Here's a relevant cartoon, adapted by Nick Ugolini, without permission from the creator. Click on it to see (and be able to read) the full size version.
Takeoff - (~14 kb) | Cruise - (~10 kb) Speed - (~10 kb) |
Glide - (~10 kb) |
Climb - (~10 kb) | Range - (~15 kb) | Landing - (~10 kb) |
Nat Puffer states that the COZY MKIV should be considered as a "Normal" category aircraft. This means that the positive "G" limit is 3.8 g's, and the negative "G" limit is -1.52 g's.
All of these V-n Diagrams have the assumption of a Lift Curve Slope of 5.5/rad for the main wing (which I pulled out of you know where). Although this mostly effects the gust limits and curves, which is not something we usually pay a lot of attention to, if someone has a better number for it, please let me know.
The graph below indicate the performance envelope if the COZY were to be considered a "Utility" category aircraft, in which the structural limits are 4.4 g's and -1.76 g's, respectively. This is shown only for the 2050 lb. case at SL. This is NOT an indication that the aircraft should be treated as if it were a Utility aircraft - this is just for comparison purposes.
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