Cozy MKIV Builder's Log Book - January, 2002
1/1/02 |
- Continue from yesterday
2 hrs |
1/5/02 |
- Prepare inside fuselage for painting
- Paint instrument panel black
- Prime interior surfaces - one coat and spinner
- Fleckstone 1 coat armrests, etc.
5 hrs |
1/12/02 |
- Sand and repaint instrument panel - touch up
- Second coat fleckstone on armrests, etc.
- Fleckstone interior of fuselage
- Clearcoat armrests, etc.
5 hrs |
1/13/02 |
- Clearcoat interior of fuselage
- Re-mask canopy for interior painting - sand smooth
- Prime 1 coat canopy interior
- Fleckstone 1 coat firewall cover
6 hrs |
1/14/02 |
- FLeckstone 1 coat canopy interior and firewall cover
- Gray wing walk on rear floor area
- Clearcoat firewall cover
1 hrs |
1/19/02 |
- Fleckstone one coat canopy interior
- Clearcoat canopy interior
- Wire intermediate cable for SL-40 COM radio
4 hrs |
1/20/02 |
- Install SL-40 mounting bracket in stack - cut IP for radio hole
- Mask fuselage for final paint - clean everything
- Preapre canopy for touch up
5 hrs |
1/21/02 |
- Paint fusealge top - 4 coats
5 hrs |
1/26/02 |
- Start at nose - clean, fix, install everything
- Micro-mesh LL windows in nose - install Landing Lights
- Install rudder pedals and master cylinders
- Install Nose Gear strut fairings - need new screws and washers
- Install instruments, canopy latches, ELT, altitude encoder
7 hrs |
1/27/02 |
- Install canopy
- Continue instrument installation
- Continue vacuum system installation
6 hrs |