Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - April 1999
4/3/99 |
- Install AN6-31A bolts for engine mount
- Install AN8H-15A botls for prop extension - safety wire with 0.040" wire
- Install NAS1291x7 nuts for dynafocal bolts
- Fix electrical connection to alarm switch - replace green LED for essential bus
- Hook up magneto/starter switch ground wire
- Hook up mags - verify grounding
- Hook up surge surpressor on starter solenoid
- Assemble oil pressure sender couplings
- Wire oil temp and oil pressure senders
- Finish wiring Navaid Autopilot servo feed - test servo
- Begin starter wire installation with #2 wire
8 hrs |
4/4/99 |
- Continue starter wire installation with #2 wire
- Verify starter circuit works - fix solenoid ground wire
- Run #4 wire from shut to Alternator location
- Install 80 AMP fuse in line to Alternator
- Run 18 GA wire - Alternator Master switch to Voltage Regulator location on firewall
- Run 22 GA wire from Master Bus to Voltage Regulator location
6 hrs |
4/10/99 |
- Finish (5) and (6) above
- Replace green AutoPilot ON light with LED
- Attach left wing - continue cowling installation
- Flox 1/4" plywood on left wingtip for light mounting
8 hrs |
4/17/99 |
- Sand wingtip
- Mount cowling top to fuselage/wing/spar with clecos
- Begin bending and fitting 1/4" vent lines (fuel) and 3/8" fuel return lines to
fit on firewall
- Cut and fit cowling support ramp
6 hrs |
4/24/99 |
- Continue fitting cowling and aesthetic pieces
- Cut glass for BID strips - bottom of T.B. flange
- Mark spot on firewall for Navaid mount glassing and flox
- Cut glass for left wing bolt hole covers - 5 BID
- Glass left wing bolt hole covers - 5 BID
- Flox and glass 3 BID reinforcement T.B. cowl flange
- Glass 1 BID wingtip light mount
- Fit all vent lines to firewall
- Flox aesthetic round firewall pieces in place over vent/return lines
6 hrs |