Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - August 2000
8/2/00 |
- Prep adjustable rudder stops - aluminum brackets and pads with AN3 bolts
- Flox and 1 BID stops in place
1 hrs |
8/5/00 |
- Install AN3 bolts into rudder stops
- Prep for strake fairings and canopy/turtleback lip
- Pour foam left top strake fairing - sand to shape
- Pour foam right top strake fairing
- Sand TB and canopy for lip
6 hrs |
8/11/00 |
- Pour foam right top strake fairing
1 hrs |
8/12/00 |
- Sand right top strake fairing to shape
- Attach and shape lower right strake fairing
- Attach and shape lower left strake fairing
7 hrs |
8/13/00 |
- Cut glass for top strake fairings - 2 BID
- Cut glass for canopy lip - 4 BID
- Glass both top strake fairings - 2 BID
5 hrs |