LongEZ Plan Changes
CAUTION - This summary of plan and safety related changes for the LongEZ was extracted from Canard Pusher .
issues 24 through 82.  There are 150 plans changes given in this file (posted 9/2/2003)
There is no guarantee the list is complete or accurate. If errors or omissions are discovered, 
please contact Marc Borom at: borommarc@earthlink.net
and the list will be corrected.
This list extends the efforts of Joe Masone and Marc Borom through the addition of later CPs.  
Contributions were also made by Tim Crawford (sadly, now deceased)
Info from CP 83 through 108 compiled and contributed by Steve Stearns
The file may be copied into Excel and sorted by Chapter
Other useful links ez.org
Change #
Category CP # Location
In Plans
Chap. Pg Description
1   MAN-GRD 24 Section I 21 8 The Bendix fuel pump called out does not have a means of safetying the bottom cap.  This is done on certified aircraft as follows: Bend the small tab shown 90 degrees, drill a #50 hole in it, safety with .032 stainless safety wire, tied to the fitting.
2   MEO 24 Section I 19 10 Oops!  We forgot to include the tie downs in the Long-EZ plans.  Drill a 3/8" hole through the wings, 13" inboard along the leading edge, and 9.5" aft of the leading edge.  This will assure that you do not drill through the shear web, but will be just aft of the shear web.  Now flox a piece of aluminum tube into each wing, so that the tube is flush with the skins top and bottom.  3/8 O.D. x .049w  2024T3.  Obtain two AN4 bolts and make up a couple of removable tie downs as shown.  These can be stored in the centersection spar when not in use.
3   MEO 24 Section I     Sect VI See landing brake bushing revision below under VariEze plans change.
4   DES 24 Section I 21   Chap 7 & 21 See Safe-T-Poxy recommendation below for fuel.
5   MEO 25 Section I 5 1 Spacing between dimension on fuselage sides is 10", aft dimension is 3".
6   MEO 25 Section I 20 2 Add A,B,C, dimensions: A = 102.15"   B = 108.35" C = 118.35"
7   MEO 25 Section I BACK COVER   Wing root leading edge should be 113.9", not 113.4"
8   MEO 25 Section I 19 9 Step 9.  Second line should read "form the 0.7" rib by removing foam with a rotary file".
9   MEO 25 Section I 19 6 Step 6.  Third line down LWA7 should be LWA2.
10   MEO 25 Section I 19 6 Lower right paragraph, LWA7 should be LWA2.
11   MEO 25 Section I 19 7 Bottom right, 3 lines up, LWA7 should be LWA2.
12   MEO 25 Section I 19 8 Bottom left, 2 lines up, LWA8 should be LWA7.
13   MEO 25 Section I 20 1 Step 1.  Third line down, Add page A3 and A14.
14   MEO 25 Section I 2 2 Airframe bolts AN3-11 should be AN3-11A
15   MEO 25 Section I 2 1 Tools.  Change "2 pcs 16 x 48" to "One piece 1/16" or 1/8" thick x 24" x 48"
16   MEO 25 Section I 10 2 Clarification:  Remove the word "centerline" two places, W.L. 19.4 is correct, but is not centered on the shear web.
17   MEO 25 Section I 4 2 Bottom right:  Clarification:  "both sides" means "left and right, on the forward face only"!  The foam doubler goes on aft face, with no additional plies at this time.  See Section A-A, B-B and C-C on page A3.
18   MEO 25 Section I 3 3 Jig table size omitted - add 3 ft x 11 ft.
19   MEO 25     A4 Engine mount extrusions "Chapter 6" should be "Chapter 14", 2 places.
20   MEO 25     A5 Clarification:  The 15 ply BID pad for the aft gear attach angle should stop at W.L. 12.35 (Don't glass above 12.35)(Chap 5).
21   MEO 25 Section I 2 4 Metal. "3 ft of 1.8 x 1" x 1" should be "3 ft of 1/8" x 1" x 1" aluminum angle"
22   MEO 25 Section I   A3 Correction.  Hole for gear retract drive tube should be 1" to the right of CL.
23   MEO 25 Section I 13 6 NG 31 is called out of R45 dark blue foam, should be R100 1/4" red foam, see page 2-3.  Also note on page 2-3 that F28 can easily be cut in one piece from the instrument panel foam sheet.
