews/Dennis Parks
41  EAA Legal Advisory Council/John Burton
6l  EAA Oshkosh'89/Tom Poberezny
63  EAA Action Update/John Burton
9I  Young Faces In Aviation
92  Calendar of Events
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Deja vu... Herrill Davenport and the Nugget,
    20 years to the month after his father, Brad
   Davenport, posed with the airplane on the
    cover of the February 1969 issue of SPORT

           MARCH 1989

12  Davy Blanton's Sport Racer/Jack Cox
20  Jim Younkin's Mystery Pacer/Jack Cox
32  Selecting A Homebuilt Design - Part 3 The Airplane/Budd Davisson
43  Jane Norman's Tipsy Model B/Norm Petersen
46  Ikenga... Reserve Grand Champion RotorCraft/Dick Cavin
50  The Green Baron/Don MildeArandt
55  Focke-Wulf Fw I9O
57  Paint Stripping - Dry Stripping vs Chemical Stripping/Steve Gamm
93  T-18 Silver Anniversary/Dick Cavin

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr, Sean M. Dwyer
28  Sportplane Builder, FlightTesting Homebuilts -Stage Three/Tony Bingelis
36  Canadian Council News
37  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
42  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
6O  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
62  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
64  Q&A


 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
39  EAA Oshkosh'89/Tom Poberezny
40  EAA Chapter News/Jerry WalArun
58  Young Faces In Aviation
59  Calendar of Events
59  EAA Membership Honor Roll
96  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Davy Blanton's Sport Racer (see page 12).

            APRIL 1989

11  Fast Trackin'Wheeler Express/David Gustafson
18  The JP-350-1/Jack Cox
23  Harlow PJC-2/Mark Phelps
36  Pilots Rights and the Current FAA Enforcement Policy/
    John W. "Jack"Harrington
43  A Very Special Cozy/Vance Atkinson
51  Fitz Fulton/JaCk Cox
57  Li'l Ol'Smoothie... The Mosler Engine/Dick Cavin
63  Fireport For Flight Safety/David Thurslon
92  Making the Dream Come True/Martin Caidin

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
28  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
32  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
34  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
35  Sport Pilot Medicine/Dr. Howard D. Mclntyre, Jr.
41  Canadian Council News
42  Q&A
65  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
17  EAA Oshkosh'80/Tom Poberezny
62  Calendar of Events
62  EAA Membershlp Honor Roll
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
The Fast Trackin'Wheel Express (see page 11).

            MAY 1989

11  Buttercup/Jack Cox
19  Overview of Stall/Spin Characteristics of General Aviation Aircratt/
    Seth Anderson
26  Now You Really CAN Fly For Fun./Edna French
27  Buying An Airplane? - Part 1,'Budd Davisson
43  A Classic In A Classic Line/Mary Jones
45  Air Show Excitement Is... Up In The Air/Tom Poberezny
47  The Oldest Mustang... EAA Aviation Foundation's XP-51/Mark Phelps
52  Steenship... The Second Time Around/Remo Galeazzi
91  '88 East Coast Fly-In/James O. Eggleston

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
32  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
35  Q&A
36  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
41  Canadian Council News
42  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
58  Air Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
60  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
61  Sport Pilot Medicine/Hunter Heath III


 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
63  Book Review/Dennis Parks
64  Calendar of Events
93  Young Faces In Aviation
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Steve Wittman's Buttercup (see page 11).

             JUNE 1989

11  Sun'n Fun'89/Jack Cox
12  Setting the Scene
13  The Homebuilts
16  Ultralights and Lightplanes
18  Antiques
20  Classics
22  Warbirds
54  Trends
54  Impact
24  So... You're Married To A Homebuilder/Janet Maldewin
27  Aerolite/Alfred P. Scott
40  Civil Penalties... What Next?/Michael J. Pangia
43  A Rotary Power Odyssey/Everett Hatch and Steve Beckham
49  With The Birds/William Lishman
55  Sun 6O Air Race/Jack Cox
61  Buying An Airplane/Budd Davisson
92  Whats Happening In Project Schoolflight/John Riley/Martyn Jones

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
30  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
36  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
38  Q&A
39  Canadian Council News
42  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
59  Sport Pilot Medicine/Stanley R. Mohler
6O  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders

 4  Letters To The Editor
41  EAA Oshkosh'89 Volunteers Needed
58  EAA Elections'89
66  Calendar of Events
67  EAA Membership Honor Roll
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
   The LoPresti Piper SwiftFury (see page 54).

