[EAA S.A. - 1950's] [EAA S.A. - 1960's]
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February 1953, Volume I Number 1 A New Organization ____________________________________________ 1 "Maybe" _______________________________________________________ 1 "Looking Ahead" _______________________________________________ 1 "Help" _________________________________________________________1 Next Meeting!! ________________________________________________ 1 In and Around the Aircraft Shops_. Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny __ 2 "Annual Fly-In" _______________________________________________ 2 "A Deal" ______________________________________________________ 2 "Wanted-News" _________________________________________________ 2 "Old-Timer" ___________________________________________________ 2 "Thanks" ______________________________________________________ 2 "26 Years Ago in Aviation - 1927" _____________________________ 3 "Where to Buy" ________________________________________________ 3 "Wanted" ______________________________________________________ 3 "For Sale" ____________________________________________________ 3 March 1953, Volume I No. 2 February Meeting __ Robert Nolinske, Sec. & Treas. ____________ 1 It's Up to You __ Carl Schultz ________________________________ 1 Distance - No Object __ Bob ___________________________________ 2 Getting Started _______________________________________________ 2 Membership Cards Available ____________________________________ 2 Enthusiasm ____________________________________________________ 2 Wanted _________________________________________________________2 Next Meeting __________________________________________________ 2 The Home Builders Corner __Paul "Poop Deck" Poberezny __________3 Little Poop-Deck_. Paul _______________________________________ 3 April 1953, Vol. I No. 3 March Meeting _ Robert Nolinske, Sec. & Treas. ________________ 1 An Improved Publication _________________ ______________________1 Going To Press ________________________________________________ 1 Experimental Aircraft Pictures ________________________________ 1 Gran - Aire ___________________________________________________ 1 Next Meeting __________________________________________________ 1 The Home Builders Corner __Paul "Poop-Deck" Poberezny _________ 2 Next Meeting __________________________________________________ 2 Interest Shown in Organization ________________________________ 3 Membership Cards ______________________________________________ 3 Deals _________________________________________________________ 3 Wanted ________________________________________________________ 3 "Thanks" _____________________________________________________ 3 May 1953, Vol I No 4 April Meeting __ Robert Nolinske, Sec. & Treas. _______________ 1 First Annual Fly-In ___________________________________________ 1 Moving?__Notify _ _____________________________________________ 1 Next Meeting __________________________________________________ 1 Gran-Aire _____________________________________________________ 2 Help Offered __________________________________________________ 2 The Home-Builders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ________ 2 Air Pageant Holds Meeting _____________________________________ 3 Movie _________________________________________________________ 3 Technical Committee ___________________________________________ 3 Membership Cards ______________________________________________ 3 Pictures ______________________________________________________ 3 Association Officers __________________________________________ 3 June 1953, Vol I No 5 May Meeting ___ Robert Nolinske, Sec. & Treas._________________ 1 Next Meeting __________________________________________________ 1 Irish Linen ___________________________________________________ 1 The Home-Builders Corner _.. Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ________ 2 Fly-In, September 12th and 13th _______________________________ 2 For Sale ______________________________________________________ 2 Wanted ________________________________________________________ 2 Association Officers __________________________________________ 2 Our Picture Page (with four photographs of Little Poopdeck, N19003) ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _______________ 3 Membership ____________________________________________________ 3 Membership Roster _____________________________________________ 4 July 1953, Vol I No 6 June Meeting ___ Robert Nolinske, Secretary & Treasurer ______ 1 Association Growing ___ Paul _________________________________ 1 The Home Builder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______ 2 Interested Members ___________________________________________ 2 Attention!! All Members Who Intend To Fly Their Experimental Aircraft To The First Annual Fly-In!! ________________________ 2 Third Wisconsin Air Pageant Advance Sale Tickets _____________ 2 Next Meeting _________________________________________________ 2 The Third Wisconsin Air Pageant Sept. 12th & 13th ___ Bob Nolinske _____________________________________________ 3 The Treasurer's Report _______________________________________ 3 Old Timer ____________________________________________________ 3 For Sale _____________________________________________________ 3 Wanted _______________________________________________________ 3 August 1953, Vol. I No. 7 July Meeting _.. Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary & Treasurer ___ 1 Association Officers _________________________________________ 1 Pictures _____________________________________________________ 1 Moving?__Notify Us ___________________________________________ 1 Next Meeting _________________________________________________ 1 The Home-Builder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______ 2 September 12th and 13th ______________________________________ 2 C.A.A. Cooperation ___________________________________________ 2 What To Do ___________________________________________________ 2 Fly-In Dinner ________________________________________________ 2 The Third Wisconsin Air Pageant Sept. 12th & 13th ____Bob Nolinske _____________________________________________ 3 Treasurer's Report ___________________________________________ 3 Old Timer ____________________________________________________ 3 For Sale _____________________________________________________ 3 Wanted ________________________..__ 3 Our Picture Page (with two photographs of Wittman Magic Carpet [Tailwind], N5747N, and two photographs of Morrow Special, N5355N)___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny __________________________4 New Members __________________________________________________ 4 September 1953 (Volume 1, #8 -- no one has it, including the EAA Library and Paul Poberezny. Hard to tell if all copies were lost, or if it was just never published) October 1953, Vol. 1, No, 9 Minutes of the Meeting, August 24, 1953 ___ Robert Nolinske __________ 1 Steve Wittman Wins E.A.A. Air Race at First Annual Fly-In ____________ 1 21 Experimental Aircraft Attend First Fly-In (article lists Woodard Thomas Morse S4-B Scout, N74W; Tallman 1918 Curtiss JN-4D Jenny; Pitt Yellow Jacket, N5745N; Lundgren modified Taylorcraft Poopdeck I; Miller Belly Flopper; Ollenburg Heath Parasol; Anderson[/Babcock Sundelin] Knight Twister, N979;Wittman Flying Carpet [Tailwind], N5747N; Poberezny Poopdeck II, N19003; Owens Rose Parakeet, N14842; Cole Stearman 450, N53234; Kensinger/Korkell Tater Chip #88, N31E; Timm modified Waco F-2, N144; Gruenberger modified Piper Cub Cruiser, N30850; Tietz modified Piper Cub Cruiser PA-12, N4333; Cole clipped wing Piper Cub; Myers clipped wing Piper Cub, N42963; Gordonier Piper J-3 Cub amphibian; clipped wing Piper Cub; and True Slow Poke, N7M) ____________________________________________ 1 Miller Entertains EAA Members At Fly-In _____________________________ 1 Mong Sport (with photograph of Ralph Mong and Mong Sport, N50984)____ 1 The Home-Builders Corner _.. Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 The Yellow Jacket (with two photographs of Pitt Yellow Jacket, N5745N) _.. Leo J. Kohn _____________________________________________ 2 Classified Ads _______________________ ______________________________ 3 Flys 1400 Miles to Attend Fly-In ____________________________________ 3 Fred Miller Presented Honorary membership ___________________________ 3 (Photograph of Tallman Jenny) _______________________________________ 3 The "Little Audrey" _.. Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 4 (Three photographs of the Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B, one with Paul Poberezny) ________________________________________________ 4 November 1953, Volume 1, Number 10 Minutes of the Meeting, September 28, 1953 . Robert Nolinske, Secretary__ 1 An Experience in Modifying ___ C. S. Lasher _____________________________ 1 Help Wanted _____________________________________________________________ 1 Corben Sport Plane (with photograph of Corben Super Ace) ________________ 1 The Home-Builders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny __________________ 2 Fresh And Salty! (with two photographs of Kensinger 'Tater Chip #88, N31E) _.. Leo J. Kohn ___________________________________________________ 2 Classified Ads __________________________________________________________ 3 The Pride of Vero Beach ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Gordonier Piper Cub amphibian, with L. A. Gordenier and Paul Poberezny) _____________________________________________________ 4 December 1953, Volume 1, Number 11 Minutes of the Meeting, October 26, 1953 . Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ___________________________________________________ 1 Texas Building On the Upswing _________________________________________ 1 Race Pilots to Meet in Cincinnati _____________________________________ 1 The Stitts (sic) Playboy (with photograph of Stits Playboy, N8K, with Ray Stits) .___________________________________________________________ 1 Aviation Associations _________________________________________________ 1 CAA Receiving Experimenter ____________________________________________ 1 The Home Builders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ________________ 2 Treasurer's Report ____________________________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Ollenburg Fleet biplane, N431K) ________________________ 2 Classified Ads ________________________________________________________ 3 Not So Slow! (with photograph of True Slow Poke, N7M) . Leo J. Kohn____ 3 Duster Experiments ____________________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Edmunds monoplane, N9647H) _____________________________ 3 (Two photographs of Anderson/Babcock [Sundelin] Knight Twister, N979 ___ L. Kohn ______________________________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Kraemer American Triplane, N6601Y) _____________________ 4 High in Popularity ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________ 4 (no Volume 1, Number 12) January 1954, Volume 2, Number 1 Minutes of the Meeting, November 23, 1953 . Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer __________________________________________________ 1 EAA Chapters _________________________________________________________ 1 CAA Manuals __________________________________________________________ 1 Race Pilots Association Joins With EAA ________________________________1 Photos _______________________________________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Corben Junior Ace, 12817) _____________________________ 1 The Home Builders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _______________ 2 Experimenter Rates Increased _________________________________________ 2 Increased Advertisement ______________________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Ollenburg Heath Parasol) ______________________________ 2 (Photograph of Mc Rae modified Driggs Dart, N15N) ____________________ 2 Classified Ads _______________________________________________________ 2 Wanted _______________________________________________________________ 3 Out of Hibernation ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________________ 4 (Two photographs of Woodard Thomas-Morse S-4B Scout, N74W)____________ 4 Do You Know? _________________________________________________________ 4 February 1954, Volume 2, Number 2 Minutes of the Meeting, December 28, 1953 . Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer _________________________________________________ 1 E. A. A. Riverside Chapter News Notes ___ Ed Schnepf ________________ 1 Wittman Two Place Homebuilt First to Receive License ________________ 1 2nd Experimental Fly-In August 7th and 8th __________________________ 1 Decals ______________________________________________________________ 1 Lost ________________________________________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Wittman Flying Carpet [Tailwind], N5747N, and Steve Wittman) ______________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _______________ 2 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 3 EAA to Screen Plans _________________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Kensinger modified Buhl Pup) _________________________ 3 Official NAA Specifications for 190 Cubic Inch Class Racing Airplanes Effective January 1, 1950 _________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B) _______________________ 4 (Photograph of Lasher clipped-wing Aeronca, N2516E) _________________ 4 March 1954, Volume 2, Number 3 Minutes of the Meeting, January 25, 1954 . Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ________________________________________________ 1 EAA Encouraged by CAA Officials ____________________________________ 1 Interest Shown in Kits _____________________________________________ 1 This Issue Only _____________________________________________________1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 Official Photographer ______________________________________________ 2 Indebtedness _______________________________________________________ 3 Bad Weather Doesn't Stop EAA _______________________________________ 3 Farnborough Airshow Movie To Be Seen _______________________________ 3 EAA-Riverside Chapter News Notes ___________________________________ 3 Another Air Pageant ___ J. Custin __________________________________ 3 Some Toy! (Photograph of Geib Eastern Aircraft FM-2 Wildcat, N90523) ____________________________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Gordonier Piper Cub amphibian) ______________________ 3 PRPA News (with photograph of Falk Rivets #92 racer, N60089, and Bill Falk) ___ Bill Falk ___________________________________________ 4 Nitro Methane ___ William F. Falk, Vice President, P.R.P.A. ________ 4 Correction _________________________________________________________ 4 Official NAA Specifications for 190 Cubic Inch Class Racing Airplanes (effective January 1, 1950) (Continued from Feb. Issue) _____________________________________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Nelson mid-wing, N14N, and Raymond Nelson ___ Howard Levy) _______________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Kraemer Rapid Rambler) ______________________________ 5 (Photograph of Larson C Speed Bird, N38C) __________________________ 6 (Photograph of Timm Waco F, N144) __________________________________ 6 The Stearman Duster Looks to New Horizons ___ Leo J. Kohn __________ 6 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 7 Flying In August 7 & 8?? ___________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of Stits Junior, N1292, and Piper Cub, N76169) ________ 7 New Design for Business Flying (with photograph of model of Aylor roadable aircraft) ___________________________________________ 8 April 1954, Volume 2, Number 4 Minutes of the Meeting, February 22, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary - Treasurer ______________________________________________ 1 Wittman's Tailwind _________________________________________________ 1 CAA Official Addresses EAA Members _________________________________ 1 EAA Chapters _______________________________________________________ 1 E A A Again Thanks The Miller Brewing Co. ___________________________1 For Canadian Homebuilders __________________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Paul Poberezny, Carl Walters, and Bob Nolinske) _____ 1 The Homebuilders Corner _.. Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 Effie's Twister (with photograph of Effenheim Knight Twister, NX572?N)___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Blauman BT-13, N57040) ______________________________ 3 (Photograph of Meyer Little Toot, N61G) ____________________________ 3 Ride Em' Cowboy ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________ 3 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 3 PRPA News (with photographs of Bigos/Buffington [Miss Dara] #30 (Photograph of Adams Stearman PT-17, N63711)________________________ 4 (insert -- Corben Super Ace plans, pages A1 to A4) C A A Official Addresses EAA Members __ Leo J. Kohn ________________ 5 Aviation History ___________________________________________________ 5 Riverside Chapter News Notes, First Official Meeting __ Ed Schnepf__ 6 Notes from the Riverside E A A Log Book (March) ___ Ed Schnepf _____ 6 The Corben Super Ace _______________________________________________ 6 For Canadian Homebuilders __________________________________________ 6 Civil Air Regulations For Homebuilders _____________________________ 6 For Sale ___________________________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of Falejczyk Heath Super Parasol project) ______________ 8 May 1954, Volume 2, Number 5 Minutes of the Meeting .. Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ___ 1 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 1 "Do It Yourself" Movement Spreads To Aircraft, CAA Advises Would-Be Plane Builders _____________________________________________ 1 An Aviation Historian's Viewpoint ___________________________________ 1 (Photograph of 1912 Curtiss pusher) _________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poop-deck) Poberezny _____________ 2 PRPA News (Photograph of Morris Pitts Special #8 racer, [N6N?) ______ 4 Riverside Chapter Log Book ___ Ed Schnepf ___________________________ 4 (Photograph of Mone Nieuport 28, N12237, Schreel) ___________________ 4 (Insert - Corben Super Ace plans, pages A5 to A8) Fly Cycle In Air (photograph of Farnham Fly Cycle, N201A) ____________5 (Fly Cycle _ Front View photograph of Farnham Fly Cycle) ____________ 5 (Fly Cycle - Cockpit View photograph of Farnham Fly Cycle) __________ 5 Woods Used In Aircraft Construction _________________________________ 5 It's Your Paper _____________________________________________________ 5 Clipped Wing Cub (with photograph of Myers clipped-wing Cub N42963) ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________________________________________ 6 Standard E-1 (with photograph of Tallent Standard E-1) ______________ 6 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 6 Civil Air Regulations For Homebuilders, Continued From Last Month____ 7 EAA Chapters ________________________________________________________ 8 June 1954, Volume 2, Number 6 ] Minutes of the Meeting, May 24, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer _________________________________________ 1 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 1 Don't Miss Your National Fly-In August 7th & 8th ____________________ 1 Why Not Model Your Dream Ship? ______________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Little Audrey, N27B, and Yellow Jacket, N5745N, in flight) __________________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 Attention Members! __________________________________________________ 2 Fly-In Guide ________________________________________________________ 2 (Photograph of EAA Chapter 2, Peoria, Ill., officers) _______________ 3 (Photograph of Peoria Chapter Charter Presentation) _________________ 3 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 3 EAA Chapters ________________________________________________________ 3 The Lincoln Special _________________________________________________ 3 PRPA News -- $3,500 Race At Dansville, New York __ L.J.K. ___________ 4 The "Rare Bird" (with photograph of Scoville Rare Bird #50 racer, N16N) ___ Paul Schroeder ____________________________________________ 4 More On Aircraft Construction Materials _____________________________ 4 (insert - Corben Super Ace plans, pages A9 to A12) (Two photographs of Cole 450 hp Stearman, N53234) ___________________ 5 The Reader Speaks ___________________________________________________ 5 Loving's Love (with photograph of Loving Love #64, N351C) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________________________________ 6 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of Morris Pitts Special #8 racer, [N6N?]) _______________ 7 (Photograph of Rayner modified Stearman _____________________________ 7 About EAA ___________________________________________________________ 8 July 1954, Volume 2, Number 7 Minutes of the Meeting, June 28, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ________________________________________________ 1 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 1 On To The Fly In ___________________________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Stits Play Boy, N8K [misnamed "Sky Baby"]) __________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _____________ 2 This Is All ________________________________________________________ 2 Movie For July 26th Meeting ________________________________________ 2 EAA Convention Meeting _____________________________________________ 2 Fly-In Facts _______________________________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Rezich Travel Air, NC606K) __________________________ 2 "Riverside Chapter Log Book" ___ Ed Schnepf ________________________ 3 EAA Chapters _______________________________________________________ 3 Try It First In Scale (with photographs of Howard scale model)___ Frederic Howard ____________________________________________________ 3 Sport Air Race _____________________________________________________ 4 Rubinkam Airshow Notes ___ Burton Kemp _____________________________ 4 Project X (with drawing of Dzik Project "X-1" ______________________ 4 (insert, guide and map for 1954 National Fly-In of the EAA) The Best Is None Too Good ___ E. W. Ross ___________________________ 5 The Reader Speaks __________________________________________________ 5 Gyro Glider (with photograph of Bensen Gyro-Glider, N278SC) ________ 6 A Thought For The Record ___ Burton Kemp ___________________________ 6 Stits "Sky Baby" (misnamed as "Play Boy") (with photograph of Stits Sky Baby, N5K) _______________________________________________ 6 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 7 What E. A. A. And Aeronautical Engineering Means To Me ___ Stanley J. Dzik ____________________________________________________ 7 Corben "Baby Ace" (with drawing of Corben Baby Ace) ________________ 7 Meeting EAA Convention _____________________________________________ 7 Sherry's Speedster (with photograph of Sherry modified Ryan ST-3KR__ 8 August 1954, Volume 2, Number 8 Minutes of the Meeting, July 26, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer _______________________________________________ 1 News Notes ________________________________________________________ 1 2nd Annual Fly-In A Success ___ George Hardie, Jr. ________________ 1 EAA Chapters ______________________________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Fly-In trophy winners, Ray Nelson, Jack McRae, Paul Poberezny, Neal Loving, and Richard Schroeder) ____________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _____________ 2 Thanks A Lot Fellows ___ Paul, Leo and Bob ________________________ 2 Our Hats Go Off_. _________________________________________________ 3 EAA Chapter No. 3 Long Island News Notes ___ Mary Anne Nelson, Secretary Treasurer _______________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Chapter 3 members, Mary Anne Nelson, Ray Nelson, Jack McRae, and Tom Cassutt) ______________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Milwaukee EAA members Dave Franz, Richard Donovan, and Frank Peters) ________________________________________ 4 Les Cole Winner Of West coast Aerobatic championship ______________ 4 The Reader Speaks _________________________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Loving WR-1 Love #64, N351C, and Neal Loving) ______ 4 (insert, 3-view drawing of Corben Baby Ace and 3-view drawing of Wittman 2 Place - Model W8 [Tailwind]) Report On The Fly-In __ Leo J. Kohn _______________________________ 5 (Photograph of Audrey Poberezny and Lois Nolinske) _ Leo J. Kohn___ 5 (Photograph of Fly-In speakers and judges, T. K. Jordan, Wiley Wright, Robert Burbick, Carl Clifford, and Anthony Maugeri ___ Leo J. Kohn) __________________________________________________ 5 Experimental Aircraft Seen At The Fly-In (article lists Nelson N-4, N14N; McRae Super Dart, N15N; Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B; Rezich Travel Air D4D, NC606K; Geib Eastern Aircraft FM-2 [Wildcat], N90523; True Slow Poke, N7M; Frisbie Flea TC-1 Triplane, N5748N; Sherry Ryan ST-3KR, N60155; Poberezny modified Taylorcraft 1-A Little Poop Deck, N19003; Cole Taylorcraft BC, N21392; Gruenberger Piper J5A, N30850; Davis Grumman G-32A, N46110; Cole Stearman I-B75A, N53234; Owens Rose A-1 Parakeet, N14842; Bryner Taylorcraft BC, N23899; Loving WR-1 Love #64, N351C; Myers clipped wing Piper Cub J3C-65, N42963; Piper Cub J3C-65, N7304H; Davis Piper Cub J3F-65, N38604; Wittman Tailwind, N5747N; Wittman Buster, N14855; Ollenburg Fleet 2, N431K; Adams Stearman PT-17 450, N63711; York Piper Cub J3F-65, N32853; Schroeder (is Schreder) Air Mate, N5751N; Wittman WD [Big X], N31637; Travel Air 12-Q, N417W; and Champion Aeronca 7-AC, N83385)____________________________________ 6 Moving?? _________________________________________________________ 6 More Airmarking Needed ___________________________________________ 6 NAA Sanctioned Race Results, Western New York Air Show And Races, Dansville, N. Y., July 4, 1954 ____________________________ 6 Classified Ads ___________________________________________________ 7 Editorial ________________________________________________________ 7 Corben Baby Ace (with drawing of Baby Ace and photograph of Paul Poberezny constructing Baby Ace) .... Paul Poberezny ________ 8 Watch For It__ Coming Soon _______________________________________ 8 September 1954, Volume 2, Number 9 Minutes of the Meeting, August 23, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary - Treasurer ______________________________________________ 1 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 1 The Present And The Future ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________ 1 New Officers _______________________________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Yutz parasol, N69270) _______________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 Killjoys Waiting On The Ground _____________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Welzen Travel-Air 12-Q, N147W) ______________________ 2 (Photograph of Tietz Piper PA-12, N4333) ___________________________ 2 PRPA News (with drawing of cross-section of propeller blade failure__3 Recommended Books __________________________________________________ 3 How About Building A Triplane (with photograph of Frisbie Flea TC-1 triplane, N5748N) ___ Leo J. Kohn ________________________ 3 The Reader Speaks __________________________________________________ 3 Will This Be The Answer (with photograph of Yentzer Model 11)___ Leo J. Kohn ________________________________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Mooney Mite, N4130) _________________________________ 4 New Yorkers Building Wittman Two-Place _____________________________ 4 Chapter News, EAA Chapters, News Notes _.. Ray Nelson ______________ 5 Don't Be Scared By This Spook (with two photographs of Beville/Foose Lil' Spook #77 racer, N42M) _.. Leo J. Kohn ________ 5 Help Wanted! _______________________________________________________ 5 Most Outstanding Workmanship (with photograph of Schreder Air Mate, N5751N) ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________________ 6 Airplane Welding ___________________________________________________ 6 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 7 Annual Issue Of Experimenter _______________________________________ 7 Question Box ___ Technical Committee _______________________________ 7 First Anniversary __________________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of Thomas Pitcairn PA-7M Super Mailwing, N13158) ___ Burton Kemp _______________________________________________________ 7 EAA Chapters _______________________________________________________ 8 October 1954, Volume 2, Number 10 Minutes of the Meeting, September 27, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ________________________________________________ 1 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 1 1955 Fly-In ________________________________________________________ 1 From Connies To Home-Builts __Leo J. Kohn __________________________ 1 Experimenter Free To C.A.A. Agents _________________________________ 1 (Photograph of Tom Cassutt and Cassutt Special #111 racer, N20N) Leo J. Kohn ________________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _____________ 2 Photographer's Special (with photograph of Gruenberger modified Piper Cub Cruiser, N30850) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________ 2 Fly-In Trio (photograph of Nelson N-4, N14N, McRae Super Dart, N15N and Gruenberger modified Piper Cub Cruiser, N30850) ___________ 2 A Real Rare Bird (with photograph of Davis Grumman G-32A, N46110) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________ 3 EAA Chapter Correspondence _________________________________________ 3 Another Clipped Wing cub (photograph of Davis modified Piper J3F, N38604) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________ 3 The Reader Speaks __________________________________________________ 4 For The Next Five Years ____________________________________________ 4 Cole Brother's Latest (with photograph of Cole modified Taylorcraft, N21392) ___ Leo J Kohn _____________________________________________ 4 Eastern FM-2 "Wildcat" (photograph of Geib Eastern Aircraft FM-2 Wildcat, N90523) ___________________________________________________ 4 The Cloud Clipper (with drawings of Cloud Clipper glider) Douglas Rolfe ______________________________________________________ 5 My Little Poop Deck (with photograph of Poberezny modified Taylorcraft Little Poop Deck, N19003, Leo J. Kohn ) Paul Poberezny______________________________________________________ 9 Airplane Welding (continued from September issue) ___________________10 Glamourized Champ ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Champion Champ, N83385, Leo J. Kohn) ________________ 10 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 11 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 11 What is the EAA? ___________________________________________________ 12 CAA Manuals ________________________________________________________ 12 November 1954, Volume 2, Number 11 (Photograph of Nelson monoplane, N1325N) ___________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 The Reader Speaks __________________________________________________ 2 E. A. A. Obtains Insurance For Homebuilts __________________________ 3 Mid-Winter Meeting _________________________________________________ 3 Minutes of the Meeting, October 25, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary - Treasurer ______________________________________________ 3 "Blue Hybrid" (with photograph of Harwood/Briggs modified Aeronca K) ___ L. J. K. ___________________________________________ 3 Chapter News, EAA chapter No. 3 ___ Ray Nelson _____________________ 4 Riverside Log Book ___ Ed Schnepf __________________________________ 4 Kits-Kits-Kits _____________________________________________________ 4 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 4 Three-Place Luscombe T8F "Observer" (with photograph of Brown Luscombe T8F, N2573N?) ___ Burton Kemp _____________________________ 4 Aircraft Plans ___ Stanley Dzik ____________________________________ 5 Finishing Of Aircraft Wood Structures ______________________________ 5 (Photograph of Jameson Perth-Amboy A "Bird", N9181) ________________ 5 An Experience In Building An Airplane (with drawings of fuselage Jigs) ___ C. A. Walters ____________________________________________ 6 (Photograph of Campbell Modified Pietenpol) ________________________ 8 A Famous Flyer Joins E.A.A. ___ Gregory C. Kohn ____________________ 8 Join A Chapter Now _________________________________________________ 8 Two More Being Built (with photograph of Hernandez and Bucholz Stits Playboy projects) ____________________________________ 8 News Notes __________________________________________________________8 They don't Come Much Smaller (with two photographs of Chana/Coward Wee Bee, NX50840) ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________________ 9 Proposed Chapters - Contact! ! _____________________________________ 9 Pre-War Homebuilt (photograph of Hagen/Sorrell biplane) ___ Peter Bowers______________________________________________________________ 10 Fred Williams' X-366 (photograph of Fred Williams and Williams X-366 parasol) __ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________________ 10 Anyone For Hydro-Skis ______________________________________________ 10 Well Dressed Plane Wears Plastic Pants _____________________________ 10 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 10 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 11 CAA Manuals ________________________________________________________ 11 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 11 What Is The EAA? ___________________________________________________ 12 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 12 Crusader Biplane (with photograph of Schmidt Crusader, 5189) ___ A. J. Schmidt ______________________________________________________ 12 December 1954, Volume 2, Number 12 (Photograph of Peterson Knight Twister, Merle Olmsted) _______________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner _.. Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ________________ 2 Minutes of the Meeting, November 22, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary - Treasurer ________________________________________________ 3 What Is The EAA? _____________________________________________________ 2 A "Honey" Of An Airplane (with two photographs of Chana/Coward Honey Bee, [N90859]) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 3 Here's The Story On The Front Page Plane _____________________________ 3 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 3 Join A Chapter Now ___________________________________________________ 3 Proposed Chapters - Contact! _________________________________________ 3 Chapter News Notes, EAA Chapter 6 ___ R. W. Weaver ___________________ 4 Chapter News, EAA Chapter No. 4 ___Russ Stearns ______________________ 4 Cub bi-Wing (photograph of Crowl modified Piper Cub) _________________ 4 Modified Duster (photograph of modified Alexander Eaglerock) ___ Lee Enich ____________________________________________________________ 5 Canadians Show Deep Interest In E.A.A. _______________________________ 5 From Out Of The Past (with photograph of Weeks/Gregory 1912 Curtiss pusher, NX5704N) ___ George Hardie, Jr. ______________________ 5 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 5 (Three-view drawings of Loving Love, #64, N351C) _____________________ 6 (Photographs of Neal Loving constructing Loving Love #64, N351C)______ 7 How To Design You Own Airplane ___ Richard Schreder __________________ 8 Modified "Knight Twister" (photograph of Pilgrim modified Knight Twister project) ______________________________________________ 9 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 9 The Reader Speaks ____________________________________________________ 9 (Cutaway perspective drawing of Corben Baby Ace, S. Dzik) ____________ 10 Classified Ads _______________________________________________________ 11 CAA Manuals __________________________________________________________ 11 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 11 EAA Suffers Great Loss _______________________________________________ 12 In Memorandum ________________________________________________________ 12 Canadian Craftsman Constructs Champions (with photograph of Keiller Jodel D-9, F-PEPF, and photograph of Keiller Jodel D-11, F-WBBG) _________________________________________________________12 January 1955, Volume 3, Number 1 (Photograph of Owens Parakeet, N14842) _______________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _________________ 2 Ready For Covering (with photograph of Keresteri monoplane project)____ 2 A Thought On Aviation ___ W. J. Davidson ______________________________ 3 "Bull Pup" (with photograph of Miller Bull Pup) ___ Leo J. Kohn _______ 4 220 Horse Power "Super Dart" (with two photograph of Jocelyn modified Dart G, N20513) ______________________________________________ 4 News Notes ____________________________________________________________ 4 Nothing Fancy, But It Flies (with photographs of York monoplane, N35K) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________________________ 5 Here's A Tri-Cycle Bi-Plane (with photographs of Conrad biplane) ______ 5 What You Should Know To Build Your Own Airplane, These Federal Regulations Must Be Met _______________________________________________ 6 Minutes Of Greater L.A. Area EAA Chapter Meet ___ K. Robinson _________ 8 EAA Chapter #7 News Notes ___ George S. Rodman ________________________ 8 Deer Park, L.I., N.Y. EAA Chapter #3 News ___Ray Nelson ________________8 Minutes of the Meeting, December 27, 1954 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ___________________________________________________ 9 News Notes ____________________________________________________________ 9 What Is The EAA? ______________________________________________________ 9 Attend The Mid-Winter Meeting, Feb. 26th, 1955, Curtiss Wright Airport, Milwaukee, Wisconsin _________________________________________ 9 Proposed Chapters - Contact! __________________________________________ 