24   MEO 25 Section I BACK COVER   Back Cover Nose gear CL is a W.L. -22 not -23.
25   DES 25 Section I 4 3 Aluminum can be substituted for the steel firewall, don't install fiberfrax now.  Wait until after cowling installation.  This allows you to wrap the fuselage skin around onto plywood and allows you to layup the 1 ply inside lip on the cowl lip.
You will then have to remove things bolted to the firewall to install the fiberfrax and aluminum.  Install fiberfrax with silicone rubber, not epoxy.
25 a DES 25 Section I 2 2 See changes for page 4-3
26   OPT 25 Section I     To save work and weight substitute UND for BID on centersection spar as shown on page 4 of this newsletter.
27   DES 25 Section I     For rough or grass fields and to relieve stress on nosegear components, install the spring assembly (page 8) in place of the NG 9/10A rod.
28   MEO 25 Section I 14 2 Step 4.  Outboard LWA 1 (sketch on left center of page) 1.0" dimension should be to outside of CS 5 and 8, not inside.  Change inside dimension to 0.75".  Be sure to transition edges of all metal parts with flox.
29   MEO 26 Section I 16 3 CS119 should be 4.1" not 3.1"
30   MEO 26 Section I 10 3 Upper right drawing #3 holes should be 1/4".
31   MEO 26 Section I 19 5 Lower left paragraph, 3 plies should be 2 plies.
32   MEO 26 Section I 19 3 Last paragraph, third sentence between "at" and "12" add "the correct place at the wing top.  Hot wire "0" to".
33   MEO 26 Section I 11 2 Lower left side, 3 lines up - should be 2 strips, not 3 strips.
34   MEO 26 Section I 2 1 LMGA is used in Chapter 5 not Chapter 9.
35   MEO 26 Section I 9 1 Landing brake paragraph - after the word "installation" add the words "and other important landing brake details".
36   MEO 26 Section I 19 15 Clarification:  CS127 can be made from the drawings on these two pages.  Use .032" 2024T3 aluminum.
36   MEO 26 Section I 19 16 Clarification:  CS127 can be made from the drawings on these two pages.  Use .032" 2024T3 aluminum.
37   MEO 26 Section I 8 1 Sides of roll over structure should be 13" not 12.7".
38   MEO 26 Section I 10 3 Two places, cut 12 pcs. UND should be, cut 6 pcs. UND.
39   MEO 26 Section I 26 1 VariEze canopy (Chapter 22) should be "Long-EZ canopy (Chapter 10)".
40   MEO 26 Section I 16 3 The AN 315-3 jamb nut shown is not supplied in the bill of materials.  It is satisfactory to substitute a MS21042-3 nut.  Run a 10-32 tap through the MS nut before installation.
41   MAN-GRD 26 Owners Manual   33 After "70 to 80 psi" add "75 to 85 psi for 6-ply tires".
42   OPT 27 Section I 4 2 Add "alternate the BID and UND plies that reinforce the sides of the forward face of F-22".  Note:  Modification is not required if you have already installed these without alternating.
43   MEO 27 Section I 18 7 Lower right "to firewall bulkhead" should be "to aft end of canopy frame FS 117" (two places).  See page 18-5.
44   MEO 27 Section I 10 1 Step 1 paragraph two Refers to two 7 x 14 x 41 blocks (two places), change this to one block.
45     27 Section I 9 3 Move the 3/8" holes in all four extrusions up 0.4".  Also modify outlines to maintain original edge distances around the 3/8" hole.  This moves the entire main gear up 0.4", resulting in an improved gear-fuselage juncture reducing aerodynamic drag.
46   OPT 27 Section I     Revise F28 bulkhead by moving the longeron notch down 0.25".  This raises F28, for better fit to canopy.
47   DES 27 Section I     Due to a probable rubbing of the rudder cable on the aileron pushrod, the left hand rudder pulley bracket should be moved up 0.6".  If you have already mounted the 3 bolts in the firewall such that you cannot make this change, you can provide cable clearance by carefully bending the rudder pulley bracket to move the pulley aft approximately 0.2".  Bend as shown below.
48   DES 27     A4 Increase size of firewall at top as shown to assure adequate height to fit cowling.
49   MEO 27 Section I 22 6 On circuit breakers, change "roll trim" to "fuel pump".
50   MEO 27 Section I 7 1 Section A-A.  This sketch is not accurate.  See page A2 for the correct full size drawing.  Also note LPC #46 in this CP.
