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[Cozy MKIV Information]
Plans S/N ??? onward
(We're not really sure at what plans # the
switch was made to "Third Edition", but if you've got them,
you know it.) 
(Updates below include missed items from NL73
and All Items from NL74 through 84) -Thanks to
Israel Briggs for compiling this list
Table Of Contents
- There is an error in Newsletter 77-1.2. CS 115 Should Read
CS 117.
- Newsletter #77 indicates that the Third Edition plans are
updated through Newsletter #75. This is not accurate.
Newsletter #74 DESIGN CHANGES/CORRECTIONS were not included in
Third Edition.
- Newsletter #78 indicates that the Third Edition plans are
updated through Newsletter #75. This is not accurate.
Newsletter #74 DESIGN CHANGES/CORRECTIONS were not included in
Third Edition.
- Newsletter 83 provides two separate sections for DESIGN
update is made obsolete by the correction included in
Newsletter 84-2.1. This second section may be missed if the
reader is only expecting one DESIGN CHANGES/CORRECTIONS
section as is normally found.
- Newsletter 84-2.1 provides no index to the plans where
MKNG-15 is referenced. This diagram was updated in Newsletter
80-12.1 and may be located in Chapter 13 on Page 10. The Entry
in Newsletter 84 makes obsolete the reference in Newsletter
- Chap. 1, p.2, Change the area code for Co-Z Dev. from (602)
to (480).
- Page 2, Step 2, 4th sentence, add after: back to the
firewall, “except remove all the foam on the outside of the
upper longeron and LWY starting at a point 5.5 inches forward
of the firewall, and taper the foam down to where it is
removed along the longeron and LWY so the glass will conform
(refer to M-7 and M-8)”.
- Page 4, Step 4, para. 2, change last sentence to read: “From
this point the curvature gradually transitions to DD just
ahead of the center section spar cut-out”.
CHAPTER 8: Shoulder Support/Seat
- Chap. 8, p.3, Step 7, 1st para. Where it says to install
with 5-min. epoxy, change to install with flox.
- Chap. 8, p.3, fig. 15. Change 1-7/16R to 1-7/16D.
- Chap. 10, p.2, Fig. 17: Delete W.L. 19.4.
- Chap. 11, p. 3: On NC-3, change 2.3” to 2.0”.
- Chap. 11, p. 3. Change NG-12 to NC-12.
- Chapter 13, page 10, Fig. 43: In the early 90s, the clamp
plate MKNG-2 was changed from a flat aluminum plate to a
hat-shaped .090 steel plate, so the nose wheel would be able
to swivel 360 degrees, but Fig. 43 was never updated to show
this change. At a somewhat later date, the MKNG-15A casting
was changed to make the ears longer and stronger, but again
Fig. 43 was not revised. A new Fig. 43 showing both of these
changes is shown above. Please copy this figure and paste it
over the figure on Chap. 13, page 10.
- OBSOLETE CHANGE!!! --> It is recommended that builders
drill a 3/16” hole through the side of MKNG-6 and strut and
install an AN-3 bolt of the proper length and nut to prevent
the MKNG-15A assembly from coming loose from the strut and
departing the aircraft in the event of nosewheel shimmy (see
article entitled NOSEWHEEL FRICTION DAMPER later in this
newsletter). It will also help to make the MKNG-15A assembly
attachment more secure to dimple the strut and fitting before
floxing the fitting in place.
- It is recommended that builders drill a 3/16” hole through
the side of MKNG-15 (not MKNG-6 as reported in NL #83) and
strut and install an AN-3 bolt of the proper length and nut to
prevent the MKNG-15A assembly from coming loose from the strut
and departing the aircraft in the event of nosewheel It will
also help to make the MKNG-15A assembly attachment more secure
to dimple the strut and fitting before floxing the fitting in
- Chap. 14, p. 4, Step 10, 4th para., change 2nd sentence to
read: “When everything is perfect, lay up a 5 ply BID tape
spar to LWY, inside and out, both sides, as shown on M-8, and
a 5 ply BID tape spar to longeron, inside and out, both sides
as shown on M-7”.
