Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - April 2000
4/1/00 |
- Finish Vacuum system plumbing
- Start Primer plumbing
- Mount crankcase breather tube
6 hrs |
4/8/00 |
- Continue primer plumbing
- Drill hole in firewall for heat duct
- Bolt engine to firewall
- Make parts for cabin heat valve
- Begin fabrication of air filter box - shape foam / lay up top
- 2 BID cabin heat valve back together after assembly
9 hrs |
4/9/00 |
- Fit and mark top cowl for glass baffles and oil filler door
- Fabricate wing root seals
- Cut out oil filler door
- Finish cabin heat valve
4 hrs |
4/15/00 |
- Finish installing 3 primer lines
- Trim and sand air filter housing - prepare for bottom layup
- Layup bottom air filter housing and carb heat nozzle
- make parts for carb. heat door assembly
4 hrs |
4/16/00 |
- Continue making parts for carb. heat door assembly
- Work on air filter box
- Solder alternator cable end
3 hrs |
4/17/00 |
- Finish hardware for air filter box
- Get air filter box ready for assembly
- Rewire oil pressure sensor lines - shorten
- Wire Alternator B-Field wire to regulator
- Mount LRB3-14 regulator to inside firewall - attach wires
3 hrs |
4/29/00 |
- Finish last primer line installation
- Install oil drain valve and safety wire
- Install AN3-3 bolts for heat shroud
- Tighten Ellison bolts to oil pan
- Run spark plug wires through baffling
- Drill holes in exhaust for EGT probes - install probes
- Run wires for Hobbs meter to headrest
6 hrs |