51   MEO 27 Section I 10 1 Step 1 Refers to Chapter 13 for winglets, should be Chapter 20.
52   MEO 27 Section I 8 1 Roll over structure assembly 4.5" should be 4.0", moving shoulder harness insert outboard 1/2".
53   MEO 27 Section I 2 1 Add CLI and NG5 to Brock list.
54   MEO 28 Section I 24 1 Step 1, 3rd paragraph, glass with one ply of BID.
55   MEO 28   2 2 Bill of Materials AN970-4 Washers, should be 11 not 5.
56   MAN-GRD  Clarification CP #25 28 Section I     Page 6  Lower right corner.  Long-EZ spar cap thickness.  This box must be complied with.  Several builders have ignored this.  Do not omit this, you must have the prescribed amount of glass in the spar caps, in both the centersection spar and the wings.
57   MEO 28 Section I 3 23 Wet out Delete this paragraph entirely and add the following:  WET OUT - Squeegee cloth from center outward aligning the the fibers straight and removing wrinkles.  Pull the outside edges to straighten any wrinkles.  Brush or stipple epoxy into any dry areas or pour on additional epoxy and squeegee out uniformly.  Check for excess epoxy "ridge" with the squeegee.  (page 3-11).
58   MEO 28     A5 On the main gear mounting pads bottom of page, two places shows only 1 ply.  Should be 15 plies of BID.
59   MEO 28 Section I 21 6 Section F-F  The outside strips of UND glass, the third ply in layup #7 and #9 (shown on Page 21-4) has been omitted.  This should be shown on Section F-F (on the outside of the tanks, directly above layup #4 directly below #3).
60   MEO 28 Section I 21 3 Fifth paragraph.  1/4 - 27 NTP should be 1/8 - 27 NTP
61   MEO 28 Section IIL   37 Lycoming Engine Installation, bill of materials.  Engine mount hardware - under 8 #71032 rubber bushings, add:  OR 8 #6083 rubber bushings. 
This choice will depend on the size hole machined into your engine.#71032 for 1" diameter hole and #6083 for 7/8" diameter hole.
62   MEO 28 Owners Manual   24 Add maximum landing brake extension speed - 95 kts.
63   MEO 28 Section IIC   3 Lycoming Engine Installation.  Third paragraph on the right.  MA3-SPA should be MA3-PA.
64   DES 28 Section I 19 17 Snub the aileron hinge pins per instructions in this newsletter.
65   MAN-GRD 29 Section I     There are indications that the back injury noted on accidents (pg 3) may have been caused by the center speed brake diagonal bulkhead being forced through the seat back after failure of the landing gear and the airplane's belly impacted the ground.  Refer to the sketch and remove the portion of the plywood bulkhead (part #LB9) shown to allow it to collapse without piercing the seat bulkhead.  Double check that the speed brake arm (#LB20 & #LB2) does not go over center with speed brake down - recheck the 40 lb. closure force.
66   MEO          
67   MEO 29 Section I 5 3 Nuts on the AN6-80A bolt should be AN363-624, not MS21042-6.
68   MEO 29 Section I 4 1 Note at the foot of the page.  Remove "NOT" so that it reads, "micro slurry is used on this type R45 foam.  We do recommend slurry to be used on all of the various foams in a Long-EZ.
69   MEO 29 Section IIL   14 Conical engine mount.  The 7/8" O.D. x .049 cross brace tube must be moved down in order to clear the fuel pump.  It is shown in the correct position on page 15.
70   MEO 29 CP#28   8 Under builder hints, UND layups on the fuselage sides should be + 30 not + 45.  This is shown correctly in the plans.
71   MEO 29 Section I 2 1 Add to Ken Brock parts list - 4 spacers A4-84 and 2 nuts J1.25 (axle spacers and nuts).
72   MEO 29 Section VI   2 Landing Brake - part number LB10 should be changed to make the "ear" 1/2" longer to avoid interference with LB3.  If you bought this LB10 part from Ken Brock, this change has already been accomplished.
73     29 Owners Manual   66 checklist - After "canopy-locked" add "visually confirm proper canopy latch engagement and proper safety catch engagement".
