Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - May 2000
5/1/00 |
- Begin tie-wrapping all wire bundles
- Finish wiring Hobbs meter
1 hrs |
5/3/00 |
- Cut glass for airbox layups
- Nicopress mixture cable
1 hrs |
5/6/00 |
- Drill hole in firewall for carb heat cable - route cable
- Glass ribs in top cowl - 2 BID
- Glass 4 BID flange for oil door
- Glass 4 BID flange bottom of air box
- Flox and glass 1 BID top/bottom airbox and carb heat duct
- Remove Earl's gas filter - bend new fuel line and install
- Fit filter after mechanical pump - measure for 3 fuel lines
- Fit cabin heat cable - make mounting plates
8 hrs |
5/7/00 |
- Finish cabin heat cable mounting - flox and glass plate to seat back above fuel switch
- Finish flox and glass airbox
- Fit end fitting on carb heat cable
2 hrs |
5/13/00 |
- Finish mounting cabin heat cable
- Finish fitting airbox together
2 hrs |