- Chapter 14, p. 2, Step 3. One sentence is out of order,
suggesting that there might be two reinforcing layups (layup
3). Move the sentence starting with, “Now, apply the local
reinforcements (layup 3)………” and insert it AFTER the following
sentence, which starts with, “The first ply of BID is layed
up………..” Sorry if this has caused any confusion. I must have
written it in the wee hours of the morning.
- Section II, Preface p. 2, Misc.: Change (10) MM-3 rod ends
to (10) HM-4 rod ends.
- Section II, Preface p. 3, Chap.16: Change (10) MM-3 rod ends
to (10) HM-4 rod ends.
- Section II, Bill of Materials: The Nicopress sleeves
recommended appear to be the 28-1-C Zinc plated ones. Third
Edition Plans show the obsolete version 18-1-C. The bill of
materials for basic materials was updated, but the BOM by
chapter does not show the change. Also change references in
Chapter 16 and 17.
- Chapter 24: change 14 pop-rivits to 48 rivet

- Chapter 24: change 12 inch piano hinge to 32 inch

- In Chap. 16, p. 2, the plans show the bearings for the
aileron torque tubes inside the fuselage, CS 108 and CS 115
(This should say CS 117), to be made from ¼” thick phenolic.
These are quite acceptable, however, inexpensive bearings
FMN10 may be substituted, in which case the holes in bearing
blocks CS-109 and CS-118 must be relocated and enlarged to
accept AN-4 bolts.
- Chap. 16, p. 1, Sch. B. Change 8.7 for CS-129 to 9.1.
- Chap. 16, p. 1: Change CS-50 from AN-3 rod end insert to
AN-4 rod end insert
- Chap. 16, p. 2: Change CS-50 from drill and tap 10-32 to
drill and tap 1/4-28.
- Chap. 16, p. 4: Change view G-G from MM-3 to HM-4, and all
related AN-3 hardware to AN-4 hardware.
- Chap. 16 text: Change any reference to MM-3 rod ends to HM-4
rod ends.
- Chap. 19, p. 14, the plans show the bearings in the wing rib
for the aileron torque tubes to be made from ¼” thick
phenolic. These are quite acceptable, however, inexpensive
bearings FMN10 may be substituted, in which case they must be
floxed and glassed in place. Thank you, M. White.
- Chap. 19: Change any reference to MM-3 rod ends in text or
drawings to HM-4 rod ends.
- Chapter 23, p. 9: Change AN3-10A to AN3-4 or 5A.
- Chapter 23, p. 6, Step 4, after the 1st para. add this: “If
the pipes are not tightly supported going through the rear
baffle (zero clearance), they can shake, fatigue, break, and
go through the prop. For insurance against this, bind together
both pipes on each side with a stainless worm hose clamp on
the engine side of the baffle”.
- Chapter 23, p. 10, Fig. 40: Add a note that the baffle shown
for cylinder #4 is upside down.
- Page 1, Delete the reference to upholstery kits available
from Alexander Aircraft.
- M Drawing Changes, M-8, Section EE (page 73-14 or last)
Update not included in the Third Edition Plans. Text varies
slightly from recommended change.
- The optimum angle of incidence for the Roncz canard is the
angle that puts the elevators in trail (0 degrees) or slightly
reflexed in cruise at a mid c.g. But a number of builders have
reported that they have carefully set their canard incidence
using template F on M-17, and yet their elevators are 3 or
more degrees trailing edge down at cruise with a mid c.g.
Apparently the template F on drawing M-17 does not produce the
recommended result, so it has been modified as shown to the
right. Please copy this new template and paste it over the old
template F on drawing M-17. If you are satisfied with the way
your airplane performs, it is not necessary for you to change.
But new builders should use this new template.
- The elevator travel checking template G on drawing M-18 has
been modified to agree with the new template F described above
and is shown on the next page of this newsletter, 80-3. Please
copy this new template and paste it over the old template G on
drawing M-18.
- The nosegear LST shock strut assembly shown on Chap 13,p. 3,
is exactly as designed by RAF for the Long-EZ and as supplied
by Brock Mfg. The LST strut shown on drawing M-10 is not
correct, because it is ½” shorter. We don’t know how this
happened. There is enough adjustment, however, so ½” longer
should not cause a problem.
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[Cozy MKIV Information]
Last Updated Online: February 21,