
Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - July 1995


7/3/95 a) Trim bottom skin layup
b) Sand trailing edge straight
c) Fair 1/2" from skin to knife edge taper
d) Sand whole bottom skin layup smooth and flat
e) Hot glue PVC pipe and 1"x4"x8" jigs to bottom
f) Flip, jig, level canard to table with string - and levels
g) Saw off fishtail
h) Sand canard to shape - flat and smooth
i) Cut holes for PVC foam hinge hard points - make - the hard points
j) Order MKCZ-12A torque tube offsets from Brock
5 hrs
7/4/95 a) Layout marker beacon antennae in canard top
b) Micro PVC foam hinge points in place
c) Micro spar cap corners - all dents and dings
3 hrs
7/5/95 a) Mask canard for spar cap layup
b) Sand and clean shear web and micro corners
c) Lay up top canard spar cap - 11 layers
5 hrs
7/6/95 a) Make marker beacon antennae - glue to canard
b) Sand and vaccuum canard
c) Cut glass for canard top skin - BID and UNI
2 hrs
7/7/95 a) Sand 1/32" depression for wing tip glass
b) Micro dings and dents - last time
1 hrs
7/8/95 a) Sand top canard smooth
b) Layup UNI/BID/UNI/UNI canard top skin
5 hrs
7/9/95 a) Sand top skin
b) Micro-fill top surface - trailing edge and spar cap areas
c) Clean basement and re-arrange
5 hrs
  d) File NC-2's to fit in torque tubes
e) Attach NC-2's to torque tubes with pop-rivets seal seams with 5 min. epoxy - block holes with grease - sand with 220 grit
7/10/95 a) Cut out elevator templates - 1/16" aluminum
b) Remove canard from jigs
c) Sand canard trailing edge straight
d) Begin sanding canard bottom
2 hrs
7/15/95 a) Clean up - re-arrange - get ready for elevators
b) Cut and hot-wire 4 elevator cores with Deanie
c) Cut out "J" and "L" jigs from 1/4" plywood
d) Micro elevator cores to torque tubes
e) Cut center spool piece from aluminum tubing
f) Drill and attach CZNC-12A offsets onto spool piece
g) Cut UNI for elevator skins
h) Cut out "G" jigs from 1/8" masonite
7 hrs
7/16/95 a) Sand elevators smooth - fair in front edges
b) Layup 2 UNI bottom elevator skin
c) Trim layups
3 hrs
7/19/95 a) Sand and smooth bottom layups - fair onto torque tube
b) Layup 2 UNI top elevator skin
3 hrs
7/22/95 a) Trim, sand, shape, straighten elevators
b) Weigh elevators - 766 gms and 768 gms
c) Flox corner and 1 BID outboard elevator ends - cure at 130 deg with heater
d) Trim and sand layup
e) Install NC-6's in elevator ends
f) Jig and install cneter spool piece to elevators
g) Jig canard for hinge installation (NC-3)
h) Jig elevators to canard with 0.2" spacers
i) Route hinge holes in canard foam
j) Flox hinges (NC-3) in place 1/8" above surface
8 hrs
7/23/95 a) Check 15 deg deflection of elevators - need 1 deg more
b) Jig for canard tip attachment
c) Cut tip foam
d) Micro and 5 min epoxy tip foam to jigged canard
e) Shape tip tops
f) Micro and glass 2 UNI tip tops
g) use excess micro to fill canard top
5 hrs
7/24/95 a) Flip canard - carve bottom of tips
b) Remove elevators
3 hrs
7/26/95 a) Glass 2 UNI tip bottoms
b) Micro canard bottom and tips
2 hrs
CHAPTER 10: 68 hrs OVERALL TOTAL: 406 hrs


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Copyright © 1995, All Rights Reserved, Marc J. Zeitlin