Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - February 2000
2/2/00 |
- Glass 1 BID reinforcement top cowl rear left flange - inner
- Glass 2 BID inner patch left side
- Glass 5 BID lower strake flange - right side
- Cut glass for 5 bid top cowl rear left outer flange
2 hrs |
2/5/00 |
- Trim and sand previous layups
- Lauup 2 BID reinforcement right lower strake flange
- Layup 2 BID reinforcement outer patch left side
- Layup 5 BID top cowl rear left outer flange
- Fabricate rudder cable bracket assemblies
6 hrs |
2/6/00 |
- Trim and sand previous layups
- Cut glass for 1 BID flange reinforcement
- Cut glass for 2 BID inner patch right side bottom cowl
- Cut and fit 1/4" foam for spar fill for fiberfrax
- Layup 2 BID patch inner right side bottom cowl
- Layup 1 BID reinforcement top cowl outer rear
- Micro 1/4" foam to spar - dry micro around vent lines
3 hrs |
2/10/00 |
- Trim and sand previous layups
- Prepare outer right lower patch for 2 BID layup
- Remove all hardware from firewall
- Glass 2 BID patch - outer lower right cowl
- Flox and glass one nutplate for alternator wire - inside firewall
2 hrs |
2/11/00 |
- Begin fitting fiberfrax to firewall
1 hrs |
2/12/00 |
- Clean up
- Trim previous layup
- Micro wing top surface - CHAP. 25
2 hrs |
2/13/00 |
- Sand wing, strakes, and winglet for microing
- Micro all above
2 hrs |
2/19/00 |
- Unpack Wicks shipment
- Silicone fiberfrax to firewall
- Begin cutting engine baffling
7 hrs |
2/21/00 |
- Unpack ACS shipment
- Begin cutting firewall 0.016" Stainless Steel
- Continue cutting engine baffling
5 hrs |
2/25/00 |
- Continue firewall fitting
2 hrs |
2/26/00 |
- Continue firewall fitting
- Silicone bottom and top firewall pieces to firewall
2 hrs |
2/27/00 |
- Silicone last firewall pieces in place
- Begin re-attaching fuel, electric lines to firewall
- Begin caulking all firewall edges with CP25WB caulk and high temp silicone
3 hrs |