74     29 Owners Manual   47 Add, CAUTION prop bolts - recheck torque (180 in.-lbs.) before next flight when a transition is made from a wet climate (high humidity) to dry conditions.  Wood shrinkage in dry environment can loosen prop bolts and result in flight loss of the entire propeller.
75   MAN-GRD 30 Section I 9 1
The axle bolt location in the sketch on the lower left is not accurate.  See sketch below.  Warning - Note that the 1/16" clearance between the main gear strut and the brake caliper is a mandatory requirement.  The caliper must not be able to touch the strut or the wheel pant or you could have an intermittent brake or even a brake failure.  The caliper must not be able to touch the strut or the wheel pant or you could have an intermittent brake or even a brake failure.
LPC #75 Ensure a minimum of 1/16" clearance between gear strut and brake caliper.  
76     30 Section I 11 5 See detail page 5.4 should read "see detail page 11-4".
77     30 Section I 19 18 Step 11. "Refer to chapter 6 and 7" should be "refer to pages 14-8 and 14-9".
78     30 Section I ? ? Antennas.   Nav. antenna DES should be cut into two equal lengths from a 48" piece.  Change the length to 22.8" long, not 24".
79     30 Section I 2 4 Chapter 13 material list. SC fiberglass strut cover is listed twice.
80     30     A5 2" x 2" x 1/4" aluminum ext. shown full size page 18-3, should be page 9-3.
81   MAN-GRD 30 Section I 19 14 Section E-E. Detail A shows the rodend bolt on the CS 132L belhorn reversed.  Anytime a rodend is cantilevered off one side of a belhorn, the bolt head must be on the belhorn side, see sketches below:
LPC #86, MAN/10HRS Reinforcement of top tab welded to the rudder pedal.
82     30 Section I 5 2 Step 2.  One ply of BID extend entire 103" length, this ply of BID should be at 45 degree and can be in several pieces.
82 a Clarification 35 Section I 5 2 Plans Change LPC #82, CP 30, page 9.  This has been causing some confusion.  This change was simply to clarify the orientation of the one ply BID called out in Section I, page 5-2.  This ply is not an addition.  It goes full span along the longerons and l
83     30 Section I 9 4 The AN960-1018 washers called out should be AN960-1016 and are not called out in the bill of materials on page 2-4.  Add 4 more AN960-1016 to the 2 washers called out.
84 a MEO 30 Section I 21 5 Step 10. We omitted to tell you to micro a urethane foam block (2 lbs.ft3 green) to the 'flat' leading edges of the strakes, see page 21-7, cure, then carve to match proper leading edge contour (ribs R23, R45 and the wing).
Slurry the foam and lay up two plies of UND crossing each other at 45 degrees to the leading edge of the strakes.  Lap this layup 1/2" onto the strakes top and bottom.
85   MEO 30     A5 To right. "shown full size, page 18.3" should be "page 9-3".
86   MAN 10hrs 30   13 3 Rudder pedal weldments. Before 10 hours of flight the top tab welded to the rudder pedal (see section I, page 13-3) must be reinforced per Figure 2, page 5 this newsletter.
Also change the full size drawings on page 13-3 to show the top tab per Figure 1, page 5 this CP.
87     30 Section I 13 4 Change wall thickness on NG17 to .188.  Change wire diameter of spring to .083.
88   MEO 31 Section I 19 16 Part #CS127 is made from .032 2024T3 aluminum.
89   MEO 31 Section I 9 3 Sketch on lower left of page shows brake line run between the gear strut and brake disc.  This is incorrect.  The brake line must run around the inboard face of the strut.  This puts the strut between the brake disc and the brake line.
90   MEO 31 Section I 20 4 Step 6, says see Section III, this should read, see page 22-3.
91   MEO 31 Section I 19 ? Covers for the access holes, three each side, for wing attachment can be fabricated out of .016 aluminum sheet, painted to match you airplane.  To install, stick over the hole using a small bead of RTV (silicone, clear silicone rubber sealant by Dow Corning is best). The covers should be taped or weighted into position and left to cure for at least 24 hours.  They are water-tight and keep the rain out of the attach area.  If you need to remove them later, a razor blade will easily cut them loose.
92   MEO 31 Section IIL     Oops!  We neglected to cover installation of the ram inlet scoop.  This prefab part should be installed onto the bottom cowl, permanently.  It is floxed into place, and has a flush "pop" rivet approximately every 2" around the flange.
