Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - July, 2002
7/4/02 |
- Prime last coat on bolt covers, strake spots, interior layups
- Wash and wax all top and side surfaces
- Silicone seal right wing bolt hole recess
- Build wing tip support for assembly
- Test run engine - check magnetos L&R - one minute
5 hrs |
7/6/02 |
- Put rugs on engine support to use as inner wing support for assembly
- Install middle upholstery velcro - front seats
- Adjust Navaid autopilot
- Charge Battery
- Remove wings and canard
- Clean up garage - get stuff together for move - put stuff in basement
5 hrs |
7/7/02 |
- Take airplane to Fitchburg airport on flatbed car carrier - no wings
- Reassemble canard at airport
- Fix broken nose worm gear - rotate 180 degrees
6 hrs |
7/13/02 |
- Move wings to ariport with Joe and Claude
- Assemble - need new wing bolts - too short!
- Run engine 5 min - 1000-1500 RPM - Vacuum OK
4 hrs |
7/14/02 |
- Install vortilons with clear Silicone
- Install new hose clamp on Navaid servo
- Test and oil carb heat and mixture cables
- Test DG - OK
- Do low speed taxi tests
- Check EGT/CHT - needs work - something wrong
- Sand an polish wing bolt covers - wax
5 hrs |
7/18/02 |
- Perform W&B at Liebfried Aviation (FIT)
2 hrs |
7/19/02 |
- Engrave data plate
1 hrs |
7/20/02 |
- Replace wing bolts with longer ones - replace nuts
- Grease nose gears - check handle alignment
- Check alarm wiring - OK
- Fix EGT/CHT pin connections with Claude
- Install upholstery velcro
- Install CO2 detector
- Determine new battery position in nose for CG location - run wires and ring terminals
- Perform taxi testing to 35 - 40 mph
7 hrs |
7/21/02 |
- Continue battery wiring and locating
- Install data plate
- Adjust taxi/landing light elevation/azimuth
- Perform taxi testing to 55 - 60 mph
3 hrs |
7/25/02 |
- Familiarization flight with Bob Misterka
2 hrs |
7/26/02 |
- Layup new battery tray for nose mounting
- Make nutplate for tray
2 hrs |
7/27/02 |
- Glass battery tray in place in nose
- Apply "name" vinyl decal (Precious Time)
- Re-check D.G. - correct within 0.1" using wing L.E. as reference
- Move canopy seal to canopy
- Install velcro pen and pencil holder
- Install water drain for fuselage top
- Tie wrap and silicone primer lines
- Safety wire exhaust hose clamps
- Wrap brake lines w/ electrical tape
8 hrs |
7/28/02 |
- Finish nose battery installation
- Placard I.P./etc.
- Fuel 10 gal. each tank - mark gauges @ 5 gallon increments
6 hrs |
7/29/02 |
- Check compass - remove from panel
- Taxi test with Deanie - to 70 mph
2 hrs |