Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - March 2001
3/3/01 |
- Sand all primer 100 grit
6 hrs |
3/4/01 |
- Sand all remaining primer 100 grit
- Prime all again
- Hang up left wing
6 hrs |
3/6/01 |
- Sand elevators, canard, fuselage top and cover, L.G. cover 220 grit
- Micro misc. divots
5 hrs |
3/10/01 |
- Sand all Micro
- Sand all parts 220 grit - finish canard, elevators, fuselage covers and top, Landing
Gear cover
- Sand strakes and Turtleback - 220 grit
- Sand fuselage top 320 grit - done
5 hrs |
3/11/01 |
- Prime Canard Cover and spot canard bottom
- Prime center L.G. cover and T.B.
- Prime nose strut
- Sand fuselage 320 grit
- Spot prime strakes
- Micro canard elevator tube covers and T.B. fairing holes
5 hrs |
3/17/01 |
- Sand all previous primer and micro - finish canard, L.G. cover
- Finish fit canard - hang up
- Cut foam elevator/fuselage fairings to shape - hot glue in place
- Prep fuselage for 2 BID fairing layups
6 hrs |
3/18/01 |
- Sand strakes, T.B. fuselage front 320 grit
- Micro and 2 BID elevator fuselage fairings
- Clean up
- Re-arrange to work on engine area
- 2nd engine mount from AeroCad defective as well - order replacement from Brock
4 hrs |
3/23/01 |
- Begin wiring transponder/encoder harnesses
2 hrs |
3/24/01 |
- Finish wiring transponder/encoder harnesses
- Fit and measure for radio stack and make transponder hole in I.P.
- Finish glassing 2 BID elevator fairings - micro
- Make GPS antennae mount - attach to brake reservoir attach bolts
- Wire transponder antennae to rack
- Install COM antennae connectors - left strake and wing
6 hrs |
3/25/01 |
- Wire COM radio connector inputs and intercom
- Wire avionics dimmer line
- Trim previous layups
- Install 12V and Gnd. avionics busses on F-28
5 hrs |
3/31/01 |
- Sand elevator fairings - 100 grit
- Attach avionics stack brackets to I.P.
- Install avionics dimmer bus to F-28
- Test fit new engine mount from Brock - like a glove!
6 hrs |