After cure, one ply of BID is layed up inside lapping 1" onto the cowl and the ram inlet.
93   MEO 31 Section IIL   36 Bottom left. AN823-4D should be AN816-4, also aeroquip 496-4 should be 491-4.
94   MAN 25hr 31 Section IIL   36 Remove the following aluminum fittings: AN822-6-2D  2 ,  AN816-6D  2,  AN823-6D  1,  AN912-1D  1,  AN823-4D   1 And -Install the following steel substitute fittings: AN822-6-2    2 , AN816-6  2,  AN823-6  1,  AN912-1   1, AN823-4   1.
Refer to the adjacent circled items from Section IIL, page 36 to identify affected parts.  Make the appropriate changes to Section IIL, pages 13, 18 and 37.
95   DES 32 Section I 16 2 Step 3, paragraph 1, last sentence.  Pivot hole drilled to 23/64" (0.359).  This results in an extremely tight interference fit,(0.016) and it would work better using a letter "U" drill (0.368) & better yet if you then ran a 3/8" press fit reamer (approximately 0.373) through the hole.
96   MEO 32 Section I 21 5 Drawing at lower left. Material for fuel valve mounting bracket should be 0.062 2024-T3 aluminum.  The fuel valve handle should be trimmed down to clear the instrument panel.
97   MEO 32     A14 lower winglet, tip template. The arrow pointing inboard is correct, the words, "this side for lt......", etc. are reversed.  The side shown is for the right winglet, transfer numbers to the other side for left.
98   OBS 32 Section I 22 6 Center drawing. Delete "yaw trim bracket".
99   DES 32 Section I 14 10 Sections E-E, F-F, G-G & H-H.  The UND layup #3 & #4 are incorrectly shown to lap onto the CS7 & CS8 bulkheads.  The words describing this layup on page 14-2 are correct.
Layup #3 & #4 are layed up onto CS2 & CS3 in Sections E-E & F-F and only onto CS1 in Sections G-G & H-H.  Applies also to 14-11
100   MEO 32 Section IIL   6  
101   MEO 32 Section IIL   37 Add to the Brock parts list - two spacers, part #SP-5.  These spacers are used as stand-offs to bolt the gascolator to the firewall.
102   Clarification 32 Section IIL   37 CLARIFICATION.  Part #LL-4 is used to stand off the mixture cable clamp, and is shown as a 5/8" long stand off tube on page 16.
Part #LL-3 (page 37) is used inside the AN111-4 bushings in the throttle & mixture arms, and is shown as a 1/4" x 3/16" x .25" spacer on page 17.
103   DES 34 Owners Manual   21 First paragraph, "carbon dioxide-type" should be "dry type fire extinguisher".
104   MEO 34 Section I 20 2 Second paragraph, "3rd ply is on the upper surface only" change "surface" to "winglet" to clarify.
105   MEO 34 Section I 6 3 The 1" x .7" x 3" wood doubler should be glassed over with 1 ply BID at 45 degrees, lapping .4" onto F28, top longeron and fuselage side.
106   DES 34 Section I 22 3 System II with alternator.  The wiring diagram does not show an alternator circuit breaker between the B plus alternator terminal and the battery.  This protection is very important and the circuit breaker should be sized to the maximum output of the alternator.  For example a 35 amp alternator should have a 40 amp breaker.
107   MEO 34 Section I 19 8 Step 10 clarification.  The root of the aileron should be cut at 90 degrees to the trailing edge along the line on the top skin to the hinge line defined by the 5.9 dimension.
This cut is a vertical plane and will not pass through the point on the bottom skin that is defined by the 7.6" dimension.
108   MEO 35 Section IIL   7  The brake master cylinder is shown mounted on the inboard side of the CS73 bracket on Page 7, which is correct.  It is incorrectly shown outboard of CS73 on Page 13.