10 Join A Chapter Now ____________________________________________________ 10 1955 Fly-In, August 6, 7, & 8th _______________________________________ 10 Include The DETAILS! __________________________________________________ 10 We Need Your Help! ____________________________________________________ 10 CAA Manuals ___________________________________________________________ 10 Classified Ads ________________________________________________________ 11 High Powered "Knight Twister" (with four photographs of Lowrey/ Roakes Knight Twister, N13N, S. J. Zagoroday) _Leo J. Kohn _____________12 February 1955, Volume 3, Number 2 (Photograph of Poberezny Corben C-1 Baby Ace, N1950C, Leo J. Kohn) __________________________________________________________________1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _________________ 2 Super Parasol (with photograph of Rodenburg Super Parasol project)_____ 2 Wimpy (with photograph of Buswell/Long Wimpy, N15515) _________________ 2 The Baby Ace_. (with three photographs of Poberezny Baby Ace and Paul Poberezny, Donald N. Emmerich) ___________________________________ 3 (Two photographs of Poberezny Baby Ace, N1950C, Leo J. Kohn) __________ 4 News Notes ____________________________________________________________ 5 What Is The EAA? ______________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Dzik, Maugeri, and Poberezny with Baby Ace) ___________ 5 News Note _____________________________________________________________ 5 Letter To The Editor __________________________________________________ 5 World War I Fighter Again Takes To Air ___ Bob Nolinske _______________ 5 What Is The EAA? ______________________________________________________ 5 Chapter #5 News Notes, Cleveland, Ohio ___ Norman G. Bluhm. And James A. Biller ___________________________________________________ 6 News Notes ____________________________________________________________ 6 Proposed Chapters - Contact! __________________________________________ 6 Join A Chapter Now ____________________________________________________ 6 Minutes of the Meeting, January 24, 1955 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer ___________________________________________________ 7 Lovings Love __________________________________________________________ 7 Lightplane Design _____________________________________________________ 8 E.A.A. Membership Drive _______________________________________________ 9 You Can Buy this One ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________________ 9 (Photograph of Rice Bluebird racer, N1131V) ___________________________ 9 Helpful Information (with metal-bending sketches) ___ Donald Cookman _______________________________________________________________ 9 The Redfern "Knight Twister" ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________ 10 (Photograph of Redfern Knight Twister, N1328N) ________________________ 10 "Playboy" Kit Constructed _____________________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Stits/Ewen Playboy) ____________________________________ 10 Classified Ads ________________________________________________________ 11 E.A.A. Evaluation Committee ___________________________________________ 12 Two Homebuilts From Sweden ____________________________________________ 12 (Two photographs of Ericson monoplanes) ______________________________ 12 This Is Your Last Issue Of The Experimenter ___________________________ 12 March 1955, Volume 3, Number 3 (Photograph of Heuberger Doodle Bug, N3930B) _____________________ 1 The Homebuilder's corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ____________ 2 (Photograph of Timm Waco F, N144) _________________________________ 2 (Photograph of S. J. [Steve] Wittman and Wittman Flying Carpet [Tailwind], N5747N) ______________________________________________ 2 The Doodle Bug ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________ 3 (Two photographs of Heuberger Doodle Bug, N3930B) _________________ 3 Board Of Directors Meeting _.. Leo M. Gelb ________________________ 3 Lightplane Design (continued from February) _______________________ 4 (Photograph of Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B) _____________________ 5 (Photograph of Larson C Speed Bird, N38C, William T. Larkins) ___ Leo J. Kohn) __________________________________________________ 5 News Note _________________________________________________________ 5 Letters To The Editor _____________________________________________ 5 News Note _________________________________________________________ 6 The Mid-Winter Fly-In _____________________________________________ 6 Riverside chapter Celebrates First Anniversary ___ Ed Schnepf _____ 6 EAA Chapter #3 Deer Park, L. I., N. Y. ___ Ray Nelson _____________ 6 EAA Chapter #11 Greater Los Angeles, Cal. _________________________ 6 News Notes From Red Bluff, Calif., Way ____________________________ 7 News Note _________________________________________________________ 7 EAA Chapter 12 Houston, Texas ___ Spud Miller _____________________ 7 Delta Wings! ______________________________________________________ 7 Minutes Of The Meeting ____________________________________________ 7 The Pretty Prairie Special __ Leo J. Kohn _________________________ 8 (Two photographs of Unruh Pretty Prarie Special, N25460) __________ 8 (Top elevation drawing of Unruh Pretty Prarie Special) ____________ 8 (Construction drawings of Pretty Prairie Special) _________________ 9 Letters To The Editor ____________________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Kraemer Rapid Rambler) ____________________________ 10 Rivets The Racer ___ Bill Falck __________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Bill Falck and Falck Rivets #92 racer, N60089) ____ 10 A Home Built Modification With Professional Performance ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________________________________ 11 (Photograph of Wagner twin-engine Tri-Pacer, N932A) Leo J. Kohn___ 11 Proposed chapters ________________________________________________ 11 Join A Chapter Now! ______________________________________________ 11 The Channel Wing ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 12 (Three photographs of Custer CCW-3 Channel Wing, N6257C, ___ Lee English ___________________________________________________12 (Photograph of Stan Dzik and Dzik Project X-1, Leo J. Kohn) ______ 12 Some Sound Advice ________________________________________________ 13 (Three-view drawing of Billman Sky-Opener [Little Pink Cloud]_____ 13 Letters To The Editor ____________________________________________ 13 Scrap Pile And Labor Produce Fine Homebuilt ______________________ 13 (Photograph of Nelson monoplane, N14N ___ Howard Levy) ___________ 13 Gull-Wing Is The Thing! ___ Jim Williams _________________________ 14 (Two photographs of Williams racer, N33N) ________________________ 14 She's A Honey (And Partially Blonde) (photograph of Corben Baby Ace instrument panel) ____________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads ___________________________________________________ 15 The Stits-Beseler "Executive" ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________ 16 (Three photographs of Stits-Beseler Executive, N36K) _____________ 16 April 1955, Volume 3, Number 4 (Photograph of Pitt Yellow Jacket, N5745N) _________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ______________ 2 Pozgay Helicopter ___________________________________________________ 2 (Two photographs of Pozgay helicopter, N19N) ________________________ 2 EAA News Section _ EAA Members In Discussion (with photograph Of Long Island EAA Chapter members) _________________________________ 3 Experimental Aircraft Association Houston Chapter #No. 12 ___ Spud Miller _________________________________________________________ 3 Chapter 11 Greater Los Angeles, California ___Joan Trefethen ________ 3 Our Friend: Ray Stits ___ Leo J. Kohn _______________________________ 4 (One photograph of the Stits-Beseler Executive, N36K, and one photograph of 3 Playboys, a Sky Baby, N5K, an Executive, N36K, and a Flut-R-Bug, N50P) _______________________________________ 4 (Six photographs, of the Stits Junior, N1292, Stits Sky Baby, N5K, Stits Playboy, N8K, Stits Executive, N36K, and Stits Flut-R-Bug, N50P) __ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________ 5 Mr. Hannaford's Bee _________________________________________________ 6 (Photograph of Hannaford Bee, N34254) _______________________________ 6 Build A Baby Ace ____________________________________________________ 6 Books For The Homebuilders __________________________________________ 6 Complying With Regulations __________________________________________ 7 Les Cole And The "Playboy" (with photograph of Les Cole and Stits Playboy, N8K) ___ Ed Schnepf ________________________________________ 7 M. I. Baby Ace ______________________________________________________ 7 Gripes! _____________________________________________________________ 7 Letter To The Editor ________________________________________________ 7 (Construction drawings of the Pretty Prairie Special) _______________ 8 (Construction drawings of the Pretty Prairie Special) _______________ 9 (Construction drawings of the Pretty Prairie Special) ________________10 Current Trends of Plane Homebuilding In France ___ George L. Sabatie _____________________________________________________________ 11 Canon Of Ethics For Experimental Aircraft Association Members _______ 11 Standard Of Professional Ethics _____________________________________ 11 Experimental Aircraft Association Greater L. A. Chapter #11 ___ Joan Trefethen ______________________________________________________ 11 EAA Chapter 13, Detroit, Warren, Mich. ______________________________ 11 Minutes of the Meeting ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer___ 11 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 11 Aircraft Design, Continued from March Issue Of Experimenter _________ 12 Project Skylark _____________________________________________________ 13 (Two photographs of the Robertson SRX-1 Skylark, N2903B) ____________ 13 Join A Chapter Now! _________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 15 Alaskan Home-Builts ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 16 (A photograph of the Fike parasol, N13390, and a photograph of the Fike Model D, N79916) _______________________________________________ 16 May 1955, Volume 3, Number 5 (Photograph of DeLong Little Mixer, N631) __________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner _.. Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ________________2 Minutes of the Meeting, April 25, 1955 . Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer _________________________________________________ 2 The Music M-100 _____________________________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Music M-100, 12750 ___ Burton Kemp) __________________ 2 EAA News Section_____________________________________________________ 3 Poberezny Points Plane's Pet Parts (photograph of Paul Poberezny, Foster Hannaford, Jr., Poberezny Little Audrey, and Hannaford Parakeet, N40100) ___________________________________________________ 3 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 3 Darrel De Long's "Little Mixer" ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________________ 3 (Two photographs of Lee L-1P-S Little Mixer, N631) __________________ 3 Experimental Aircraft Association-Chapt. 11 ___ Joan Trefethen ______ 4 More News About The "Honey Bee" _____________________________________ 4 A New Helicopter ____________________________________________________ 4 Another Goodyear Racer Turns Up ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________________ 5 (Two photographs of Meier/Johnson Special #51 racer, N2E) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________________________________ 5 Air Racing Is Reborn ________________________________________________ 5 Second Annual Dansville Air Race ____________________________________ 5 Chapters Take Note! _________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of the Lindahl Special) _________________________________ 6 An Original "Rose Parakeet" _________________________________________ 6 (Photograph of Herrett Parakeet, N18252) ____________________________ 6 To The Readers ___ Edward W. Miller, Jr. ____________________________ 6 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 6 Letters To The Editor _______________________________________________ 6 A Pulse-Jet Helicopter ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________ 7 (Photograph of Tooker pulse-jet helicopter ___ Al Tooker) ___________ 7 (Three-view drawing of Vertical Rising Aircraft, Bell Aircraft Corp.)_7 The Pretty Prairie Special IV ___ Leo J. Kohn _______________________ 8 (Two photographs of Unrah Pretty Prairie Special) ___________________ 8 "Clipped" J-3 (photograph of Koch Piper J-3, N32543) ________________ 8 Here's An Inside Look At The "Tailwind" (photograph of Wittman Tailwind, N5747N) ___________________________________________________ 9 (Photograph of Bell Aircraft's Vertical Rising Airplane) ____________ 9 The Rice Special ___ Burton Kemp ____________________________________ 9 (Two photographs of Rice Special, N64576 ___ Burton Kemp) ___________ 9 Proposed Chapters ___________________________________________________ 10 Join A Chapter Now! _________________________________________________ 10 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 11 (Lootenant Tex Quilly cartoon) ____________________________ 14 (is page 12) Schreder "Air Mate" _.. Burton Kemp _______________________ 14 (is page 12) (Three photographs of Schreder Air Mate, N5751N, Burton Kemp) ___________________________________________________________ 14 (is page 12) June 1955, Volume 3, Number 6 (Photograph of Poberezny Corben Baby Ace, N9050C) __________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner _.. Paul H. Poberezny _______________________ 2 Experimenting With New All-Metal Covering ___________________________ 2 CAA Aviation Incentive Movement (AIM) _______________________________ 2 Attend The Flyin Early ______________________________________________ 3 (Heinonen HK-1, Built In Finland (with photograph of Heinonen HK-1, OH-HKA) _______________________________________________________ 3 News Notes ___________________________________________________________4 Flyin Committee Meet ________________________________________________ 4 Plan To Attend The Fly-In ___________________________________________ 4 L. A. Chapter No. 11 ________________________________________________ 4 Trophy Sponsors _____________________________________________________ 4 A Trio Of Homebuilts ________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Thompson monoplane) __________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Thompson Screaming Meany #40 racer, N1210M) __________ 5 (Photograph of Thompson racer, N5M) _________________________________ 5 The Thompson Trio ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________________ 5 Where, Oh Where! ____________________________________________________ 5 Pointers On Flying Your Glider ___ Bob Gordon _______________________ 5 Two-Place T-33 Jet To Be Assembled ___ Burton Kemp __________________ 6 Capt. Jan Christie's BHT-1 ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________ 6 (Photograph of Christie BHT-1, LN-JHC) ______________________________ 6 Correction Please! _.. Leo J. Kohn __________________________________ 6 Kensinger Builds Another Custom Job _________________________________ 6 Sport Design By F. Simpson __________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of Simpson monoplane, N12V) _____________________________ 7 Once A Cub! ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of Dadek V-1 Special, N25A) _____________________________ 7 Regulations Relaxed In England ______________________________________ 7 Corben To Reorganize ___ Leo J. Kohn ________________________________ 8 (Four photographs of Mechanix Illustrated Poberezny Corben Baby Ace, N9050C, one of the photographs also with Paul Poberezny and Carl Walters) _________________________________________ 8 Jaycees To Help CAA In Aviation Incentive Movement __________________ 9 Baby Ace C-1 Specifications (with photograph of Mechanix Illustrated Poberezny Baby Ace, N9050C, and Paul Poberezny) _____________________ 9 Adventures Of A Glider Builder ___ Frank Kelsey _____________________ 9 Tips On Homebuilt Helicopters ___ Igor B. Benson ____________________ 10 (Photograph of Midjet Helicopter) ___________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Benson B-2 Gyro-glider, NX60054, in flight) __________ 11 (Photograph of Benson Home-built Gyro-glider, Model B-6) ____________ 12 Powerplant Controls And Instruments _________________________________ 13 Proposed Chapters ___________________________________________________ 14 Join A Chapter Now! _________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 15 Bringing Your Old timer Or X Job To The Flyin? ______________________ 16 See This One At The Fly-In (with photograph of Carl Walters and Corben Shorty) ______________________________________________________ 16 Crusader Biplane Being Constructed (with photograph of W. F. Myers and Myers Crusader) ___________________________________________ 16 July 1955, Volume 3, Number 7 (Photograph of Rudolph Pietenpol, N13691) _________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _____________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, June 27, 1955 ___ Robert Nolinske __________ 2 Historic Flyer To The Fly-In _______________________________________ 2 A Slight Delay _____________________________________________________ 2 Low Altitude Aerobatics ____________________________________________ 2 1955 Fly-In Schedule _______________________________________________ 3 The Old Pietenpol __________________________________________________ 4 (Three photographs of Rudolph Pietenpol Air Camper, N13691, Leo J. Kohn) ___________________________________________________________ 4 PRPA Meeting July 3rd At The Dansville Races . Gordon Stoppelbein___ 4 Race Results, Western New York Air Show and Races, Dansville, N. Y., July 3, 1955 ________________________________________________ 5 L. A. Chapter No. 11, List of active projects ______________________ 5 Houston Chapter Number Twelve ___ Spud Miller ______________________ 5 Detroit Warren Chapter No. 13 ______________________________________ 5 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 6 Some Food For Thought ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________ 6 Nelson's Address ___________________________________________________ 6 Tips On Homebuilt Helicopters, Continued from June ___ Igor B. Benson _____________________________________________________ 7 (Photograph of B-4 Gyro-glider, N60092) ____________________________ 7 (Photograph of B-5 Gyro-glider, N3765C) ____________________________ 7 (Photograph of B-1 Gyro-glider, NX60032) ___________________________ 8 Experience In Building The Northrup Glider __ Charles A. Bushnell___ 8 The Kadiak "Speedster" _____________________________________________ 9 (Two photographs of David Kadiak KC-2 Speedster, NX11312) ___________9 "Parasol Champ" ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________ 9 (Photograph of Tyndall modified Aeronca 7-AC Champion project) _____ 9 Fry F-4, Low Cost Twin-Engine Airplane ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________ 10 (Two drawings of Fry F-4) __________________________________________ 10 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 11 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 11 Modified Stits 'Playboy' Built In Canada (with photograph of Sky Harbor Air Services Playboy) _______________________________________ 12 (Photograph of Miller [JM-1 Little Gem] #14 racer, N5623N) _________ 12 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 12 CF-FZQ Modified For Skis (with two photographs of Fairchild, CF-FZQ) ____________________________________________________________ 13 Proposed Chapters (EAA Approved) ___________________________________ 14 Join A Chapter Now! ________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 15 Trophies Donated By Nick Rezich For Fly-In (with photograph of Nick Rezich) ________________________________________________________16 Staib LB-1 (with two photographs of Thompson/Staib LB-1, N5927V, one with William Thompson) ___ Burton Kemp _________________ 16 August 1955, Vol. 4, No. 8 (Photograph of Joan Trefethen and Trefenthen Playboy project) _______ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny ____________ 2 Minutes Of The Third Annual Fly-In Meeting, August 5, 1955 ___ Robert E. Nolinske, Secretary-Treasurer _____________________________ 2 Experimental Automatic Pilot ________________________________________ 2 Report On the Fly-In ___ Havel T. Lawson ____________________________ 3 Aircraft Seen At The Fly-In (article lists Bee Aviation Beecraft H-BEE Honey Bee, N90859; Gruenberger Piper J-5A, N30850; Poberezny Corben C-1 Baby Ace, N9050C; Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B; Schermerhorn Pietenpol L.S. Air Camper, N18224; Kelley Carpenter Special, N63Y; McRae 10 Super Dart, N15N; Player Sportplane [Plaything], N21778; Rudolph Russert-Pietenpol KC-257-13 Air Camper, N13691; Aero Service modified Piper Cub J3C-65, N70137; Rezich Travel Air D4D, NC606K; Hannaford A-4 Parakeet, N44100; Miller JM-1 Little Gem, N5623N; Wittman W-8-L Tailwind, N5747N (90 hp); Wittman W-8-L Tailwind, N9052C (115 hp); Myers clipped wing Piper Cub J3C-65, N42963; Ollenburg Fleet 2, N431K; Lasher Aeronca 7-AC, N2516E; Anderson Propeller Company Mooney M-18C, N4130; Pitt Yellow Jacket, N5745N; Ewen Stits Playboy, N38K; Halstead Piper PA-12, N3000M; Wittman W-8 Tailwind, N5749N; Tallman Sopwith Camel N6254; Wittman WD Big X, NX31637; Republic RC-3 [Seabee], N6256K; B. & F. Aircraft Supply Curtiss O-52, N61241; Sherry Ryan ST-3KR, N60155; and Loving Loving-Wayne WR-1 Love #64, N351C; Poberezny Baby Ace project; Walters/Corben Shorty project; Rezich racer project; and Buck Puddle Jumper project) ____________________________________________________ 3 (Photographs of Fly-In aircraft and projects) ______________________ 4-7 (Photograph of Lawson [Special], N98E) _____________________________ 8 Fly-In Breakfast At Columbus, Ohio _________________________________ 8 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 8 News Note __________________________________________________________ 8 Stress Points (with eight drawings)___ S. J. Dzik __________________ 9 Joan's Job (with photograph of Joan Trefethen and Trefethen Playboy project) ___________________________________________________ 9 Combination Auto Airplane Envisioned Within three Years; big Demand; Forecast ___________________________________________________ 10 (Three-view drawings of Wittman 2 Place-Model W-8) _________________ 10 (Photograph of Steve Wittman at Fly-In awards banquet) _____________ 10 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 11 Kenny Kern's Warner Powered Waco F (photograph of Kern Modified Waco F, N11202) ___________________________________________ 11 "Playboy" By Stolp and Adams (photograph of Stolp/Adams Playboy, N41K) _____________________________________________________ 11 "Jeannie I" (with photograph of Sackett Jeannie I) _ Leo J. Kohn ___ 11 (Photograph or Ralph Mong and Mong Sport, N5398V) __________________ 11 Suggestions From Japan (with photograph of Best glider) ___ Paul E. Best ________________________________________________________12 Sport Plane Being Built In Vermont (with photograph of Augustinovich monoplane) ___________________________________________ 12 Old Trick Used To Determine C.G. On this One (with photograph Of Lasher modified Aeronca Champ) __________________________________ 12 Firewalls and Cowling ______________________________________________ 13 Experimental Aircraft Association, L.A. Chapter No. 11 ___ Joan Trefethen ____________________________________________________ 13 Experimenter From Norway At Fly-In (photograph of Jan Christie and Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B, Leo J. Kohn) ____________________ 13 Experiment To find All Metal Production Costs (photograph of Lasher monoplane) __________________________________________________ 13 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 15 Honey Bee Wins MI Trophy (photograph of Paul Poberezny and Walt Mooney, Leo J. Kohn)________ __________________________________ 16 Jim white's Brainchild Progresses (photograph of White modified Piper PA-12) _______________________________________________________ 16 Data Recorded By CAA (photograph of Robert Burbick, Tony Maugeri, and Carpenter Special, N63Y, Leo J. Kohn) _________________ 16 Inspection Brings Perfection (photograph of Carl Walters and Wittman Tailwind, N9052C, Leo J. Kohn) _____________________________ 16 September 1955, Vol. 4, No. 9 (Photograph of Kelley Little Dea-Dea, N63Y, Leo J. Kohn) _____________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny _____________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, August 22, 1955 ___ Robert E. Nolinske________ 2 Reader Speaks ________________________________________________________ 2 Ordinates For Clark 'Y' Airfoil ______________________________________ 2 "Little Dea-Dea" ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________________________________ 3 (Two photographs of Kelley Little Dea-Dea, N63Y, Leo J. Kohn)_________ 3 Help Wanted (photograph of Peek Church Midwing) ______________________ 3 Riding A Plank ___ Leo J. Kohn _______________________________________ 4 (Four photographs of Backstrom Plank, N66348) ________________________ 4 The "Little Toot" From Texas ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________ 5 (Two photographs of Meyer Little Toot project) _______________________ 5 Fellow Members Of The EAA ___ Nick Rezich ____________________________ 5 Lightning Bug ___ Spud Miller ________________________________________ 6 (Two photographs of Morrow Lightening Bug project) ___________________ 6 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 6 Pilgrim Special (with photograph of Pilgrim Special project) _________ 7 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 7 Letters To The Editor ________________________________________________ 7 Internal Combustion Engine Principles, Series 1 .. Stanley J. Dzik____ 8 Prest "Baby Pursuit" ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 11 Photograph of Prest Baby Pursuit, NX17308, Lee Enish) ________________ 11 Home Builts Fly To Dawn Patrol ___ Bob Nolinske ______________________ 12 Letters To The Editor ________________________________________________ 12 Houston Chap. No. 12 La Porte, Texas _________________________________ 12 Corben Kits Available Soon ___________________________________________ 13 Chapter 1 News Notes ___ Phil Flanders _______________________________ 13 Letters To The Editor ________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads _______________________________________________________ 15 (Photograph of Creighlow modified Piper J3 Cub, Leo Creighlow)________ 16 The Popular Turbulent (with photograph of Druine R. D. 4 Turbulent) ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________________________ 16 October 1955, Vol. 4, No. 10 (Photograph of Player Plaything, N21778, Leo J. Kohn) _______________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _______________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, September 26, 1955 .. Robert E. Nolinske_____ 2 Series On Early Homebuilt Designs To Appear Soon ____________________ 2 PRPA Members Take Note _______________________________________________2 Player's Plaything ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________________ 3 (Four photographs of Player Plaything, N21778, Leo J. Kohn) _________ 3 Construction Tips For Oil System ____________________________________ 4 Internal-Combustion Engine Principles, Series - II ___ S. J. Dzik____ 5 The Smith-Cirigliano "Baby Hawk" ___ Warren D. Shipp ________________ 6 (Two photographs of Smith-Cirigliano Baby Hawk, N27SW, Warren D. Shipp) ____________________________________________________ 6 Was Milwaukee's Lightplane Club First In Nation? ____________________ 7 (Photograph of J. Bierenfeld, H. Lukowitz, Lillian Kalishek, Art Paukner, Geo. Franke, Roman Maliszewski, Chas. Pankonen, Elmer Franke, and H. E. Hughes) ___________________________ 7 (Photograph of Malizewski monoplane) ________________________________ 7 Proposals ___ C. W. Lasher ___________________________________________8 CAA Manuals _________________________________________________________ 9 Letters To The Editor _______________________________________________ 9 (Photograph of Stampe biplane) ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________ 9 Super Fairchild ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Maddox modified Fairchild 24W-46, N81205) ___________ 10 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 10 The Reader Speaks __________________________________________________ 10 Great Lakes Special ___ Clifford W. Dick ___________________________ 11 (Three photographs of Dick Great Lakes Special, N11337) ____________ 11 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 11 Air Force Museum Seeks Antiques ___ Geo. Hardie Jr. ________________ 12 Join A Chapter Now _________________________________________________ 12 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 12 Model Shows Edmunds' Design ________________________________________ 13 (Two photographs of model of Edmunds monoplane) ____________________ 13 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 13 Proposed Chapters __________________________________________________ 13 Jeaco (with two photographs of Johnston Jeaco 2, N17K) ___ Leo J. Kohn ________________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 15 (Photograph of Warren Great Lakes Biplane, Dallas Warren) __________ 16 More Details On "Sacket J-1" (with two photographs of Sacket Modified Piper Cub J-3, N33130) ____________________________________ 16 Mayday! ____________________________________________________________ 16 November 1955, Vol. 4, No. 11 (Photograph of Igor Bensen flying Benson Hydro-Glider) ____________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny __________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, October 24, 1955 .. Robert E. Nolinske ____ 2 Kit Production To Start Soon ______________________________________ 3 News Notes ________________________________________________________ 3 New Year, New Look ________________________________________________ 3 The Cover Story ___________________________________________________ 3 Thomas Clarkin Is The Owner Of These (with photographs of Clarkin 1933 Fowler/Gallant biplane and Clarkin biplane) __________ 3 Engine Talk ___ S.J. Dzik _________________________________________ 4 Mathews "Midget" (with photograph of McFetters Mathews Midget, Weylon Lyons) _____________________________________________________ 4 News Notes _________________________________________________________4 Lead Rons (with two drawings of airfoils) ___ S. J. Dzik __________ 5 A Real Old Timer (with photograph of Goddard Essie V) _____________ 5 Cooling Of Aircraft Engine ________________________________________ 6 The "Lasley" Sport (with three photographs of Lasley Sport, N819N, Leo J. Kohn) ___ Leo J. Kohn _______________________________ 8 (Two photographs of Lasley Sport, N819N) _________________________ 9 The Perfect Crop Duster ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________ 9 Another Corben Baby Ace In Production (with photograph of Fred Pries and Pried Corben Baby Ace project) __________________________ 9 The Latest In Agricultural Aircraft (with photograph of Larson D-1) ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________________________ 10 Custom Twin Design ___ Robert R. Longo ____________________________ 11 (One three-view and one perspective drawing of Longo Pegasus Special #1, Bob Longo) ____________________________________________ 11 Vapor Trail (with four photographs of Murray Heath Parasol, N5629N) ___ F.A. Murray ___________________________________________ 12 Question And Answer Box ___________________________________________ 13 Join A Chapter Now ________________________________________________ 13 Proposed Chapters _________________________________________________ 13 Good Design Practices For Aircraft ________________________________ 13 Classified Ads ____________________________________________________ 15 A New Idea In Skis (with two photographs of modes of Larry ski system) ___ Leo J. Kohn _______________________________________ 16 News Notes ________________________________________________________ 16 December 1955, Vol. 4, No. 12 (Photograph of William O. Wilkins and Wilkins modified Stits Playboy, N75357, Wm. O. Wilkins) __________________________________ 1 The Homebuilders' Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny ____________ 2 Playboy ___________________________________________________________ 2 News Notes ________________________________________________________ 2 Some Famous Homebuilt Lightplane Designs ___ George Hardie, Jr., and Jack McRae _______________________________________________ 3 (Three view drawing of Fowler Mermaid, Leo J. Kohn) _______________ 4 My Mermaid ___ R. E. Fowler _______________________________________ 5 L. A. Chapter Meeting Minutes ___ Joan Trefethen __________________ 5 More About This One In Future Issues (photograph of Billman The Little Pink Cloud, N398) __________________________________________ 6 Prest Baby Pursuit (with two photographs of Keathley Prest Baby Pursuit rebuild) __________________________________________________ 6 The Staib Stable ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________________ 7 (One photograph of Staib Little Bit/Monster, N9V, and two photographs of Staib biplane, N9V) ________________________________ 7 Letter From A Reader ______________________________________________ 7 Private Planes Need Folding Wings ___ Robert J. Whittier __________ 8 (Drawings of hangars) _____________________________________________ 8 (Three photographs of folding wing parasol, NC11071) ______________ 9 From Airplane To Glider And Back (with two photographs of Dewey Cyclone !, N19204) ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________ 10 Modified Aeronca C-3 (photograph of modified Aeronca C-3, N16277) ___________________________________________________________ 10 It Won't Be Long Now (photograph of Walters monoplane project______ 10 Flight In A Tailwind ___ Bob Nolinske _____________________________ 11 Tips For Airplane Builders ___ Bob Whittier _______________________ 11 A Useful New Material _____________________________________________ 11 Homebuilders Design Manual ________________________________________ 11 Lead Rons (Continued from November) ___ S. J. Dzik ________________ 12 (Three drawings of lead rons mechanism) ___________________________ 12 News Note _________________________________________________________ 12 The Wemmer "Twin" (with two photographs of Wemmer Twin, N30350, one with H. M. Wemmer) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________ 13 A Real Homebuilt, And Neat Too (photograph of Livingston biplane, N1553M) __________________________________________________ 13 Classified Ads ____________________________________________________ 15 Tipsy Junior (photograph of Avions Fairey Tipsy Junior, OO-ULA)____ 16 This Month's Old Timer --- The Waco 10 (with photograph of Waco 10, NC735E) ___ Bob Whittier ______________________________ 16 January, 1956, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Photograph of Husk The Clip) ______________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny __________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, December 19, 1955 _ Robert E. Nolinske______ 2 The Plane On This Month's Cover ____________________________________ 2 News Note __________________________________________________________ 2 The Skyscooter _____________________________________________________ 3 (Four photographs of Thorp Skyscooter, N91301, one with John and Mrs. Thorp, Leo J. Kohn) ___________________________________________ 3 (Three photographs of Thorp Skyscooter, N91301, Leo J. Kohn) _______ 4 (Photograph of Clark Dunlap and Dunlap biplane project) ____________ 4 P.R.P.A. News, Proposal of Jet Races Main Topic At P.R.P.A. Convention _________________________________________________________ 5 News Available In Two Publications ___ Donald Tygert _______________ 5 Steve Wittman Re-elected President Of The P.R.P.A. _________________ 5 (Photograph of Dave Magnum and Magnum racer) _______________________ 5 The Helio-Courier (with photograph of Helioplane, NX205R) __________ 6 (Three photographs of Benchkendorf Playboy project, N5827N, two with Raymond S. Benchkendorf) ______________________________________ 6 The Lincoln Sport, First In A Series On Famous Homebuilt Lightplanes ___ George Hardie Jr. __________________________________ 7 (Two photographs of Trump Lincoln Sport) ___________________________ 7 (Drawings of Lincoln Sportplane, Bergen F. Hardesty) _______________ 8, 9 (Two photographs of Trump Lincoln Sport) ___________________________ 10 Join A Chapter Now _________________________________________________ 10 Proposed Chapters __________________________________________________ 10 Some Tips On Dry Rot In Wood _______________________________________ 11 Straight Wing Knight Twister (with photograph of Redfern Knight Twister) ___________________________________________________________ 11 (Dimensioned drawings of C-65/75 Continental engine) _______________ 12 Custom Twin Design II ___ Robert R. Longo __________________________ 12 CAA Helped On This Monocoupe (with photograph of Healey Monocoupe, N87619) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 13 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 14 Another Pietenpol Air Camper On The Way (with photograph of Ernest C. Seiler and Seiler Pietenpol Air Camper) __________________ 16 This Month's Old Timer, The Franklin Sport (with two photographs of Franklin Sport, Bob Whittier) ___________________________________ 16 February 1956, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Photograph of Hopkinson Playboy, CF-IGK-X) ________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner (with photograph of Paul Poberezny) ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny _______________________________________ 2 Plans Are In The Making