Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - June 2001
6/2/01 |
- RTV firewall
- Clean fuselage interior
- Carve foam for ballast mounts - make nutplates - glass in nose with 3 BID
- Glass 5 BID pads on lower cowl rear baffle for cleco hole reinforcement
- Work on garage door post removal
- Build casters for moving fuselage while inverted
- Build wing supports
- Fabricate gas cap retainer plates - 1/64" aluminum
7 hrs |
6/3/01 |
- Remove all instruments - prepare interior for paint
- Trim and sand previous layups - test fit weights
- Big clean up and organization of garage
- Finish fabricating gas cap retainers with braided wire
- Fit interior firewall cover - need 1.5" extension on bottom
6 hrs |
6/4/01 |
- Fit new coupling in fuel line to give slack - make new bracket for primer valve
1 hrs |
6/10/01 |
- Layup 2 BID extension on interior firewall cover
- Layup 4 BID pad for vortilons
4 hrs |
6/11/01 |
- Cut vortilons to shape
- Take garage apart - flip plane - put garage together (Claude, Joe, Pete, Carmen help -
pizza bribe)
6 hrs |
6/16/01 |
- Sand fuselage bottom and strakes for micro
- Relieve gear openings for clearance
- Clean up
- Trim and sand firewall cover
4 hrs |
6/17/01 |
- Prep wings for vortilon layups
- Micro fuselage bottom and strakes
5 hrs |
6/21/01 |
- Linseed oil and seal engine mount - white silicone
1 hrs |