109   MEO 35 Section I 2 1 Add the following to the parts listed on page 2-1 of the Long-EZ plans under "custom prefab parts" by Ken Brock Mfg.;  Lycoming exhaust system, Dynafocal engine mounts,  Conical engine mounts,  A484 back up rings (4 required 2 each), JI.25 axle nuts (2 required),  LE2-LL landing light mount kit,  LMBG1 forward main gear attach brackets (2),  LMBG2 aft main gear attach brackets (2)
110     35 Owners Manual   22 Add the following to the Owners Manual, page 22 under "Engine Out" "A windmill start uses less altitude if you initially dive steeply to rapidly attain 135 knots"
111   MEO 36 Section I 16 4 Universal joint CS120, should be MS20271-B10, not AN271-B10
112   MEO 36 Section I 9 1 top right "Refer to Chapter 8" should read "refer to Chapter 14".
113   MEO 36 Owners Manual   32 Aileron mass balance - it reads "level to 10 degrees nose down", should read per Section I page 19-9 bottom left - "The aileron must hang between the angle that makes the bottom surface level and the angle that makes the top surface level after painting".
114   MEO 36 Section I 22 3 Gear and canopy warning wiring diagram.  For clarification add the correct call outs for each connection to each switch, i.e. C (common), NO (normally open), NC (normally closed).  See sketch pg 9.
115   MAN-GRD 36 Owners Manual   30 Bottom of the page add - "Builder experience has indicated that it may be possible to spin a Long-EZ when at or aft of the aft CG limit.  Analysis indicates that the spin mode or recovery would not be effected by power.   Recovery should be forward stick, rudder against rotation and ailerons neutral or with the spin rotation".
116 a   37 Owners Manual   30 Change aft limit from 104 to 103.
116 b Note a1   Section IIL     The engine installation plans update and supercede information in Section I.  Do not do any work aft of the firewall without having Section IIL in your hands.
116 c Note a2   Section IIL     Section IIL also has lots of information on engines, which may help you to make your selection.
116 d MAN-GRD 39 Section I 23 3 CAUTION:  A number of builders have not installed the metal shields in the wing root areas as called out in Section I, Page 23-3 of Long-EZ plans.
It is possible that exhaust system radiated heat can damage the foam in the root of the wing.  The metal shield eliminates this problem
117     40 Section IIL   10 The Lycoming #STD 619 washer should be replaced with an AN970-6 washer.  The Lycoming washer has too large a hole allowing it to slip over the 1.84" long spacer.  This allows the rubber bushings to be crushed more than they should be.
118     41 High Perf. Rudder   R2 Top left hand corner.  The sketch shows the hinge attach screws and nutplates to be on the rudder and the rivets to be on the winglet.  This is in fact reversed as can be seen in Photos #23 and #24.
The hinge should be permanently mounted into the rudder with rivets and the attach screws and nutplates should be in the winglet.    Clarification:  The dimensions shown are what we used to mount these rudders in 3 different Long-EZs and are correct.
The 39" dimension from the top of the rudder down to the "kink" in the rudder trailing edge is a reference dimension.  The "kink" in the rudder varies from plane to plane.
To lay out the rudders on your winglet, follow the instructions exactly as called out on Page R-1.
119     43 Section I 14 7 parts #LWA4 and LWA5. Increase the size on 8 LWA4 from 1 1/2" x 2" to 1 3/4" x 2" and on two LWA5 from 2" x 2" to 2 1/4" x 2".  The increase is in the vertical dimension and is to allow more leeway when drilling the 5/8" wing mounting holes.  Several builders have come very close to the edge of these parts, a couple have actually broken out.  Breaking out is cause for rejection.
120     43 Section IIL   6 Paragraph 2.  There should be 4 AN509-10R8 screws in each top attach point.  LPC #100, CP32, page 7 incorrectly called this out as 3 screws.
121     45 High Perf. Rudder     For new construction only - install the rudder cable conduit in the wing so that the conduit is 1.5" aft of where it is shown on the full sized pattern on Page A-12 of the large 'A' drawings supplied with Section I of the plans.
122   MEO 46 New Canard   B top right, third paragraph down.  AN2-21A bolt should be AN4-21A.  Also the 2 1/2" long spacer should be 1 3/4" long.
123   MEO 46 New Canard   C1 right corner of the page - the dimension 64" should be 65" and the dimension 10" should be 11".  The elevator lengths shown are correct and should NOT be cut down.
124   MEO 46 New Canard   C4 Shows 7 x 14 x 64 foam block.  Clarification:  FB-1 should be 7" x 10" x 54", FB-2 should be 7" x 9 1/2" x 14" and FB-3 should be 4" x 7" x 54" - NOTE:  Inboard cores (with spar troughs 54" long) are cut out of FB-1.