For '56 Fly-In _____________________________ 2 Fly-In Reservations ________________________________________________ 2 EAA Recommendations To CAA ___ Paul H. Poberezny ___________________ 3 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 4 Bonney Gull (with three photographs of Bonney Gull, K1783) ___ Jack McRae _________________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Spad and Albatros dogfight, Museum of Modern Art)____ 5 Home-Built By A Professional ___ Tom Henebry _______________________ 6 (Three photographs of White parasol, N90837, one with William E. White) _____________________________________________________________ 6 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 6 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 7 Saucy Texan ___ Spud Miller ________________________________________ 7 (Two photographs of Beal monoplane, N41B) __________________________ 7 The Adventure of LOVING and his "LOVE" ___ Neal Loving _____________ 8 (Photograph of Neal Loving and Loving's Love #64, N351C) ___________ 8 Little Snuffy Biplane (with two photographs of Gardiner Falcon Aircraft Little Snuffy, R15496, Danny Pflug) _______________________ 8 Minutes Of The Meeting, January 23, 1956 _ Robert E. Nolinske ______ 10 The Piper PT (with photograph of Piper PT, N4300, Lee Enich) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________________ 10 The Minicab (with two photographs of Minicab GY-201, F-BGKN) 11 Join A Chapter Now! ________________________________________________ 11 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 11 (Two photographs of Hopkinson Stits Playboy, CF-IGK-X) _____________ 11 Who Got The first NX Certificate? __________________________________ 12 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 12 (Photograph of Jenny) ______________________________________________ 12 Another Baby Ace Being Put Together (with four photographs of Hepler Baby Ace project, two with Everett M. Hepler) _______________ 13 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 14 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 16 March 1956, Volume 5, Number 3 (Photograph of Wittman Tailwind, N9052C) ___________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny ____________ 2 Du Charme Now Heads Corben Co. _____________________________________ 2 Dept. Of Commerce Gets E A A Recommendations _______________________ 3 Minutes Of The Meeting, February 27, 1956 .. Robert E. Nolinske_____ 3 P R P A News, The Denight Special, Midget Of The Month (with photograph of Bart Denight (?) and Denight Special #97 racer, [N9059H], A. L. King) ___ Don Berliner ______________________ 3 A Place For Amateur Built Aircraft In Education (with eight photographs of students, one with Robert D. Blackner) ___ Robert D. Blackner _________________________________________________ 4, 5 The Wittman "Tailwind ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________ 6 (Five photographs of Wittman Tailwind, N9052C, N5747N, and N5749, Leo J. Kohn) ________________________________________________ 6 (One photograph and three view of Wittman Tailwind, N5747N) ________ 7 Bensen Gyro-Copter (with photograph of Bensen Gyro-Copter B-7) _______________________________________________________________ 8 Urshan "UR-1" Air chair (with two photographs of Urshan UR-1 Air Chair, N20K) ___________________________________________________ 8 Custom Design Twin, III (with four drawings) ___ Robert F. Longo ______________________________________________________________ 9-11 News Note __________________________________________________________ 11 Passing In Review .._ (photographs of Myers modified Piper J3-65 Cub, N42963; Cole modified Taylorcraft BC-65, N21392; Loving-Wayne WR-1 Love #64, N351C; Bigos/Buffington [Miss Dara] #30 racer, N88M; Heath Parasol; Moser Heath Parasol, N69270; Kensington Tater Chip #88 racer, N31E; Cassutt Special #111 racer, N20N; Corben Ace; Corben Super Ace, 12817; Poberezny Corben Baby Ace, N1950C; Stits Playboy, N8K; Schreder Air Mate, N5715N; Collins Farnham Fly Cycle, N201A; Woodard Standard E-1; Mone Nieuport 28, N12237; Tallman Sopwith Camel, N6254; Tallman 1918 Curtiss JN-4D Jenny; Gordonier Piper Cub; Sky Harbor Flying Service Knight Twister, N13N; Redfern Knight Twister, N1328N; Anderson/Babcock Sundelin Knight Twister, N979; Effenheim E-2 Knight Twister, NX572?N; Wittman Tailwind, N9052C; Wittman Buster #1 racer, N14855; Poberezny Little Poop Deck, N19003; Poberezny Little Audrey, N27B; Rezich Travel Air D4D, NC606K; Jameson Perth-Amboy Bird, N9181; Bowers Sorrell Special; and American Flea TC-1 Triplane, N5748N) ____________________________________________________________ 12-17 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 18 This Month's Old Timer ___ Jack McRae ______________________________ 20 (Photographs of Harvey C. Mummert and Mummert Cootie, Harvey C. Mummert and Mummert Sportplane, and Mummert Sportplane) _________________________________________________________ 20 April 1956, Volume 5, Number 4 (Photograph of Loving-Wayne WR-1 Love #64, N351C, and Neal V. Loving) _____________________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _______________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, March 26, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske________ 2 The Future Of E.A.A. ___ George Hardie, Jr. _________________________ 3 The New Improved 1956 Bensen B-7 Gyroglider (with photograph of Bensen B-7 Gyroglider) ______________________________________________ 4 Letters To Editor ___________________________________________________ 5 From The Members ____________________________________________________ 5 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 5 Report and Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting Ultra-Light Aircraft Association of Canada ___ Donald Fischer ____________________________ 6 (Two photographs of F. G. Williams and Williams parasol) ____________ 6 E. A. A. Covers The World ___ George Hardie, Jr. ____________________ 7 (Photograph of G. Beraud, Agesilas, and Laune, and Jodel Bebe) ______ 7 (Photograph of Bob Chisholm and Chisholm Baby Ace project) __________ 7 Canadian Homebuilders _______________________________________________ 7 Building The "Little Pink Cloud" ___ Owen S. Dillman (should be Billman)_____________________________________________________________ 8 (Two view drawing of Piper J-2) _____________________________________ 8 (Three view drawing of Little Pink Cloud) ___________________________ 8 (Photograph of Owen S. Billman and Billman Little Pink Cloud, N398) _______________________________________________________________ 8 (Photograph of Piper J-2 fuselage) __________________________________ 9 (Photograph of Billman Little Pink cloud, N398) _____________________ 9 (Five drawings of fuselage structure) _______________________________ 9 Letters To The Editor _______________________________________________ 10 Agricultural Aircraft From Stinson L-5 (photograph of Clevenger Crop Dusters biplane, N63253, Lee Enich) ____________________________ 10 Calculation Of Weight And Balance ___________________________________ 10 Professional Race Pilots Association News Midget Of The Month ___ Donald Tygert ___________________________________________________ 11 (Two photographs of Scoville Stardust #50 racer, N85N, one with John R. Scoville) ___________________________________________________ 11 Sierra S-1 "Sue" ___ Lee Enich ______________________________________ 11 (Photograph of Fellers Sierra S-1 Sue racer, Lee Enich) _____________ 11 News Notes __________________________________________________________ 11 Fly-In Reservations _________________________________________________ 11 Pros and Cons On Aerobatics _________________________________________ 12 Where Your EAA Dollar Goes ___ Bob __________________________________ 12 Baby Ace Kits Will Continue To Be Available _________________________ 12 Chapter Meetings And Times __________________________________________ 14 Proposed Chapters ___________________________________________________ 14 Corrections _________________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 15 This Month's Oldtimer, The E-2 Cub (with photograph of Taylor E-2 Cub, NC12626) ___ Bob Whittier __________________________________ 16 Letters To The Editor _______________________________________________ 16 May 1956, Volume 5, Number 5 (Photograph of Smith Playboy, N47K, Trefethen Stolp Playboy, N41K, and Trefethen Stark, N41770, Don Martin) _____________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul (Poopdeck) Poberezny _____________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, April 23, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske ______ 3 PRPA News, Midget Of The Month _____________________________________ 3 (Two photographs of Ohm/Stoppelbein Shoestring #16 racer, N26C)_____ 3 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 3 From The Readers ___________________________________________________ 3 Taps _______________________________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Bleriot monoplane) __________________________________ 3 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 4 Building The "Little Pink cloud" ___ Owen S. Billman _______________ 5 (Photograph of Owen S. Billman) ____________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Piper J-2 fuselage) _________________________________ 5 (Photograph of fuselage in jig) ____________________________________ 5 (Drawing of Little Pink Cloud canopy) ______________________________ 6 (Photograph of Owen S. Billman in Little Pink cloud project) _______ 6 (Photograph of Joe Bonifer and Little Pink Cloud fuselage) _________ 6 (Photograph of Duncan Ferguson and Joe Bonifer with Little Pink Cloud fuselage) ____________________________________________________ 6 The Pietenpol "Air Camper," Second in a series on Famous Homebuilt Lightplanes ___ George Hardie, Jr. _______________________ 7 (Photograph of two Pietenpol Air Campers, B. H. Pietenpol) _________ 7 (Scale drawings of Pietenpol Air Camper, Jack McRae) _______________ 8-9 From The Owners And Builders Of Pietenpol Air Campers (with Two drawings of Pietenpol Air Campers, Wm. Kupka) __________________ 10 (Photograph of Allen Rudolph and Rudolph 1933 Pietenpol Air Camper, N13691) ____________________________________________________ 11 (Photograph of Schermerhorn Pietenpol Air Camper, N18224) _________ 11 (Photograph of Rudolph 1933 Pietenpol Air Camper, N13691)________ __ 12 (Photograph of salvaged Pfalz D12 and photograph of salvaged Spad 7) ____________________________________________________________ 13 (Photograph of Pfalz D12, Smithsonian Institution) _________________ 14 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 15 The "JR Special" (with photograph of Anderson modified Davis D-1W, N854N, Leo J. Kohn) ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________ 16 Joe Niles Built This In 1928 (with photograph of Niles monoplane) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________________ 16 Franklin "Sport" (with photograph of Nadolny Franklin Sport, D. Sherman) ___________________________________________________________ 16 June 1956, Volume 5, Number 6 (Photograph of Mantz Air Services replica Spirit of St. Louis, Paul Mantz Air Services) _________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's corner ___ Paul Poberezny _________________________ 2 Special Pre-Fly-In Meeting Planned __________________________________ 2 See The Homebuilts You've Been Reading About!!!, Don't Miss The Outstanding Aviation Event Of The Year!!! _______________________ 3 "Barnstorming For New Ideas" ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik ___________________ 3 Design Preparation ___ Stanley "Prop" Dzik __________________________ 4 Repairing Deteriorated Aircraft Fabric With Fiberglass Cloth __ Ray N. Prine ________________________________________________________ 4 Midget Of The Month, PRPA News ______________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Pack [Johnny Reb] #46, N66319, and photograph of Pack Lil Rebel #47, N66317) _________________________________________ 5 A Pair Of "Flutterbugs" (photograph of two Stits Flut-R-Bugs) _______ 5 Pitts "Samson" (photograph of Ben Huntley and Pitts Samson, N52137, Burton Kemp) ________________________________________________ 5 Letters To the Editor _______________________________________________ 6 Fly-In Reservations _________________________________________________ 6 The Druine Turbulent (photograph of Druine Turbulent, F-PHFR, R. G. Moulton) ______________________________________________________ 6 A French Homebuilt The Adam RA-14 Loisirs ___ John Bertrand _________ 7 (Three view drawing of Adam RA-14 Loisirs) __________________________ 7 (Photograph of Adam RA-14 Loisirs, F-PBBP) __________________________ 7 (Photograph of Adam RA-14 Loisirs, F-PO??) __________________________ 7 ? And Answer Department _____________________________________________ 8 Materials And Methods ___ Grover I. Mitchell ________________________ 8 The Cirigliano Biplane ___ Jack McRae _______________________________ 10 (Three photographs of Cirigliano Biplane, one with Serafin Cirigliano) _________________________________________________________ 10 (Photograph of Ashley Bob-O-Link) ___________________________________ 10 Stalling Characteristics ____________________________________________ 11 CAA Requirements For Licensing Amateur Built Aircraft _______________ 12 The Parasol Champ! (with photograph of Tyndall modified Aeronca Champion) ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________________________ 13 News Note ___________________________________________________________ 13 Remember This One? (photograph of Mantz/Timm replica Jenny, Lee Enich) __________________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads ______________________________________________________ 15 Minutes Of The Meeting, May 28, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske _________ 16 (Photograph of firefighters in front of two DeHavilland 4's, and photograph of DeHavilland 4's in flight) ____________________________ 16 (Photograph of amphibian NR C2355) ___ Bob Whittier ________________ 16 July 1956, Volume 5, Number 7 (Aerial photograph of Winnebago County Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, State Aeronautics Commission) ___________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul Poberezny__________________________ 2 Correction Please!! ________________________________________________ 2 Another Boo-Boo - - - ______________________________________________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, June 25, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske _______ 2 We're Off To Oshkosh, B'Gosh! ______________________________________ 3 (Aerial photograph of Winnebago County Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin) _________________________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Steve and Dorothy Wittman, A. L. King, Jr.) _________ 3 P. R. P. A. News, Midget of the Month ______________________________ 4 (Photograph of Johnson Long Midget #67 racer, NX5111H ) ____________ 4 Air Racing Returns _________________________________________________ 4 The Valkyrian (with photograph of model of Noble V-N-1 Valkyrian) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________________ 4 Building The "Little Pink Cloud", Part 3 (Continued From May Issue) ___ Owen S. Billman ________________________________________________ 5 (One drawing and three photographs of details of Billman Little Pink Cloud) _____________________________________________________________ 5 (Two photographs of details of Billman Little Pink Cloud) __________ 6 (Photograph of Billman Little Pink Cloud, Joe Bonifer, and Owen Billman) ___________________________________________________________ 6 A "Homebuilder's" Corner In England (with photograph of Ord-Hume Luton Minor, G-AFIR) ___ Roger Bailey, Jr. _________________________ 6 Folding Wing Playboy (with photograph of Frost Stits Playboy) ______ 7 Are Folding wings Practical? _______________________________________ 7 Weight and Balance (with drawing of sample weight and balance) ___ Stanley "Prop" Dzik ________________________________________________ 7 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 8 Buzzing The Chapters _______________________________________________ 9 Here's How A Chapter Begins ___ Roy W. Turner ______________________ 9 L. A. chapter No. 11 ___ Joan Trefethen ____________________________ 9 Double Duty Chapter President ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________ 9 What I Have In Mind (with a two view and a perspective drawing of Collinge monoplane) ___ George Collinge ____________________________ 10 Certification Of Amateur Built Aircraft, CAA Requirements For Licensing Amateur-Built Aircraft (Continued from June Issue) _____________________________________________________________ 11 Calendar Of Events _________________________________________________ 11 Homebuilt Movement Grows ___________________________________________ 12 Rice Mid-Wing Sportplane ___ Burton Kemp ___________________________ 13 (Four photographs of Rice monoplane, two with Jim Rice) ____________ 13 The "Superdart" (with two photographs of model of Best Superdart)___ 14 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 15 The Dewoitine D-7 Lightplane (with three photographs of Dewoitine D-7) ___ Jack McRae ________________________________________________ 16 August 1956, Volume 5, Number 8 (Photograph of Bristle Midget Mustang Lucky, N5785N, Hal McCormick) __________________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul Poberezny __________________________ 2 (Photograph of Benner Special monoplane, Burton Kemp) _______________ 2 The Oshkosh Story, Fourth Annual Fly-In Has Weather Woes ___ James R. Custin _____________________________________________________ 3 Thanks! _____________________________________________________________ 3 Old Gliders Come Out Of The Mothballs (with photograph of Waco Glider, N887V, Leo J. Kohn) _________________________________________ 4 News Note ___________________________________________________________ 4 Fingers In The Ink Well _____________________________________________ 4 (Three view drawing of Browne monoplane project) ____________________ 4 The Fiberglas Story, Part 1 ___ Aviation Glass Cloth Service ________ 5 Falck and Wittman Set Air Racing Records At Niagara Falls ___ Don Berliner ____________________________________________________________ 6 (Photograph of Falck Rivets #92 racer, N60089, John Durand) _________ 6 (Photograph of Pack Johnny Reb #47 racer, N66317, John Durand) ______ 6 Tips To Remember ____________________________________________________ 6 News Note ___________________________________________________________ 6 Three Wheeler Playboy (with photograph of Art Brown and Brown Modified Stits Playboy) ___ Leo J. Kohn _____________________________ 7 EAA Technical Book Review ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik ______________________ 7 Letters To The Editor _______________________________________________ 7-8 News From The Chapters, Chapter #17, East Tennessee ___ Keith Henry ________________________________________________________________ 9 Chapter #25, Minneapolis, Minn. ______________________________________ 9 Members Wanted For New Chapter _______________________________________ 9 Chapter #11, Los Angeles, Calif. _____________________________________ 9 Made In Sweden (with three view drawing of Erickson Gula Faran, Leo J. Kohn) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________________ 10 Paul Mantz's DH-4 (with photograph of Mantz DeHavilland DH-4, Tom Henebry) ___ Tom Henebry _________________________________________ 11 (Photograph of Hoover modified Piper J3 Cub sprayer, N32921) _________ 11 (Photograph of modified Fairchild PT-23, N63820, Kemp-Krieger)________ 11 (Photograph of modified Piper Cub sprayer, N92148, Kemp-Krieger)______ 11 Minutes Of The Fourth Annual Fly-In, August 4, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske __________________________________________________________ 12 Minutes Of H. Q. Meeting, July 25, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske _______ 12 Fike's Stable (two photographs of Fike Model A and two photographs of Fike Model B) __________________________________________13 Ground Controlled Approach - 1932 Style ___ Seely Hall's Scrap Book, 1932 ___________________________________________________________ 13 Helpful Hints ________________________________________________________ 13 News Note ____________________________________________________________ 13 The Given "Full Bore" (with side drawing of Given Full Bore) ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________________________________ 14 News Note ____________________________________________________________ 14 Classified Ads _______________________________________________________ 15 Sportster From The Desert (with photograph of Cooke monoplane, Tom Henebry) ___ Tom Henebry _________________________________________ 16 Stits Playboy (with two photographs of Marks/Brown Stits Playboy, N1730, Tom Henebry) ___ Tom Henebry __________________________________ 16 September 1956, Volume 5, Number 9 (Photograph of Pfeifer Sport JL, Lee Enich) __________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny ____________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, August 27, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske _______ 2 One Eye To The Past the Other Eye To The Future, A General Report On The 1956 Convention and Fly-In and How It Shapes Our Plans For 1956 ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________ 3 Technical Session With Prof. August Raspet ___ James R. Custin _______ 4 First Donor To Scholarship Fund ______________________________________ 4 (Photograph of Anderson/Babcock Sundelin Knight Twister, N979) _______ 4 Technique Of Smoothing Leading Edges Of Airplanes ___ M. B. Swartzberg ___________________________________________________________ 5 (Two drawings of waviness gauge) _____________________________________ 5 Letters To The Editor ________________________________________________ 6 See Ya' In The Funny Papers __________________________________________ 6 News Notes ___________________________________________________________ 6 ? And Answer _________________________________________________________ 7 EAA Technical Book Review ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik _______________________ 7 (Smilin' Jack cartoon by Zack Mosley) ________________________________ 7 Tips On Aircraft Welding ___ Bob Whittier ____________________________ 8 (Photograph of Todd Wittman Tailwind Li'l Varmint, N223A) ____________ 8 Aircraft Seen At The Fly-In (article lists Geib Eastern Aircraft FM-2 Wildcat, N90523; Cook modified Great Lakes 2T-1A, N313Y; Heuberger Doodle Bug, N3930B; Rogers modified Corben C-1 Baby Ace, N9050C; Hopkins Stits Playboy, CF-IGK; Hopkins De Havilland DH-82C Tiger Moth, CF-GTU; Maurer modified Great Lakes 2T-1A, N12849; Myers clipped wing Piper Cub J3C-65, N42963; Schubert Aeronca K, N18896; Rezich Travel Air D4D, NC606K; Sackett J-1 Jeanie, N33130; Sackman Wittman W-8L Tailwind, N5749N; Loving Loving-Wayne WR-1 Love #64, N351C; Wittman WD Big X, NX31637; Barber modified Ryan ST-3KR, N47432; Ohm/Stoppelbein AST Mercury Air Shoestring #16 racer, N26C; Long-Johnson Mammy #9 racer, N9N; Cassutt Special #111racer, N20N; MacRae 10 Super Dart, N15N; Wittman 4 Bonzo #1 racer, N1292; Wittman W-8-L Tailwind, N5747N; Falck modified Rivets #92, N60089; Wittman W-8-L Tailwind, N9052C; Aero Services modified 1946 Piper Cub J3C-65, N70137; Corbett De Havilland DH-80 Puss Moth, CF-AVC; Pack Pack & Associates D Johnny Reb #46 racer, N66319; Gorman Rearwin 7000 Sportster, N16459; Woodard modified Thomas-Morse S-4B Scout, N74W; Greene Aeronca C-3, N16286; McGregor Ryan S-T-A, N14982; Monocoupe 90-A, N16423; Oliver Fleetwings F-5 Seabird, N19191; Halstead modified Piper PA-12 , N3000M; Adams modified Stearman PT-17, N63711; Tyndall modified Aeronca 7-AC, N81477; Grimshaw Meyers OTW, NC26487; Warren modified Great Lakes 2T-1A, N828K; Sherman Anderson/Babcock Sundelin Knight Twister, N979; Healey modified Monocoupe 90-AL-115, N87619; Schermerhorn modified Pietenpol L. S. Air Camper, N18224; Ellan Monocoupe 110, N533W; Todd Wittman W-8-L Tailwind Li'l Vanmint, N223A; Monocoupe, NC170K; Anderson Propeller Co. modified Mooney M18-C Mite, N4130; Hamilton modified Republic RC-3 Seabee, N6256K; Miller modified JM-1 Little Gem #14 racer, N5623N; Rudolph Russert-Pietenpol KC-257-13 Air Camper, N13691; Fleet 2, N431K; Robinson MDR-1 Special, N55A; Wittman 1 Bonzo, NX13688; and Wittman W Buttercup, N18268) __________________________ 10 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 11 Antiques And Odd Balls Are Listed __________________________________ 11 (Photograph of Mechanix Illustrated Poberezny Corben Baby Ace, N9050C, Leo J. Kohn) __________________________________________ 11 Photograph of Fly-In trophies, Leo J. Kohn) ________________________ 11 Pictorial Review Of The 1956 Fly-In (photographs of Fly-In aircraft)_12-16 (Photograph of Lawrence Heuberger, Leo J. Kohn) ____________________ 17 (Photograph of Ed Todd, Leo J. Kohn) _______________________________ 17 (Photograph of Keith Hopkinson, Leo J. Kohn) _______________________ 17 Join A Chapter Now _________________________________________________ 17 Proposed Chapters __________________________________________________ 17 General Aviation Inspection ________________________________________ 17 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 18 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 19 (Photograph of 1935-6 Fike Model B/C) ______________________________ 20 Bensen Aircraft Shows Flying Boat (with photograph of Igor Bensen in Rotosail boat) __________________________________________________ 20 October 1956, Volume 5, Number 10 (Photograph of Robinson M. D. R. Special No. 1 Doodle Bug) _________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. (Poopdeck) Poberezny __________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, September 24, 1956 _ Robert E. Nolinske_____ 2 Flight Measured Aerodynamics Of Wittman's Tailwind __ August Raspet _____________________________________________________________ 3 (Graph of propulsive efficiency) ___________________________________ 3 (Graph of airspeed calibration) ____________________________________ 3 (Photograph of tuft testing from front quarter of Wittman Tailwind. N5747N, at 60 mph) _________________________________________________ 4 (Graph of cooling power) ___________________________________________ 4 (Graph of glide measurements) ______________________________________ 4 (Graph of speed polar) _____________________________________________ 4 (Photograph of tuft testing from rear quarter of Wittman Tailwind. N5747N, at 60 mph) _________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of tuft testing from front quarter of Wittman Tailwind. N5747N, at 140 mph) ________________________________________________ 5 (Photograph of pitot disturbance, Wittman Tailwind N5747N) _________ 6 (Photograph of sublimation at 150 mph, Wittman Tailwind N5747N)_____ 6 PRPA News _.Race Results, International Air Meet and Races, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Aug 4-5, 1956 ___________________________________ 6 Specifications, Corben Baby Ace ____________________________________ 6 Building The Corben Baby Ace (with photograph of Corben Baby Ace, 12817, and three view drawing of Corben Baby Ace) ___ Paul Poberezny _________________________________________________ 7 (Perspective drawing of Corben Junior Ace, Robert Straub, and fittings dimension drawings of Corben Baby Ace) ____________________ 8 (Perspective drawing of modified Corben Junior Ace, Robert Straub, and detail dimension drawings of Corben Baby Ace) __________________ 8 (Line construction drawings of Corben Junior Ace) __________________ 10-11 Strictly "Hybrid"' The M.D.R. Special No. 1 "Doodle bug" ___ Gale East __________________________________________________________ 12 (Photograph of Gale East) __________________________________________ 12 (Photograph of Melvin D. Robinson) _________________________________ 12 Questions From The Chapters ________________________________________ 12 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 12 Hatfield's Hot Rod ___ Tom Henbry __________________________________ 13 (Three photographs of Hatfield monoplane, N18K, one with Cliff Hatfield, Tom Henbry) ______________________________________________ 13 EAA Technical Book Review ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik _____________________ 13 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 15 Porterfield - Waco Combination (with photograph of Wilkins Biplane) ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________________________ 16 Whats A. Q.? ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik __________________________________ 16 November 1956, Volume 5, Number 11 (Photograph of Hepler Baby Ace, N75H) _____________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul Poberezny ________________________ 2 (Drawing of Pober sport plane) ____________________________________ 2 (Photograph of Cassutt Special #111 racer, N20N; Miller JM-1 Little Gem #14 racer, N5623N; and Long-Johnson Mammy #9 racer, N9N, Leo J. Kohn) _______________________________________ 2 Equipment Necessary For E.A.A. Operation __________________________ 3 EAA Technical Book Review ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik ____________________ 3 Minutes Of The Meeting, October 22, 1956 _ Robert E. Nolinske _____ 3 News Note _________________________________________________________ 3 "Ev" Hepler's "Baby Ace" __________________________________________ 4 (Five photographs of Hepler Baby Ace, N75H, two with Ted Hepler and one with Everett Hepler, Jim Park) _____________________ 4 (Two photographs of Hepler Baby Ace, one with Ted and Everett Hepler, Jim Park) _________________________________________________ 5 The "Spoler" "Baby Ace" (with three photographs of Spoler Baby Ace, N2748A) ______________________________________________________ 5 Building The Corben Junior Ace ___ Paul H. Poberezny ______________ 6 (Two perspective drawings of Corben Junior Ace, Robert Straub)_____ 6 (Line construction drawings for building Corben Junior Ace) _______ 7-9 Repairing Deteriorated Aircraft Fabric With Fiberglsas Cloth, Part 2, Continued from June, 1956 ___ Roy M. Prine, Aviation Glass Cloth Services ______________________________________________ 10 The Standard Model "J" (with three photographs of two Timm/ Mantz replica Standard Model J, Tom Henebry) ___ Tom Henebry _______________________________________________________ 11 Short ON HP, Long On Fun ___ C. B. Colby __________________________ 12 (Photograph of Wittman Buster #20 racer, NX14855, Leo J. Kohn)______12 (Photograph of modified Chester #89 racer, NX12930, Leo J. Kohn)____12 (Photograph of Mooney M-18L, N288A, Leo J. Kohn) __________________ 13 (Photograph of Fliteways #70 racer, NX18210) ______________________ 13 Correction ________________________________________________________ 13 Chapter 20 To Hold Regional Fly-In ________________________________ 14 Classified Ads ____________________________________________________ 15 (Photograph of Wendt Baby Ace project) ____________________________ 16 (Photograph of Kirby Kneider-Reisner 21, Tom Henebry) _____________ 16 December 1956, Volume 5, Number 12 (Photograph of Melberg MG-3 Turbulent Turkey biplane, U. A. Schmidt) __________________________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilders Corner ___ Paul Poberezny ________________________ 2 Minutes Of The Meeting, November 26, 1956 ___ Bob Nolinske ________ 2 The Romantic Days Of Aviation (with three photographs of Chester 550 Goon #5, NX93Y, two from Emil Strasser, and one of these with Art Chester) ___________________________________________ 3 (Photograph of Chester 550 Goon #5, NX93Y) ________________________ 4 EAA Technical Book Review ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik ____________________ 4 Use Fiber glass With Caution, Says CAA ____________________________ 4 Proposed Chapters _________________________________________________ 4 Aircraft Welding Of 4130 Chromium-Molybdenum Steel Tubing ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik ______________________________________________ 5 (Four drawings of weld clusters) __________________________________ 5 (Ten drawings of weld clusters) ___________________________________ 6 (Four drawings of weld joints) ____________________________________ 7 EAA Members Invited To Use Library ________________________________ 7 Miami National Air Show ___________________________________________ 8 (Photograph of Paul Poberezny, two aeromodellers, and F-89) _______ 8 (Photograph of August Raspet and five others, Scholler) ___________ 8 News From Chapter 10 ___ Wayne Shank ______________________________ 8 (Photograph of Faust 1936 Junior Ace, NX1338) _____________________ 8 Building The Corben "Junior Ace" (with fitting dimension drawings) ___ Paul Poberezny ______________________________________ 9 (Line construction drawings for building Corben Junior Ace)________ 10-12 "Toledo Builders" ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________ 13 (Two photographs of Schreder modified Backstrom Plank project, one with Dick Schreder) ___________________________________________ 13 (Photograph of Sherrill Playboy project and Marshall Sherrill, Sherrill) _________________________________________________________ 13 (Two photographs of Rowan biplane project) ________________________ 13 Elements Of Airplane Design (with illustration of airplane design factors) ___ Rauol J. Hoffman _____________________________________ 14 The Pinn "Sportster" (with three drawings of Pinn sportster details, Robert H. Pinn) ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________ 15 The Miller Lightplanes ___ Jack McRae _____________________________ 16 (Five photographs of Miller Lightplane, X13237, Owen S. Billman) __________________________________________________________ 16 Open Letter To Members Of E.A.A. From Chapter No. 24 ______________ 17 Is Your Experimenter Valuable? ___ Bob Nolinske ___________________ 17 News Notes ________________________________________________________ 17 Letters To The Editor _____________________________________________ 18 News Notes ________________________________________________________ 18 Classified Ads ____________________________________________________ 19 Can A Practical Roadable Airplane Be Designed? ____________________ 20 January 1957, Volume 6, Number 1 (Photograph of Lambert Box Full, N9017C, Leo Kohn) ________________ 1 The Homebuilders corner ___ Paul H. Poberezny _____________________ 2 Letters To The Editor _____________________________________________ 2 The Lambert "Box Full" (with four photographs of Lambert Box Full, N9017C, Leo Kohn) ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________ 3 (Four photographs of Lambert Box Full, N9017C, two with Casey Lambert and one of those also with Cal Latham and Andy Fox, Leo Kohn) ___________________________________________ 4 Flight Research On A Personal Type Airplane ___ August Raspet and George Lambros ________________________________________________ 5 (Three view drawing of Bellanca Cruisair Senior, Model 14-13-3)____ 5 (Graph of position error curve and graph of horsepower required for Bellanca Cruisair) ____________________________________________ 5 (Graph of flight polars obtained in glide for Bellanca Cruisair)___ 6 Chapter News, November 8, 1956, EAA Chapter 11, Los Angeles, California _______________________________________________ 6 News Note _________________________________________________________ 6 Shake Rattle And Roll (with drawing of heavy aircraft wingtip vortices) _________________________________________________________ 7 Professional Race Pilots Hold Annual Meeting ___ Bob Nolinske______ 8 (Drawing for geometric location of taper wing mean geometric chord) ____________________________________________________________ 9 Building The Corben Junior Ace (with drawing of elevator jig block locations)___ Paul H. Poberezny _____________________________ 9 (Line construction drawings for Corben Junior Ace ribs) ___________ 10 (Five detail drawings for Corben Junior Ace) ______________________ 11 A Corben Junior Ace In Utah(with six photographs of Rosenham Junior Ace, N3395, one with Al Rosenham) __________________________ 12 (Photograph of Schermerhorn Pietenpol L. S. Air Camper, N18224) ___________________________________________________________ 12 Minutes Of The Meeting, December 17, 1956 ___ Robert E. Nolinske __________________________________________________________ 12 A Bi-Plane For EAA ___ P. Poberezny _______________________________ 12 Book Reviews ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik _________________________________ 12 Thanks! ___________________________________________________________ 12 (Photograph of [Joan Trefethen, Al Trefethen, Trefethen Stolp Playboy, N41K, and Fellers/Beattie Sierra S-1 Sue pusher racer N12K]) ______________________________________________________ 14 Award Goes To Poberezny (with photograph of unknown, Mrs. Martin A. Fladoes, and Paul Poberezny, Bill Normyle) ______________ 14 The "Sandvik Scissor" (with three view of proposed Sandvik Scissor, S. Dzik) ___ Stan "Prop" Dzik ____________________________ 15 Vertical Airplane Tail Areas (with twelve drawings concerning vertical tail area) ___ Raoul J. Hoffman __________________________ 16 The "Lone Wolf" (with three photographs of Preuss modified Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser Lone Wolf, N413) ________________________ 17 (Two photographs of unknown 1919 biplane) _________________________ 18 News Note _________________________________________________________ 18 Volunteers "Needed" _______________________________________________ 18 Classified Ads ____________________________________________________ 19 (Photograph of MacRae Super Dart, N15N) ___________________________ 20 Publications Of The NACA __________________________________________ 20 February 1957, Volume 6, Number 2 (Photograph of Woodard Thomas-Morse SB-4 Scout, N74W, Robert P. Straub) ______________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. Poberezny __________________ 2 Letters To The Editor ___________________________________________ 2 EAA's International Design Competition ___ Wes Schmid ___________ 3 The Homebuilders Lament ___ K. A. Scollard ______________________ 3 The Roadable Airplane ___ Leo J. Kohn ___________________________ 4 (Photograph of Taylor Aerocar I, N8383, and Fulton Amphibian, Leo J. Kohn) ____________________________________________________ 4 Experimenter Price Increase _____________________________________ 5 Flight Research On A Personal Type Airplane (with graph of power required for cooling Bellanca Cruisair Senior) ___ August Raspet and George Lambros ____________________________ 5 (Graph of drag polar for Bellanca Cruisair, and graph of propulsive efficiency for Bellanca Cruisair) ____________________ 6 News From Chapter Ten, Tulsa, Oklahoma __ T. Wayne Shank_________ 6 Hernandez Biplane (with three photographs of Hernandez Biplane project, one with Frank Hernandez, Tom Henebry) ___ Tom Henebry ________________________________________ 7 Aircraft With rotary Wings (with six rotary wing illustrations) ___ Raoul J. Hoffman ____________________________________________ 8 Out of Hibernation and Off to Hollywood (with four photographs of Woodard Thomas-Morse SB-4 Scout, N74W, Robert P. Straub) ___ Leo J. Kohn _________________________________________ 9 The Dormoy Bath Tub (with three view drawing, Jack McRae, and five photographs of Dormoy Bath Tub) ___ Jack McRae ______________________________________________________ 10-11 Building The Corben Jr. Ace (with two photographs of Corben Junior Ace wing structure and drawing of Corben Junior Ace, Bob Longo) ___ Paul H. Poberezny ___________________________ 12 (Line construction drawings for Corben Junior Ace wing) _________ 13 Publication Of The NACA, Part II ___ Jack McRae _________________ 14 News Note _______________________________________________________ 14 Our Apologies!!! ________________________________________________ 14 The Latest In The Stits Line (with photograph of side-by-side Flut-R-Bug SA-6C, and side-by-side Sky Coupe SA-7C, N5581V) ___ Leo J. Kohn __________________________________ 15 OX-5 Club Roster at 1000 Members, Expect 1500 by February 1st)___ 15 Letters To Editor _______________________________________________ 16 (Drawing for geometric location of biplane mean aerodynamic chord) __________________________________________________________ 16 French Design Powered By Volkswagen Engine (with photograph Of Morin P. M. 01, J. R. C. Brown) ______________________________ 16 A sport plane with built-in deluxe features (with eight photographs of Martin monoplane, N9647H) ____________________________________ 17 (Photograph of [Hopkins] De Havilland [DH-82C] Tiger Moth, CF-GTU, Robert Straub) __________________________________________ 18 Classified Ads __________________________________________________ 19 Starck A. S. 70 JAC (with photograph of Starck A. S. 70 Jac, F-PBGM) _________________________________________________________ 20 The Spirit Of St. Louis (with photograph of Mantz Air Services replica Spirit of St. Louis, Tom Henebry) _ Tom Henebry _________ 20 March 1957, Volume 6, Number 3 (Photograph of Mong Sport MS-2, N5098N) ____________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. Poberezny _____________________ 2 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 2 The Cougar Model 1 (with three view of Nesmeth Cougar Model 1) ___ Robert E. Nesmeth ______________________________________________ 3 News Note __________________________________________________________ 4 Seen In Europe ___ Chris B. Falconer _______________________________ 5 (Two photograph of Maurice Brochet MB 83, F-BCNI) __________________ 5 (Photograph of Norecrin NC 853, F-BFI) _____________________________ 5 (Photograph of Macchi, I-TALY) _____________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Kiemm, SE-BGO) ______________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Finnish single place) _______________________________ 5 (Photograph of Sipa Minijet, F-BU??) _______________________________ 5 (Photograph of Saab Safir) _________________________________________ 5 assume the angle (with graph of angle of attack for stall and drawing of angle of attack indicator) ______________________________________ 6-7 News Note __________________________________________________________ 8 The Mong Sport (with a three view drawing of Mong Sport MS-2, F. T. Curat, a photograph of Mong Sport wing construction, and three photographs of completed Mong Sport MS-2, N5098N) ___ Ralph E. Mong __________________________________________ 8-9 The Junior Ace _____________________________________________________ 9 "Another What's It" (with two 1934 photographs of unidentified biplane) ___________________________________________________________ 9 Replica Fokker Triplane Project (with six WWI photographs of Fokker Triplanes) ___ Peter M. Bowers ______________________________ 10 (Three view drawing of Fokker Triplane) ____________________________ 11 The Private and Utility Airplane of the Future ..August Raspet______ 12-14 Memories Of The National Air Races (with three view drawing of proposed Lake Sport) ___ Frank C. Sabo _____________________________ 14 (Photograph of Piper J-2 tubing freeze damage) _____________________ 15 Minutes Of The Meeting, January 28th, 1957 ___ Bob Nolinske ________ 16 Stress Analysis Made Painless (with strength property tables) ___ Raoul J. Hoffman ___________________________________________________ 16-17 Wilbur Fry's Stits Playboy (with two photographs of Fry Stits Playboy, N2450C?) __________________________________________________ 17 Chatting With The Chapters ___ Bob Nolinske ________________________ 18 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 19 Custin To Manage '57 Fly-In ________________________________________ 20 The Glen Lee Special (with two photographs of Glendening/Kennedy Modified Stits Playboy Glen Lee Special, N6060C) ___________________ 20 News Note __________________________________________________________ 20 A Bensen Gyro Copter (with photograph of Winslow Bensen Gyro- Copter) ____________________________________________________________ 20 April 1957, Volume 6, Number 4 (Photograph of Smith Miniplane, N90P) ___ Lee Enich _____________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. Poberezny __________________ 2 Letters To The Editor ___________________________________________ 2 Smith's Miniplane, Product of Eight Months Spare Time Effort (with three view drawing and two photographs of Smith Miniplane, N90P, Lee Enich) _____________________________________ 3 On Cockpit Design (with two drawings of cockpit mannequin) ___ Antoni Bingelis _________________________________________________ 4 Design competition Notes ________________________________________ 5 Correction ______________________________________________________ 5 Lament Of The Homebuilder's Spouse ___ Rita Wendt _______________ 5 The "Grand Snoop" Tours Europe ___ Bob Whittier _________________ 6 (Photograph of Bob Whittier) ____________________________________ 6 (Photograph of Ypenburg Airport, Holland) _______________________ 6 (Photograph of French homebuilt biplane) ________________________ 6 (Photograph of Bleriot celebration, Calais, France) _____________ 6 (Photograph of French two-seater, F-PGGA) _______________________ 7 (Photograph of French Stampe Biplane, F-BDEB) ___________________ 7 (Photograph of Moraine Saulnier sportplane, F-AJOK) _____________ 7 (Photograph of Miles Messenger. Birmingham, England) ____________ 7 (Photograph of Avro Avian at Denham, Bucks, England) ____________ 8 (Photograph of Experimenter staff, Wes Schmid, George Hardie, Jr., Bob Nolinske, Bernice Scholler, Audrey Poberezny, and Paul Poberezny) _____________________________________________ 8 Flying Scale Models _____________________________________________ 8 A Simplified Aircraft Control System (with two drawings and one photograph of system) ___ Ray Kendall ___________________________ 9 Views of Chapters 1 and 11 ___ Don M. Hicks _____________________ 10 (Photograph of Ray Stits, Don M. Hicks) _________________________ 10 (Photograph of Fairchild biplane, Don M. Hicks) _________________ 10 (Photograph of Don Hicks and Baby Ace wings, Don M. Hicks)_______ 10 (Photograph or Prest Baby Pursuit, NX17308) _____________________ 10 (Photograph of Newton Baby Ace) _________________________________ 10 (Two photographs of Smith Miniplane, N90P) ______________________ 10 Fly-In Meeting . . . Los Angeles (with two photographs of [Glendenning/Kennedy modified] Stits Playboy [Glen Lee Special], N6060C, one photograph of Thorp Sky Scooter, N91301, and one table of performance results) ___ Bill Robinson ___________________________________________________ 11 Safety In Triangulations (with sixteen drawings of structural triangulation) ___ Rauol J. Hoffman _____________________________ 12 Minutes Of The Meeting, February 25, 1957 ___ Bob Nolinske ______ 13 Landing Gear Stresses (with landing gear drawing) ___ Conrad M. Morgan __________________________________________________________ 14 Caveat Emptor ___ George Hardie, Jr. ____________________________ 15 (Two photographs of Conrad modified Cub/Luscombe Bumblebee, N58P) ___________________________________________________________ 15 More on the Luton Minor ___ Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Hume ____________ 16 (Two photographs of Ord-Hume Luton Minor, G-AFIR, Ord Hume, and three view drawing of Luton Minor) __________________________ 16 (Two photographs of Ord-Hume Luton Minor, G-AFIR, Ord Hume) ______17 News Notes ______________________________________________________ 17 EAA Roster To Be Published ______________________________________ 17 Chatting With The Chapters ___ Bob Nolinske _____________________ 17 Classified Ads __________________________________________________ 19 The Fryklund Amphibian (with photograph of Fryklund Amphibian [Smidgeon]) _____________________________________________________ 20 This Month's Old Timer, Modified Curtiss Oriole (with photograph Of OX-5 Curtiss Oriole, Frank Tye, and Hispano Suiza Curtiss Oriole, 3689, Ken Lee) ___ Jack McRae ___________________________ 20 May 1957, Volume 6, Number 3 (Photograph of Paul Poberezny, unidentified man, and Poberezny Corben Baby Ace, N9050C) ___________________________________________ 1 The Homebuilder's Corner ___ Paul H. Poberezny _____________________ 2 Progress Report On The EAA Biplane (with three view drawing of Gere Sport biplane) ________________________________________________ 3 A Dream Come True . .. for an Inventive, Ambitious Swede! (with two photographs of Nilsson flying boat, one with Erland Nilsson) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________________ 4 News Note __________________________________________________________ 4 Minutes Of The Meeting, March 25th, 1957 ___ Bob Nolinske __________ 4 Keith Hopkinson Wins Award _________________________________________ 5 Converting Cub Wheels ___ Ray Hegy _________________________________ 5 (Photograph of Faust modified Cub Cruiser) _________________________ 5 Some Considerations in the Design of Light Plane Wings (with two illustrations of rib profile modifications, two illustrations of stall patterns associated with wing planforms, graph of profile skin friction coefficient vs Reynolds number, graph of airfoil stall characteristics, graph of wing tip polars, and graph of tip plate effects) ___ A. A. Backstrom _______________________________________ 6-8 An All-Wood Parasol! (with photograph of Smith parasol) ___ Leo J. Kohn ________________________________________________________ 9 A "Playboy" and a Housewife (with two photographs of Helen Mace and Smith Marks/Brown Stits Playboy, N1730) ________________________ 9 The 'Grand Snoop' Tours Europe ___ Bob Whittier ____________________ 10-12 (Photograph of Stampe biplane, Bob Whittier) _______________________ 10 (Photograph of Toussus-le-Noble Aerodrome, Paris, Bob Whittier) ____ 10 (Two photographs of French homebuilt biplane, F-PEPL, Bob Whittier)__10 (Two photographs of French homebuilt monoplane, F-WGGB, Bob Whittier) __________________________________________________________ 10 (Two photographs of UPCF Sportplane, F-BFIF, Bob Whittier) _________ 11 (Photograph of French Jodel D-9 Bebe, F-PDHA, Bob Whittier) ________ 11 (Photograph of Salmson four-seat monoplane, F-BEEQ, Bob Whittier)___ 11 (Two photographs of Salmson two-seat parasol, F-BFNE, Bob Whittier) __________________________________________________________ 12 (Photograph of Moraine Saulnier aerobatic parasol, F-BEJO, Bob Whittier) __________________________________________________________ 12 News Note __________________________________________________________ 12 California's Baby Ace (with photograph of Pries Baby Ace project) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________________ 12 Amateur-Built Aircraft and the Experimental Category ___ Paul Poberezny __________________________________________________________ 13 CAR 1.73 Experimental Certificates ___ Richard I. Forest ___________ 14-16 French Homebuilts (with photograph of Jodel D.112, F-PERL, and photograph of Jodel D.9 Bebe, HB-SUA) ___ John Bertrand)____________ 17 A Homebuilder's Guide ___ George Hardie, Jr. _______________________ 17 EAA Design Competition ___ H. C. Zeisloft __________________________ 18 Rice's Second Homebuilt (with photograph of Rice Special, N91E) ___ Leo J. Kohn ____________________________________________________ 18 Would You Like To Form A Chapter? ___ Bob Nolinske _________________ 19 The Importance Of Fittings (with three graphs of spruce characteristics, drawing of spruce reinforcement bushing, and twenty-four drawings of fittings) ___ Raoul J. Hoffman _________________________ 20-21 This Month's "Old Timer," The Terle Sportplane (with five photographs of Terle Sportplane parasol, X68R, one with Bert Acosta) ___ Jack McRae ________________________________________ 22-23 News Notes _________________________________________________________ 23 '57 Fly-In Preview ___ James R. Custin _____________________________ 23 Washington Visit, Encouraging For EAA ______________________________ 24 Letters To The Editor ______________________________________________ 26 Classified Ads _____________________________________________________ 27 _ just like a "Bird" (with photograph of Jameson Brunner-Winkle A Bird) ___ Leo J. Kohn ______________________________________________ 28 Latest EAA Chapter Roster __________________________________________ 28
June 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilders Corner..........................................2 "Little Toot"....................................................3 Proper Selection of Aircraft Tubing for Your Design..............4 "Le Turbulent"...................................................6 A Texas Project..................................................7 EAA First Design Competition.....................................8 The Verti Copter.................................................9 Power Plant Installation.........................................10 The Powell Racer.................................................12 The Fryklund Smidgeon............................................14 Calculating Speed at Ground Level................................15 The "Grand Snoop" Tours Europe - Part III........................16 '57 Fly-In Plans Take Shape......................................18 Minutes of the Meeting...........................................19 Letters to the Editor............................................22 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................24
July 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilder's Corner.........................................2 The Jurca M.J. 2 "Tempete".......................................3 Suggestions for Running Flight Tests on Amateur Built Aircraft....................................4 The Tin Bender's Corner..........................................5 Fly-In Preview...................................................6 Chatting With the Chapters.......................................7 Bird of Thunder..................................................8 Beware of Inferior Aircraft Tubing...............................9 Simple Analysis Method for Monospar Wings........................10 The "Razorback" Aeroncas.........................................12 France's Second Air Force........................................14 The Effect of the Slipstream.....................................16 Letters to the Editor............................................18 Minutes of the Meeting...........................................18 Interesting Facts on EAA Revealed in Card Survey.................20 The C.A.B. GY-20 Minicab.........................................21 First EAA Design Competition.....................................24
August 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilder's Corner.........................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................2 Denly's Biplane..................................................3 Pointers on Folding Wings........................................4 Minutes of the Meeting...........................................6 More Horsepower?.................................................7 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................8 The Mosquito.....................................................9 1st EAA Design Competition.......................................10 Fly-In Special.......................................11, 12, 13, 14 Final Assembly Rigging for a Biplane.............................15 Narrin's Tailwind................................................17 Fly-In Final.....................................................24
September 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilder's Corner.........................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................2 The "Skyhopper"..................................................3 Grinding For Better Tubing Fits..................................4 The Tin Bender's Corner..........................................5 Removing Broken Stud Bolts.......................................6 First In Kentucky................................................7 Power And Its Measurement........................................8 Stability Characteristics of Low-Wing Monoplanes.................11 The Legal Liability of the Amateur Plane Builder.................15 Champaign Chapter 20's Fly-In....................................16 Minutes of the Meeting...........................................17 Bryan's "Autoplane"..............................................18 EAA Design Competition...........................................19 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................24
