Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book -
July, 2004 through December, 2004
7/9/04 |
- Begin installation of Stowitts altitude hold system
- 5 min. epoxy parking brake cable support reinforcement in place
3 hrs |
7/10/04 |
- Continue altitude hold / trim system rewiring - doesn't work - need
Paul Stowitts' help
2 hrs |
7/16/04 |
- Work on starter / magneto with Jim Sower in Blacksburg, VA
4 hrs |
7/17/04 |
- Work on nose gear / rudder pedals / nose reglassing with Jim Sower
8 hrs |
7/18/04 |
- Work on nose gear / rudder pedals / nose reglassing with Jim Sower
10 hrs |
7/19/04 |
- Work on nose gear / rudder pedals / nose reglassing with Jim Sower
10 hrs |
7/21/04 |
- Re-time magneto with Chrissi/Randi in Joe Rosa's hangar in Creve
Coeur, MO
10 hrs |
8/8/04 |
- Take measurements, bring home parts - prepare for Condition Inspection
1 hrs |
8/19/04 |
- Remove left magneto -with A&P - examine mag and accessory case for
damage per Ken Miller's recommendation
2 hrs |
8/25/04 |
- Replace tires, tubes, brake pads
6 hrs |
8/26/04 |
- Replace two rear headset mono/stereo switches with pushbuttons to
prevent damage
- Swap fixed nose gear mechanism
4 hrs |
8/28/04 |
- Glass lip on nose gear cover for air sealing and attachment
- Remove rudder pedal hardware - bring home
2 hrs |
8/29/04 |
- Glass 4 BID triangle for O2 mounting tabs and 6 BID bracket
- Glass UNI pitch trim spring per Davenport instructions
- Fab spacers for rudder pedals - modify sliders with keepers
4 hrs |
8/30/04 |
- Trim and sand all layups
- Prime rudder pedals with Zinc Oxide green primer
- Flox / BID bracket to pitch trim spring
- Glass 5 BID pad repair to nose door
3 hrs |
8/31/04 |
- Trim and sand all layups
1 hrs |
9/4/04 |
- Reinstall rudder pedals
- Install O2 brackets and tank
- Start Condition Inspection at nose - work rearward
- Installl teflon hinge pins in lower rudder hinges
8 hrs |
9/5/04 |
- Continue Condition Inspection
- Remove outer aileron pushrodes - replace 6 MM-3's bearings with XM-3's
4 hrs |
9/6/04 |
- Reinstall pushrods
- Continue Condition Inspection
- Run wires for elctronic ignition and Landing Brake warning lights
6 hrs |
9/10/04 |
- Remove rest of aileron pushrods for XM-3 replacement
- Finish wiring run
- Continue Condition Inspection
6 hrs |
9/15/04 |
- Change oil
- Check compression - all good
3 hrs |
9/16/04 |
- Get Altimeter, Static, Transponder certification at Aviation
Electronics at Hanscom
- Replace some static tubing with Norprene
4 hrs |
9/20/04 |
- Adjust Navaid Autopilot Servo - center correctly
- Shorten small lower cowling extra baffle to equalize Cylinder 1 & 3
- Clean canopy/canard L.E.
- Re-glue cockpit access door cover velcro
- Lubricate / loosen rudder / brake pedal sliders
- Drill water drain hole copilot foot area
3 hrs |
10/7/04 |
- Silicone seal air vents - no air leakage
- Tighten nose strut internal bolt on NG-6A
- Fix Bose headset power connector
- Adjust O2 tank mounts - silicone buttons
- Work on canopy weatherseal - seals better at front corner
- Install canopy lift lock to replace broken one
- Clean canopy
- Start removal of left magneto - swap left side spark plug wires from
top to bottom
3 hrs |
10/8/04 |
- Continue magneto/spacer/stud removal/replacement
- Layup 2 BID on cracks in right wheel pant
3 hrs |
10/9/04 |
- Start installation of EMAG P-Mag Electronic Ignition
6 hrs |
10/10/04 |
- Re-install right wheel pant - grind more clearance around tire.
- Finish installation of EMAG P-Mag Electronic Ignition
- Re-install carb heat cable bracket on airbox with rivets/flox/2 BID
3 hrs |