Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - June, 2002
6/1/02 |
- Tie wrap spark plug wires/etc. in engine compartment
- Install 3 extra washers on prop bolts and re-safety wire
- Stiffen rear baffles - RTV and wire
- Silicone primer lines to valve pushrod tubes
- Support breather line with bracket and silicone
- Re-do SCAT tubing - lengthen and support
- Use screw and locknut on carb heat spring attach
- Support transponder antenna with silicone to fuse top
- Re-support fuel filter
4 hrs |
6/2/02 |
- Hose clamp NAVAID actuator to aileron pushrod
- Get gasket for canopy
- Install seat belts/shoudler harnesses
- Install armrests/covers/etc. - clearance for belts/harnesses
3 hrs |
6/4/02 |
- Meet with upholsterer
1 hrs |
6/8/02 |
- Finish armrests/etc. installation
- Finish wing-walk paint - rear interior
- Re-install pilot side weatherstrip
- Cut and fit 5 wing bolt covers
- Prime 5 wing bolt covers and flow guilde
- Get garage ready for aircraft removal
- Take plane out of garage - park in driveway
5 hrs |
6/9/02 |
- Attach left wing and bottom cowl
- Clean gascolator
- Fuel 2.5 gallons each wing
- Check weatherstrip - need to guard rear firewall wire conduit holes and drill drain
holes in fuselage bottom
7 hrs |
6/11/02 |
- Find leak in left strake
1 hrs |
6/15/02 |
- Remove glass and foam - inside front R33 - find leak spot
2 hrs |
6/16/02 |
- Flox and glass 1 BID leak area - use very wet
2 hrs |
6/21/02 |
- Still leaks - find leak in L.E. of left strake
- Flox and Glass 1 BID over leak area
3 hrs |
6/22/02 |
- Cut foam and prep strake interior for layups
- Test leak - seems to be fixed
- Glass 2 BID on strake interior
2 hrs |
6/30/02 |
- Sand strake interior
- Remove lower cowl - run engine 20 seconds without lower plugs to check oil pressure - OK
- Cut clearance in lower right cowl internal baffle for fuel line and throttle cable
- Fix left rudder cable routing
- Check radio - COM OK
- Silicone ELT antenna in place
- Adjust canopy latches
- Mount right wing
- Rig ailerons and rudders - tighten rudder foot pegs
- Rit right lower wing bolt covers
- Wash plane - reinstall cowl and cover
- Test run engine - 30 seconds - IT RUNS!
6 hrs |