October 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilder's Corner.........................................2 My Flight to the EAA Fly-In......................................3 Fly-In Report....................................................5 Fly-In Finances..................................................7 Fly-In Trophies and Awards.......................................10 Milwaukee Again Host to EAA Fly-In...............................11 Fly-In Personalities.............................................12 Youth Takes a Trophy.............................................13 Fly-In Activities................................................14 How to Avoid Idling Failures.....................................16 The Tin Bender's Corner..........................................17 Book Review......................................................18 First EAA Design Competition.....................................19 The Properties of Aviation Fibreglas.............................20 PFA's Druine "Turbi".............................................21 A "Turbulent" Under Construction.................................22 Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting...........................25 Chapter 14's Project.............................................28 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................28
November 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilder's Corner.........................................2 The Pober Sport..................................................3 EAA Fly-In Provides Inspiration..................................5 Stalling Characteristics.........................................6 Koun's Aircraft..................................................7 Streamline Your Aircraft.........................................8 The DeHavilland Moth (This Month's Old Timer)....................10 What's Wrong with Private Flying.................................11 The Maule "Bee Dee" M-4..........................................14 The Economics of Aviation Fibreglas..............................15 The Skyline "Super V"............................................16 EAA Design Competition...........................................18 Modernizing the Pietenpol Landing Gear...........................19 San Francisco Chapter 20 Holds Fly-In............................20 Engines for the Turbulent........................................21 Constantin Wind Vane.............................................24 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................24
December 1957 CONTENTS The Homebuilder's Corner.........................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................2 The Westfall "Sport".............................................3 The Tin Bender's Corner..........................................5 Sport Aviation and the Experimenter..............................5 The Britten-Norman BN-1F.........................................6 Factors Affecting Performance....................................8 A Pair of Projects...............................................11 The Pietenpol Seaplane Floats....................................12 The Future of Aviation Plastics..................................14 Ingenuity Wins a Prize...........................................15 Is "Cheapness" the Answer?.......................................16 Seen in England..................................................17 A Novel All-Wing Airplane........................................18 Davis Builds 'Em.................................................19 Design Competition...............................................24 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................24 January 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................3 The Strength of EAA..............................................4 We Build the Turbulent...........................................5 California...to Wisconsin........................................9 Construction Details of Light Aircraft Fuselages.................11 Renfro's Super Playboy...........................................13 Popular Flying in the U.S.A......................................14 Air Racing News..................................................15 Homebuiltitus....................................................16 Joe Kirk's Design Studies........................................16 EAA Exhibits at NATA Convention..................................18 The Nagler Helicopters...........................................19 Fly-In Breakfast Attracts EAA'ers................................21 EAA Membership Contest Gets Underway.............................22 Capt. Weaver's Racing Album......................................23 A Folding Wing...Towable...Flut-R-Bug............................25 Open House at Mansfeild..........................................26 Fly-In Notes.....................................................27 Whistlin' in the Rigging.........................................28 The RB Folding Wing Special......................................29 EAA's 1959 Data Book Now Ready...................................32 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................32 February 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................3 Fly-In Meeting Planned...........................................4 The HPK Model SP-1...............................................5 Welding Safely...................................................7 Homebuilding in Alaska...........................................8 Capt. Weaver's Racing Album......................................10 Aerodynamics Condensed...........................................12 A One-Piece Windshield for Our Cougar............................14 Membership Contest Prize List Grows..............................15 We Build the Turbulent...........................................16 Joe Kirk's Design Studies........................................17 Auto Engines in Development......................................20 Popular Flying in the U.S.A......................................21 Dudek V-1 Sportplane.............................................23 Air Racing News..................................................24 Hughes Model 269 Helicopter......................................25 Ultra-Lights.....................................................27 A Restored Aeronca C-2...........................................28 Whistlin' in the Rigging.........................................29 Chapter 38 Gets Assist from "City Fathers".......................31 EAA Design Competition...........................................33 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................36 March 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................3 Membership Contest in Full Swing.................................4 The Schweizer 1-30...............................................5 Fly-In Notes.....................................................8 Assignment of Aircraft Registration Numbers......................8 The RW-3 Multoplane..............................................9 "I'd Like to See...".............................................11 Wheat Reference Material?........................................12 Homebuilding in Sweden...........................................16 Joe Kirk's Design Studies........................................17 Air Racing News..................................................20 Horn's "Lil' Trouble"............................................21 Homebuilding in India............................................22 Metal Parts and Fittings in Light Aircraft Construction..........23 Early Homebuilders in North Carolina.............................25 Capt. Weaver's Racing Album......................................29 Adams-Wilson Helicopter..........................................31 EAA Chapter Procedures...........................................33 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................36
May 1959
CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................3 The "Weejet".....................................................4 Forming and Fabricating Plexiglas................................6 Design Contest Doodling..........................................7 I Built a Biplane................................................8 Membership Contest Nears Close...................................10 I Built a Gyrocopter.............................................11 Know This One?...................................................12 A Hangar for Your Homebuilt......................................13 Is Your Elevator Necessary?......................................14 Whistlin' In The Rigging.........................................21 More on the Piel CP-301 "Emeraude"...............................16 Joe Kirk's Design Studies - "Cosmo"..............................17 Capt. Weaver's Racing Album......................................20 Don't Build a Primary Glider.....................................22 "The Little Monster".............................................24 California Cougar................................................26 Air Racing News..................................................28 Financing a Chapter Project......................................29 About the Fauvel AV-60...........................................30 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................36 June 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters to the Editor............................................3 1959 Fly-In Preview..............................................4 Tailwind for Two.................................................5 Load Tests on a Scale Spar Structure.............................8 Membership Contest Closes........................................10 Hall's Brainchild................................................11 A Report on the World Congress of Flight.........................13 Rebuilding the Pfalz D-XII.......................................12 Calendar of Events...............................................16 Progress Report on the EAA Biplane...............................17 How EAA Can Further Aviation Education...........................18 My Gyrocopter....................................................20 Aviation Responsibility Law......................................22 Air Racing News..................................................23 PRPA Racing Album................................................24 EAA Design Competition...........................................27 Whistlin' in the Rigging.........................................28 Visitor from the Phillipines.....................................30 First Flying Flea in the U.S.A.?.................................31 I'd Like to See..................................................32 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................36 July 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters To The Editor............................................3 The BA-7.........................................................4 Membership Contest Winners.......................................6 Engines For Light Aircraft.......................................7 My Dream Project.................................................9 Load Tests on a Scale Spar Structure.............................10 A Twenty Year Dream Takes To The Air.............................12 "Mr. Zip" and "Flit-Fly".........................................14 Whistlin' In The Rigging.........................................16 Your Guide To The 1959 Fly-In....................................17 "R & D" In A Whirl...............................................21 Nomination of Officers...........................................22 PRPA Racing Album................................................23 The W-1..........................................................25 So That's How They Do It.........................................26 Education By Error...............................................30 Chatting With The Chapters.......................................36 August 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters To The Editor............................................3 Final On The Membership Contest..................................4 The "Sizzler"....................................................5 The Camel In The Tent............................................7 Routing Of Wood Spars............................................8 Homebuilt Aircraft...............................................9 So That's How They Do It.........................................10 Ray Beckendorf's "Cougar"........................................12 Engines For Light Aircraft.......................................14 History And Significance of Measured Flying Qualities............15 My "Whirlybird"..................................................16 Seen At Ft. Wayne................................................18 About The EAA....................................................23 7th Annual International EAA Fly-In Program......................27 "Andy" Anderson, Restorer of Ancient Aircraft....................35 Why Wood?........................................................36 Schweizer's Soaring Holiday......................................37 I'd Like To See..................................................37 PRPA Racing Album................................................38 Comparison Of The Deflection In Two Cantilever Box Beams.........41 How I Became An Amateur Aircraft Builder.........................42 Whistlin' In The Rigging.........................................44 The 1960 EAA Design Competition..................................49 Insurance For Homebuilts.........................................50 Chatting with the Chapters.......................................52 September 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters To The Editor............................................3 Meet S.A.'s New Assistant Editor.................................4 Speaking of Airplane Engines.....................................4 It Flies!........................................................5 Early Ultra Light Aircraft.......................................7 So That's How They Do It.........................................8 Whistlin' In The Rigging........................................10 Design Competition..............................................10 "Dry Rot" In Wooden Aircraft....................................11 Elevator-First and Tandem Wing Airplanes........................12 A Means of Obtaining Proper Gluing Pressure.....................14 News From Canada................................................15 ...And From South Africa........................................16 "Miss Flit".....................................................17 Flying Qualities Requirements...................................20 Question & Answer Department....................................23 I Built A Gyro Glider...........................................24 The Ding Bat....................................................25 Propellers for Light Aircraft...................................26 Chapter 10's Fly-In.............................................27 The Chapter 24 Fly-In...........................................28 Air Racing News.................................................29 Chatting With The Chapters......................................36 October 1959 CONTENTS President's Report.............................................2 Fly-In Comments................................................3 Aircraft At The Fly-In.........................................4 1959 Fly-In Highlights.........................................5 Some Thoughts On The Fly-In....................................11 Side Slips At The '59er........................................15 The Saga Of CF-IVO.............................................17 From The Manager Of Greater Rockford Airport...................18 EAA's Design Competition At The 1959 Fly-IN....................19 Fly-In Scenes..................................................20 Straub Sketchbook..............................................21 Flight Events Report...........................................24 The Woman's Viewpoint..........................................25 Personalities At The Fly-In....................................32 7th Annual Fly-In Awards And Trophies..........................28 Aircraft Registered At The Fly-In..............................32 Chapter Business Meeting Report................................33 Secretary-Treasurer Reports....................................34 Minutes Of The Annual Business Meeting.........................34 Some Thoughts For The Future...................................36 Technical Forums Prove Popular.................................38 Chatting With The Chapters.....................................44 November 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilder's Corner.............................................2 Letters To The Editor............................................3 "El Chuparoso"...................................................4 The Engineer's Viewpoint.........................................6 The Life Of An EAA Wife..........................................7 Snooping At The Fly-In...........................................8 Well I <i>Almost</i> Made It!....................................10 Education Through Error..........................................11 The 1960 EAA Design Competition..................................12 Whistlin' In The Rigging.........................................13 FAA Forum Report.................................................14 Joe Kirk's Design Studies "Kool Kat".............................16 Ray Borst's Design Studies "Headwind"............................17 "Dry Rot" In Wooden Aircraft.....................................21 Elevator First and Tandem Wing Airplanes.........................22 Early Ultra-Light Aircraft, The Duigan Aeroplane.................24 Question and Answer Department...................................25 EAA Publications.................................................26 The Antelope Valley Air Fair.....................................28 Chapter 50's Fly-In..............................................29 Chatting With The Chapters.......................................26 Cover photos by Randy Barnes (upper) and Leo Kohn (lower) December 1959 CONTENTS Homebuilders Corner.............................................2 Letters to the Editor...........................................3 Pilgrimage to Kitty Hawk........................................4 More Fly-In Comment.............................................7 So You Want To Build An Airplane................................8 A Scandinavian Fly-In...........................................10 Some Pointers on Homebuilt Gyrocopters..........................12 The Rapier 65...................................................14 Glues and Gluing................................................16 Whistlin' In The Rigging........................................18 Book Review.....................................................18 Early Ultra Light Aircraft..."The Caudron"......................19 Understanding VTOL..............................................20 Seen At AAA's Fly-In............................................23 A Soaring Regatta...............................................24 Question & Answer Department....................................25 EAA Design Competition..........................................26 Design Contest Rules & Specifications...........................27 Tips on Choosing Power Tools....................................29 Chatting With The Chapters......................................36 Cover Photos National Air Museum, U.S. Air Force Photos
[EAA S.A. - 1950's] [EAA S.A. - 1960's]
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