Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - May 2001
5/2/01 |
- Sand and trim previous layups
1 hrs |
5/5/01 |
- Finish 1 BID layup on oil cooler mount
- Sand outer bottom cowling
- Micro top and bottom cowling exterior
4 hrs |
5/6/01 |
- Trim and sand previous layups and micro
- Fit lower cowling baffle chafe seal
- Begin RTV on baffles
- Recharge battery - need new - dead!
- Drill holes for upper chafe seal
- Begin fitting camlocs - rear top/bottom cowl join
6 hrs |
5/12/01 |
- Continue fitting camlocs/nutplates
- Contine fitting baffle chafe seal
- Micro foam onto top cowl longitudinal baffles to thicken
- Continue RTV engine compartment - baffles
8 hrs |
5/13/01 |
- Same - need 4 more on top, 2 on bottom, and wings camlocs
- Same - finish
- Finish longitudinal baffle thickening - micro surfaces
- Same
4 hrs |
5/20/01 |
- Finish compass light wiring
- Mount fire extinguisher on co-pilot headrest\
- Finish mounting ELT remote panel
- RTV cockpit light wires and gas gauge wires in strakes - mount wire bundles in rear
fuselage behind seatback too
- Mount last 2 nutplates on lower cowling - lower cowling ready for prime
- Pop rivet oil door in place - upper cowling
- Install last 4 nutplates - upper cowling - ready for prime
- C'sink upper cowling T.B. flange holes
6 hrs |
5/26/01 |
- Finish interior brake lines - almost
- Mount 1/4" fule pump drain overflow line
- Run EGT/CHT wires
4 hrs |
5/27/01 |
- Finish running EGT/CHT wires
- Remove engine
- RTV firewall
- Remove engine mount - ready for paint
- Prep. for fuselage flip
4 hrs |
5/28/01 |
- RTV firewall
- Start building flipping jigs and 1/2 circles (w/Claude)
- Start preparation for garage mods.
2 hrs |