Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - August, 2002
8/1/02 |
- Install compass on I.P. cover with velcro
- Check shimmy damper - OK
- Install compass deviation card
- Track prop - good to 1/16"
- Conduct FAA inspection with William Burke, et. al. - PASS!!
- Fly familiarization flight with John Vermeylen
- Reinstall all covers
- Silicone wing heat shields in place - red silicone
- Silicone wing bolt covers in place - white silicone
11 hrs |
8/2/02 |
- Finish GPS mount for I.P.
- Fabricate clock mount for I.P. in old compass hole
- get screen material for air vents
- Organize all COZY paperwork
3 hrs |
8/3/02 |
- Install GPS mount - wire GPS to avionics bus
- Install clock mount
- Fix reversed rudder belhorns / re-install rudder cables with bolts to belhorns
5 hrs |
8/4/02 |
- Full pre-flight / Claude and Pete ground crew / Ed Masterson chase plane
- Re-index propellor to try to reduce soot
- Full engine inspection and walk around inspection
- Adjust trim spring - need more down elevator (up trim)
6 hrs |
8/7/02 |
- Install dual temperature gauge - OAT/Inside temp.
- Fix pitch trim installation - still need stronger springs
2 hrs |
8/9/02 |
- Install extra pitch trim springs
1 hrs |
8/12/02 |
- Install "Strong" Pitch Trim system - wire in place
- Adjust sidetone level on radio
4 hrs |
8/13/02 |
- Finish "Strong" Pitch Trim system installation
- Build fuel transfer pump
2 hrs |
8/14/02 |
- Transfer fuel to left tank - fill right tank and mark gauge
- Add 1 thin washer to right distal lower bolt - drop right wing incidence about 0.25
- Test fly - better, but still needs more adjustment
- Remove 1 thin washer from left distal lower bolt - increase left wing incidence about
0.25 degrees
- Silicone covers and wing joints again
- Oil temperatures high - need duct for cooler - begin planning
6 hrs |
8/15/02 |
- Fabricate new gust locks that fit better
1 hrs |
8/16/02 |
- Start fabricating oil cooler scoop
1 hrs |
8/30/02 |
- Change oil - mark dipstick at 4-5-6-7-8 quarts
- Measure oil pressure sender fittings for restrictor orifice - don't need one
- Rotate large SCAT tube - was rubbing on cowl - put silicone bead on bottom of SCAT tube
- Fix Landing Brake broken cable/nicopress joint - redo 2 nicopress sleeves
- Fill and calibrate fuel window - left tank
- Tighten lookse throttle quadrant bolts/screws
6 hrs |
8/31/02 |
- Install Porcine GPS Coupler - one last wire to solder
- Install quick release for "Strong" Pitch trim system
4 hrs |