
Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - May 1997


5/1/97 a) Continue shaping canopy foam blocks per templates
2 hrs
5/3/97 a) Trace cut outline on foam - sand 1/16" depressions
b) Retape front canopy for glassing
c) Cut glass for canopy frame layups - 2 BID and 2 UNI
d) Layup canopy frame layups - 2 BID and 2 UNI
6 hrs
5/4/97 a) Trim previous layups
b) Cut through TB between windows
2 hrs
5/10/97 a) Continue trimming and cutting canopy layups
b) Re-mask canopy edges
c) Build frame for canopy - remove canopy from fuselage
d) Prepare drip rail for flox corner and 2 BID
e) Prepare canopy rear dege for micro
f) Clean up
5 hrs
5/11/97 a) Cut glass for eyebrow and drip rail layups
b) Flox, micro, and 2 BID drip rail
c) Micro and 3 BID eybrow
d) Micro canopy rim and rear
e) Remove TB from fuselage - flip canopy
f) Trim and sand LB cover attach tabs
4 hrs
5/12/97 a) Trim and sand drip rail
b) Begin shaping canopy inside foam
2 hrs
5/17/97 a) Continue shaping canopy inside foam
b) Add pour foam where needed
c) Make recesses for catch pads and handle pads
d) Cut 0.016" aluminum to size - recess foam
e) Cut recesses for hinge pads and 1/8" deep recess
f) Begin retaping inside canopy to match outside
5 hrs
5/18/97 a) Continue retaping inside canopy to match outside
b) Tape inside front windows
c) Micro inside front windows and other holes
d) Glass / flox safety catch pads and canopy handle pads
e) Flox aluminum insert in place
4 hrs
5/19/97 a) Flox hinge pads
b) Flox 0.016" aluminum hinge strips in place
2 hrs
5/20/97 a) Trim and sand previous layups
b) Route groove for flox corner
1 hrs
5/24/97 a) Cut glass for canopy inside skin
b) Clean epoxy pump - switch to EZ84/EZ10
3 hrs
5/25/97 a) Flox canopy corners - micro - lay up 2 BID and 2 UNI inside skin
5 hrs
5/26/97 a) Clean up basement
b) Sand front window rims
c) Drill holes in longerons for hinge screws
2 hrs
5/27/97 a) Cut hole in front seatback for last hinge screw
b) Install hinge screws
c) Trim and sand canopy layups
2 hrs
5/31/97 a) Finish (c) from 5/27/97
b) Retape canopy inside for micro - around rim
c) Cut 2 pine doublers for removable fuselage top
2 hrs
CHAPTER 18: 117 hrs OVERALL TOTAL: 1317 hrs


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Copyright © 1997, All Rights Reserved, Marc J. Zeitlin