Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - May 1999
5/14/99 |
- Fit Cowlings to firewall
- Sand left top wing for micro - fill (and winglet)
- Glass 3 BID flange - aesthetic corners / 5 BID left wing and strake flange
- Trim top bolt hole cover to shape
- Remove wing leveling blocks
- Begin shaping canopy for upper strake fairing
- Install AN seal insert - prep for left tank pressure test
- Glass3 BID lip - wing spar to strake space
7 hrs |
5/15/99 |
- Shape right side canopy for strake fairing
- Cut and shape foam for carb heat and cabin heat fittings
- Glass 4 BID carb heat and cabin heat fittings
3 hrs |
5/22/99 |
- Trim and sand previous layups
- Re-install connectors for right fuel level sender
3 hrs |