            JULY 1989


11   A Lancaster Over Oshkosh/Mark Phelps
17   Duane Cole's Taylorcraft/Norm Petersen
19   Bill Scotts Cruisair/Jack Cox
36   Oshkosh... I'm Here! Now What?/Lyle Wheeler
43   Jim Kolberg's Kittox/David Gustafson
50   Cirrus Update/Alan and Dale Klapmeier
57   Harold Dale... From the Heath Parasol to the Moon/Bill Jongbloed

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
31  Sport Pilot Medicine/Alex G. Webb
32  EAA Air Adventure Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
34  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
38  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
39  Q&A
40  Canadian Council News
41  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes


 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
35  EAA Oshkosh'89/Tom Poberezny
42  EAA Financial Statement
56  Special Salute to WW II Aerial Units
62  EAA Membership Honor Roll
63  Calendar of Events
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover

The Canadian Warplane Heritage's Avro
683 Lancaster (see page 11).

            AUGUST 1989

11   Byron Originals'SX-300/Jack Cox
16   Dan and Michelle Wrighfs SX-388/Jack Cox
21   Alan Tolle's RV-6/Jack Cox
25   Maverick, A New Australian Design/Arthur F. Winstanley
31   Buying A Homebuilt/Budd Davisson
36   Caution: The Time You Are Building May
     Cost You Your Certificate/Jack Harrington
39   Introduction To Cooling System Design/Dan Bond
43   California Quest/Jack Cox
43   Mojave
45   Chino
48   FlaBob
50   Santa Monica
51   Knight Twister Imperial... Don Fairbanks/Norm Petersen
56   Flying In 1919/Giancarlo Zanardo
92   Tips For The Homebuilder

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
37  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
59  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
6O  Sport Pilot Medicine/Richard J. Rihn
62  Canadian Council News
63  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
35  EAA Membership Honor Roll
54  Paul Harvey Audio/Video Center Dedicated
65  Calendar of Events
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
    Byron Originals'SX-300

Back Cover
    Dan and Michelle Wrighfs SX-388

             SEPTEMBER 1989

11   Precision Plus! (Skip Gdisis'Glasair)/Jack Cox
16   EAA Oshkosh'89 Preview
20   1989 CAFE 400 And Triaviathon/Brien Seeley
26   1989 CAFE 400 - A Personal Look/Bill Badstubner
38   Knowledge: Where, What and How Much/Budd Davisson
43   The Double Eagle/Frank Wozniak
48   Vicarious Flying/Mike DiFrisco
51   The Beech Staggerwing... A Truly Great One/Herbert A Schaffner
55   Seawind 2000/Dick Cavin
59   Basic Diffuser Design/Dan Bond and Johnny Doo
91   Rebuilding a Canadian Jenny/Skeeter Carlson


 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny and Tom Poberezny
27  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis        
31  Canadian Council News
32  EAA Air Adventure Museum Highlights/Norm Petersen
34  Cockpit Classroom/Harold Holmes
42  Crattsman's Corner/Ben Owen
63  Sport Pilot Medicine/Hunter Heath III
65  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders


 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
35  Calendar of Events
36  What Are We Doing For Kids?/Chuck Larsen
41  EAA Membership Honor Roll
54  EAA Action Activities/Jerry Walbrun
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
       Ernie "Skip" Gdisis Glasair, the Sun'n Fun'89
       Grand Champion (see page 11).              