Outboard cores (no troughs) 11" long are cut from FB-2.  Elevators are cut out of FB-3.
125   MEO 46 New Canard   C4 calls out the length of the 3/16" stainless hinge pins, NC-8R as 36".  This is correct.  On page C, bottom right it is called out as 34", this is not correct but will work ok if you have already cut the material.
126   MAN-GRD 47       Vortilons on the leading edges of each main wing are mandatory - see this CP, Page 15
127     48       A mandatory inspection of your nylon brake lines is required before next flight.  If these brake lines have been directly exposed to radiating heat from the brake discs, or to sunlight (UV) they must be replaced.
128     48       Main gear attach.  Inspect with a mirror and a flashlight to determine if the gear attach tabs have slid aft on the LMGA steel tube.  We have received two reports of this from Long-EZ flyers.  This is not a structural problem, but may cause the nylon brake lines to be pinched between the trailing edge of the main gear strut and the fuselage side where the gear comes out of the fuselage.  If you find any evidence of movement in this area, please let us know.  Pry the gear forward to its proper position on the LMGA tube then fill the gap between the aft attach tab and the aft aluminum extrusion on each side with flox.  Allow to cure for 24 hours before flying.
129     48  New Canard Roncz 1145MS     The NC-2 elevator hinge inserts must be installed correctly as shown in the full size cross section drawing, page C1.  The hinge pin hole should be aft as shown.
130   MAN-GRD 49 Owners Manual   16 Add to owners manual page 16.  "Clear" idling engine every 15 seconds or so on the approach.  Also, always fly final with the speed brake and at an altitude to allow reaching the runway without the engine after retracting the speed brake.  Accounting for deceleration to the stall speed, this can be done from a 3 degree flight path at 1/2 mile final.
131   MAN-GRD 49       Modify the roll and yaw control systems between the firewall and the aluminum protective ribs at the wing roots by substituting 4130 steel or any stainless steel for all aluminum components with thickness less than 0.1 inches.  This includes tubes, pushrods (with inserts), pulley brackets and bellcrank brackets.  Apply Ocean No.1644 Flexibilized - Intumescent Fireproof Coating Compound to the engine-side surface of the aluminum wing root shield ribs.
(cont'd. in next block below)
131   MAN-GRD 49       Apply Ocean 1644 Intumescent to the aft surface of the centersection spar including interior flange surfaces between the existing firewall and the wing root rib.  If your Fiberfrax shield is aluminum rather than the stainless steel option,  coat its aft surface with Ocean 1644 Intumescent.  Inspect all fuel system plumbing and fuel system components for approved fireproof components.  Substitute approved fireproof components (steel or stainless) for any aluminum components and be sure that fireproof sleeves are used on all hose components.  Any exposed aluminum tubing or fittings should be corrected with approved stainless steel or steel aircraft fitting. 
132   MAN-GRD 51       If your gascolator bowl is aluminum, wrap it with approved fire sleeve material similar to the hose sleeves.
133   DES 54        
134   DES 55       Static ground for potential fire problems. See CP for details.
135   DES 57       Remove, inspect & if necessary, replace the Facet fuel boost pump per page 11 in this newsletter.  CP58 recomends Nylon foot valve on the inlet side and a nylon plunger valve on the outlet side are fuel-safe.
136   MAN GRD 57       Conduct an inspection or provide a certification that the elevator quality regarding correctness of laminate schedule, orientation of plies, numbers of plies and workmanship relative to the weight of the layup and straightness of the primary surface is correct See pg 8  Above all, be certain that your elevators meet the balance hanging angle of 12 to 20 degrees after painting.
137   MAN GRD 58       See Pg 8&9 on belhorn failure.  Replace aileron belhorns within the next 25 hours of  flight.  If ailerons are vibrating, you must re-balance.
138   MAN GRD 62     7 Inspect exhaust system every time cowl is removed or every 50 hours.
139   MAN GRD 63     10 Always fuel aircraft in level attitude when needing full fuel tanks.
140   MAN GRD 65       Polyurethane fuel and vent lines.  Mandatory Inspection before next flight.  Mandatory inspection of throttle/mixture springs.- See article this CP.
