Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - July 2001
7/1/01 |
- Prep vortilon layups - 1st side
- Layup vortilons on wings - 1st side - 2 BID
- Sand fuselage bottom
5 hrs |
7/4/01 |
- Prep. Vortilons - 2nd side
- Layup 2nd side vortilongs - 2 BID
- Micro fuselage and strakes
- Prep metal parts for priming
- Prep. I.P. cover for black paint
- Paint I.P. cover - black satin enamel
- Finish fitting interior firewall cover
6 hrs |
7/7/01 |
- Finish vortilons
- Drill holes for rear shourlder harnesses
- Make 4 nutplates for rear shoulder harnesses
- Sand T.B. interior for micro
- Flox and 1 BID nutplates in place
- Glass 4 BID pads and mounts for interior firewall cover
5 hrs |
7/8/01 |
- Sand all micro
- Trim and sand previous layups
- RTV firewall interior spots
4 hrs |
7/9/01 |
- Micro fuselage/strake bottom
- Micro vortilons and firewall cover
- micro T.B. interior
2 hrs |
7/10/01 |
- Machine 3 LL-1 Knobs for control quadrant
1 hrs |
7/14/01 |
- Sand fuselage / Strakes / Vortilons / Firewall Cover
4 hrs |
7/15/01 |
- Sand micro
- Clean up - prep for primer
- Begin priming fuselage bottom/strakes, landing brake, firewall cover, cowlings, landing
6 hrs |
7/18/01 |
- Prime all once more - ready to sand fuselage/strakes, firewall cover; landing brake
needs 2 coats; cowlings need 4 coats; landing gear needs 4 coats
2 hrs |
7/21/01 |
- Sand fuselage/strakes
5 hrs |
7/22/01 |
- Sand fuselage/strakes
2 hrs |
7/23/01 |
- Sand fuselage/strakes
2 hrs |
7/27/01 |
- Prime touchup fuselage/strakes
- Prime all rest of parts - firewall cover done/ landing brake done
5 hrs |
7/28/01 |
- Sand vortilons - 220/320 grit
- Sand landing brake - 220/320 grit
- Sand firewall cover - 220/320 grit
- Sand landing gear - 220/320 grit
- Sand lower cowl - 100 grit
- Spot sand fuselage/strakes 100 grit
5 hrs |