           OCTOBER 1989

11  Fred Kellers Prospector STOL/Jack Cox
21  Buzz and DJ Lauritsen's RV-4/Jack Cox
28  How the Soviets Came to Oshkosh... And
     Everyone Had A Great Time/David Gustafson
37  Little Looper/Mark Phelps
40  FAA's Compliance Enforcement Review/David Gustafson
42  The Aviation Safety Reporting Program/Frederic E. Zimring
46  EAA World/Jack Cox
49  Meet The Boss
52  Duane Cole's Taylorcraft Donated
53  Homebuilts... The End Of A Decade
55  Cliff Jackson's STOLwing
60  The CAM Turbo 90
62  Hoot Gibson Presented EAA's'89 Freedom of Flight Award
97  EAA Oshkosh'89 Awards

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul H. Poberezny
34  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
44  Sport Pilot Medicine/Lawrence W. Desanto
45  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
63  Canadian Council News
64  Craftsman's Corner/Ben Owen
65  From the Archives/Dennis Parks

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
68  EAA Minutes of Annual Business Meeting
70  Calendar of Events
70  EAA Membership Honor Roll
102 What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Fred Keller and his Grand Champion Plans Built
original design, Prospector STOL (see page 11).

Back Cover
Buzz Laurltsen and his Grand Champion Kit Built
RV-4 (see page 21).

            NOVEMBER 1989

11  Grand Champion Antique..Bill Halverson's G17S Beech Staggerwing/
      Mark Phelps
16  Jennies At Oshkosh'89
17  "There's Something About A Jenny'/Ken Hyde
18  Ken Hyde
20  Wally Olson
20  Jennies Across America/Bill Turner
23  Flying The Jenny/Jack Cox
25  Jenny... Whats In A Name/Jack Cox
26  Skeeter Carlson
27  Chet Peek
28  Kermit Weeks
29  Jenny Album
41  Ray Folsom
43  EAA World/Jack Cox
45  1989 Grand Champion Classic - Charlie Hoovers GC-IA Swift/
    Norm Petersen
50  1916... Somewhere in France/Mary Jones
55  How The Soviets Came To Oshkosh - Conclusion/Dave Gustafson
91  Fond du Lac'89/Jean Sorg
99  Tale Dragger/Budd Davisson

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
30  Sport Pilot Medicine/Alex G, Webb
31  Canadiar Council News
32  Q&A
33  EAA Adventure Museum Highlights/Norm Petetsen
36  Craftsman's Corner
37  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
62  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders

 4  Lettets To The Editor
 5  Hot Line Ftom Headquarters
35  Young Faces in Aviation
35  EAA Membership Honor Roll
35  Calendar of Events
94  What Out Members Ate Building/Restoting

Front Cover
Bill Halvetson's G17S Beech Staggerwing, EAA Oshkosh
'89 Grand Champion Antique (see page 11),

Back Cover
EAA Oshkosh'89 Classic Grand Champion - Charlie
Hoovers Swift GC-1A (see page 45).

              DECEMBER 1989

11  An Ivy League Warbird/Mark Phelps
16  EAA World/Jack Cox
24  Joe Colombo's Grand Champion RotorCratt/Dick Cavin
33  Lee Dulin's V-6 STOL/Dick Cavin
43  SR-71-A Pilofs Perspective/David A Gustafson
50  Sukhoi 26M... Launching A New Era In Aerobatics/David A. Gustafson
55  Jets Over Oshkosh/Budd Davisson
    Combat Jets Museum/Mark Phelps
62  Best Way To Get Started/Tom Williams
65  Your Engine Feels Cold Too/Jay P. Wickham
68  Viewpoint: The Recreational Pilot License/Paul H. Poberezny
9O  U.S. Nationals/Mike Heuer

 2  Homebuilders Corner/Paul Poberezny
29  Canadian Council News
30  From the Archives/Dennis Parks
32  Snap-on's Hints For Homebuilders
37  Sportplane Builder/Tony Bingelis
41  Craftsman's Corner/Bill Barton
61  Sport Pilot Medicine/Paul L. Metzger

 4  Letters To The Editor
 5  Hot Line From Headquarters
40  EAA Membership Honor Roll
67  Young Faces In Aviation
67  Calendar of Events
94  What Our Members Are Building/Restoring

Front Cover
Bill Melamed's Grand Champion Harvard MKIV,
EAA Oshkosh'89 (see page 11).

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e-mail: marc_zeitlin@alum.mit.edu

Last updated July 12, 2002 - Marc J. Zeitlin
(minor fixes)