141   MAN GRD 66 9     INSPECTION Inspect elevator torque tubes for corrosion.
143   MAN GRD 71     5a PREFIGHT CHECKLIST  Check all skin surfaces of wings, canard, winglets and control surfaces for cracks, dents, or bulges and for evidence of interior foam damage (skin moves when you push on it or has a dull thud if tapped with a coin).  Do not fly if structure is damaged beyond the limits noted in the 25-hour inspection (page 46)
144   MAN GRD 71     5b COMPOSITE STRUCTURE  WARNING - The foam core in composite control surfaces, wings, canard and winglets is easily damaged by solvents, including solvents found in paint primer, most cleaning products and, of course, oils and fuel.  Never wash the structure with anything but soap and water.  The smallest invisible pinhole through the epoxy surface structure can allow intrusion of liquids or vapors that will attack the styrofoam core.  A void or dis-bond (separation from the skin) will weaken the structure and can result in a fatal accident.  The foam core can also be damaged by local concentrated loads such as a dropped tool or by using your shoulder to set the gear.  Never use a wing as a workbench or to stack luggage.  Treat all composite skins like eggshells.
145   MAN GRD 71     5c EACH 25 HOURS  Conduct a general inspection of all composite structure.  Any visible crack must be investigated to determine if it is only paint and filler damage or if it extends into the fiberglass structure.  All paint and filler cracks should be repaired or sealed to prevent water intrusion.  All fiberglass damage must be re-painted before flight.  Check skin surfaces for evidence of depressions or bulges that indicate a failure of the underlying foam core.  Note the integrity of the underlying core by pushing on the skin and tapping with a 25-cent coin.  Good core is indicated by a sharp "tap" or "knock" noise.  Bad core is indicated by a "dull thud".  Listen carefully as you tap and mark with a grease pen directly on the skin the boundary of any suspected dis-bond area.  Ground the aircraft if any core damage area is larger than the following:  Fuselage, wing/canard - 3" diameter.    Winglet, control surface outboard wing - 2" diameter.  Repair per instructions in the annual/100 hour below.
146   MAN GRD 71     5d ANNUAL/100 HOUR  Conduct a very careful 100% skin surface coin tap, surface stiffness and contour smoothness inspection.  Include interior areas in fuselage, cowl and wing with wings removed.  Repair all suspect areas (even 1" diameter ones) by drilling #50 holes and injecting epoxy in one side of the void/bulge/dent area until the epoxy vents out the bulge (any divergence from the intended smooth contour) must also be repaired and reinforced per the standard repair methods in the plans.
147   MAN GRD 73     10 Engine mount weldment inspection before next flight is required.  Using a bright light, carefully examine the tubing close to each weld in the entire weldment.  Look for hairline fractures or cracks.  See page 1, this CP.  Please report any cracking or failures found to RAF.  If at any time during flight you should feel any unusual vibration, land and check the engine mount for cracks.
148   MAN GRD 79     10 If you use a 6" long or longer prop extension, remove the cowling and spinner and carefully inspect the prop extension using a strong light.  Look for machine tool marks (chatter marks) in the two radii or a radius smaller than 1/4" or hairline cracking in the anodized finish in the radii.  This is particularly critical if you have a Lycoming 0-360 engine.  Discovery of any of these flaws is a ground-the-airplane problem. 
149   MAN GRD 82     14 Add High Density Altitude Takeoffs information to pilot’s handbook.
150   MAN GRD 82     15 Check fuel pump and carb for leaks which result in fire danger
      102       None (but discusses forthcoming changes)
151   MAN 25HRs 103       Replace the 8 -3 rod ends aft of the firewall with -4 parts.  See CP for details
152   MAN ??HRs 103       Addition of new Roll-over structure.  Either composite or per Bill Allen's tubing approach
153   MAN GND 106       Inspection of Elevators and new criteria - this is a modification to a previous change.
153   MAN GND 108       Further info on Elevator criteria for elevators on the Roncz canard.
154   MAN GND 109       Inspect for Corrosion
DES         Desired - strongly recommended but not requiring  grounding of the aircraft.
MAN-GRD         Mandatory.  Ground the aircraft.  Do not fly until the change has been accomplished.
MAN-XXHR         Mandatory.  Accomplish the change at next convenient  maintenance interval or within XX flight hours  whichever comes first.
MEO         Minor error or omission.
OBS         Obsolete by a later change.
OPT         Optional - does not effect flight safety.